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..::Alois's POV::..
"Ciel Phantomhive, I love you!" Never have I ever regretted telling someone my feelings as much as now. Ciel was clearly dead frozen at the words I said, becoming completely flustered.

"You mean it, right? Like, you aren't faking..?" He asked with his flushed red cheeks, looking up at me. I held his cheek and shook my head.

"I'm not faking.." I only got even more shocked when Ciel pecked my lips. He quickly hid his face, I chuckled to myself seeing him as embarrassed as this.

"W-Well, I love you too.." He admitted. My eyes widened in shock as I unconsciously kissed him without realizing. Thankfully he kissed back. We pulled away and chuckled as I heard Ciel mumbling something like "what are we..?" He looked up at me with his sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks. God he was gorgeous. Before I answered, I picked him up and began spinning him around. I stopped once I saw him starting to get dizzy. I kissed his nose and plopped him onto the bed.

"Hm..that depends. Since I love you and you love me then..maybe we should become lovers or something- u-unless you don't want to.." I gave out the ideas, he fell backwards on the bed and closed his eyes. I sat down next to him, beginning to feel light headed and dizzy. I closed my eyes thinking that it was going to go away and it did. I got up and excused myself out of his room, trying to balance myself from falling. 'Tch, damn. I'll go to the mall today since nothing else is happening..' I nodded and changed into suitable clothes. I walked back down to Ciel's room and knocked asking him if wanted to come. He nodded and told me he would be a bit, I understood and went back to my room, grabbing my wallet..which was practically empty and phone. I brushed my hair and raced down the stairs at least I had enough money for the bus. I waited for Ciel and told Sebastian we were leaving. Ciel waved goodbye and put his arm through mine, creating a chain between us. We got to the bus stop and waited for about what seemed 10 minutes until the bus arrived. We got on and waited for our stop to get off. We got off and stared at the giant mall in awh, instead of the chain we changed to holding hands and walking into stores. Many things seemed to interest Ciel and I always smiled at his excitement towards them. He and I were walking until, Ciel bumped into Pigtails and started picking a fight due to what happened a month ago. They were yelling and hitting each other and damn Ciel didn't last long since pigtails over here punched his nose almost breaking it, he fell to the ground. I ran over to him, holding him tightly and growled at the girl, picking him up bridal style and taking him outside after attracting too much attention. 'Damn..that was close..'

Still holding Ciel, I grabbed my phone and one hand dialled Sebastian. After speaking with him he told me to wait three minutes. 'Three minutes? No way, it took at least an hour to get here on the bus. Plus, the manor was far away from here.' Soon enough after waiting a total of three minutes he was there. I sighed and got in still holding Ciel, since Sebastian opened the door for me. The bad thing was that, pigtails punched him unconscious. I buckled up and held Ciel in my lap, creasing his cheek and making my way to his soft lips. I grinned and kissed him softly, knowing that he was asleep I pulled away. I couldn't help myself. He was beautiful when he was asleep, he looked so peaceful. Before I knew it, his eyes fluttered open, since I took his eyepatch off for his safety.

"Good morning sleepy head~" I chimed into his ear, moving away from his face. He rubbed his eye for a slight second then stopped and winced in pain. I gave him a look of worry. "You shouldn't have done that.." he glared at me then looked up at the car ceiling.

"Urgh, I don't care...where are we going anyways?" He asked with an annoyed tone which was clearly in pain.

"Ah-..home? The hospital?" I got utterly confused since I didn't ask Sebastian to go anywhere so I wondered where we were going. Ciel sighed, letting out a small 'tch' from pain and looked at his butler who was driving.

"Sebastian, where are we going?" He asked in his normal voice as his butler gave a small glance at him. He wouldn't reply no matter how many times Ciel demanded.

Sebastian finally stopped the car and opened the door for us. Before Ciel could even try and get out by himself, I picked him up once again and got out being blinded by the light again then my eyes got used to it revealing..The manor. "Seriously, Sebastian?!" I hit him, anger fuming from my ears. I stopped when I heard small giggles become louder and louder until it was a full laugh. I looked down at him and smiled warmly as he slowly stopped with tears of laughter formed in his eyes. Once he stopped I took him inside practically being engulfed by the servants, hearing several 'are you alright, young master?' And 'what happened, young master?!' I laughed nervously telling them that it was alright and broke away, taking him to his room. I placed him carefully onto his bed as he quickly pecked my lips, looking at me with a grin. I kneeled down next to him, hearing him whisper something softly into my ear.

"I love you.." he closed his eyes and fell asleep. He needed the rest since he got into so much for me..

'Rest well my angel..'
3/3 T^T I'm sorrrryyyy!! I could only make two chapters yesterday due to my fricking writers block..CRUSE YOU!! Ugh, but hey! I got the last chapter out on Christmas so, yeee it's pretty late though so...anyways, when I came back to Wattpad I noticed that this story was EXPLODING! Like holy crap guys! ;v; I love you all so much ♥︎ I look forward to seeing you all in the next chapter~ bye bye for now~ ps. Sorry this one was shorter the the rest..

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