
551 22 1

..::Ciel's POV::..
..::Before arriving::..
..::Location: The Car::..

I turned the radio off as soon as the next song came on. I groaned lightly as Sebastian looked over at me worried written on his face, while he kept an eye on the road. I shook my head as to say I'm fine, I looked out at the side mirror noticing Alois staring out the window, looking at the scenery. I accidentally let a small smile slip onto my face just by paying attention to his beautiful icy blue eyes.

I snapped back to reality when the car door opened, Sebastian helped me out at the same time as Alois got out on his own and raced up the stairs looking like he was in a hurry. I began growing suspicious but didn't take to mind on chasing him so I took my time getting up the stairs. I walked up to the door and opened it hearing another door slam closed also hearing a light 'sorry' followed by it. I walked up the other large pair of stairs and down the hallway in which his room was down. Before I knocked, I heard him rummaging through something but then it stopped and heard him starting to brush his hair- or something. I finally decided to knock. "Alois are you okay?-I mean, I don't care but still." I strongly felt like he was panicking on the other side.

"Yeah! -yeah, I'm fine don't worry I'm just laying on my bed boredly! You can go back to whatever you were doing!" I sighed lightly and left, going to my bedroom and flopping onto the bed. I closed my eyes quickly remembering my meeting with Elizabeth, I gasped and got up rushing into a new pair of clothes, brushing my hair. I slightly tripped on the way out due to my height and choice of shoes, I closed my door seeing Tanaka roaming around. I asked him to check on Alois to see if he really WAS okay and to report back to Sebastian so he could text me. I practically skipped down the stairs as fast as I could, grabbing my coat and walking out with Sebastian to the car. He opened the door and I got in, checking my phone to see the text of the address. "1376 hive lane." I told him and he nodded, starting the car.

..::Time Skip::..
..::Location: present::..
We locked eye contact. I started feeling a stinging pain in my eyes conjuring up tears. I looked down then back up to regain myself, looking away from Alois and stopped paying attention to him. I smiled greeting the woman again, she offered me to sit near him but I declined. I didn't want to be near him. He probably didn't want to be near me since he snuck out without telling me.. I sat down on the couch far away from Alois and took out my phone. Tanaka reported Alois missing, I calmed down and told Sebastian that he was with me.

'Sebastian, I found Alois..he's here with me.'

'Alright. When will you two be back?'

'Just me..Alois clearly doesn't want to come back.'

'Oh? Is young master gaining feelings?'

'Oh, shut up you! No. I am not. Goodbye!'
-Bocchan has logged off-

I turned my phone off huffing in anger as the blonde's face appeared he looked clueless and saddened at the same time. He sat down next to me, still staring as I moved further away from him, I saw him pout. I looked over at him and gave him a glare of 'I don't care.' He opened his mouth as to speak but with my boiling anger take over I slapped and pushed him off the couch, walking upstairs and slamming the door of my temporary room. After an hour or two my boiling anger disappeared and turned into grief. I didn't understand what was happening nor would I ever, I laid down on the floor clenching onto my hair and digging my nails into my skull. 'What's happening to me..?' My mind questioned as I sat up, suddenly feeling tatters of salty wet liquid dripping down from my chin and onto my knees realizing that I was crying those tears turned into soft sobs. I wasn't understanding what was happening, I didn't care about the blonde and I never will! He is just a person I took in to live with me until he finds a home again! I thought for awhile and stopped sobbing, wiping my tears away and pulling out my phone.

I dialled Sebastian and waited for him to impatiently answer.

"Bocchan, what do you need? Would you like me to pick you up?" He asked in his normal tone.

"Yes..please get here quickly I do not want to face Alois again.." I ordered as he hummed an answer, hanging up. I leaned against the wall for a moment to regain myself, I looked in the large mirror in front of me and seeing my red eye from crying. I took my eyepatch off since it was bugging me to reveal my ugly purple eye. I hated it. I covered it up after my parents passed. It was a strong reminder of them and I didn't like it, I sighed and saw that Sebastian was here already. I unlocked my door, quietly going downstairs trying very hard not to get noticed by the blonde, but failing to do it. I was about to escape when I heard his voice from behind me, causing me to flinch but not look back.

"Ciel, wait.." I ignored him, opening the door and quickly shutting it before he could say another word or step out with me. Why was he even there? Why wasn't Elizabeth there? The anger that I thought was gone came back stronger as I stormed down the driveway and into the car. I told Sebastian to get home immediately, not to wait for Alois. Nothing. He followed my orders as expected from my high class butler. He questioned why my eyepatch was off, I didn't reply. Yes, I was that pissed.

As soon as I opened the door to the manor I threw my coat off and stomped up to my room. I screamed into a pillow until my lungs hurt, I hid under my covers for so long. No one came for one cared about me..

I chose this life and now I'm paying for it..

A/N: Hey, hey, heyyyy hope you enjoyed this slightly sad chapter IM SORRRYYY ;0; I was struggling because I was just going into this chapter without any ideas and it was starting to backfire on me ;-; but it worked out in the end! Uh- OH YEAH! Next chapter will be in Alois pov starting after Ciel left. If you're wondering how Alois felt after the slap well, let me say this: he was crushed he knew ciel didn't care for him but man this hit him hard (literally) in the feels..

Lie. ♡CIELOIS♡ ~COMPLETED~Where stories live. Discover now