Excuse me?

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..::Alois' POV::..

I stood in silence as the many eyes of the classroom felt disgust. The teacher told me to get to my seat and I did but, it was extremely close to Ciel..I could tell that he didn't want this, I was about to tell the teacher to move me until the blonde with giant pigtails stopped me and went back to work. I did the same but I tried not dragging my attention to the bluenette who stood out in this class full of blondes and brunettes. I had trouble focusing until pigtails caught me trying not to stare at Ciel, she smirked and started writing something down on a piece of paper and started whispering somethings to Ciel. I stopped paying attention to her seeing as she just went back to work, until I noticed her placing a note into my pocket.

"What are you doing?" I whisper yelled only she could hear, an innocent smile creeped up her face. She began pointing at the note in my pocket and opened her mouth only to hear the bell ring for second period. She pouted as she watched Ciel get up and grab her, taking her away to the next class. I huffed a short sigh, getting my stuff and walking to the next class..since no one has noticed me yet because they're probably focused on getting to class, I decided to take out the note and read it. I paused for a moment, looking up seeing those bastard people who bullied me. I quickly ran away out of their sight without them recognizing me and slipped into my next class. Ms.Annafellows was nice and cared about me and if I was alright since I ran into class, I just nodded and sat at my seat, starting to read the note again because I was interrupted by the bastards.

'1376 hive lane 2 hours after school. Don't be late now you don't want Ciel to wait for 'me' now, right?' The note read. I sighed, mentally facepalming and managing to rummage the note back into my pocket and shaking my head slightly finally deciding to pay attention to the lesson.

..::Time Skip::..
..::Time: 3:21 end of school::..

I looked up hearing the bell realizing it was the end of the day. I groaned being reminded about the note and completely forgot about meeting with Ciel at the front of the school. I pushed open the door being cautious about being noticed, I saw Ciel standing there as the memories came back to me and rushing over to him. His face expression screamed 'you're late and I'm overly pissed.' I felt my body shiver as his lips parted from each other to speak.

"Don't be late next time. Don't think you have all the time in the world. If you're going to continue being like this then go back to your hell hole or something." Ouch that was a stab in the back, I slowly nodded giving him a weak smile but he didn't care he just grabbed me and led me to the car. He even opened the door for me but nothing more, I got in and he got in, Sebastian started the car laddie dah, silence. It was broken when Ciel turned on the radio again keeping it on the same station as it was this morning, I tried resisting to sing along with the songs but I gave up when BTS's song bs & t came on. The bluenette looked at me like I was crazy then whispered to me. "I think you're butchering their language!" But I didn't stop I was so amused by Ciel's comments that I continued. Eventually the song ended and the song ko ko bop from EXO came on and Lordy I loved it but as soon as it came on, Ciel turned it off. He had enough of it. I pouted and looked out the window.

I never took in the beautiful scenery that the bluenette lived around, it left me in awe. Why couldn't I live in a peaceful place like this? Suddenly I was brought back to reality realizing that I only had about an hour to be at the said location in the note pigtails gave me. Sebastian stopped the car and helped Ciel out I got out the same time as him so I wouldn't be offered help since I could perfectly get out on my own. I raced up the stairs which caught the attention of the two other males around me causing them to get suspicious. I practically slammed my room door yelling a slight "Sorry!" And getting back to my clothes. 'Tch I can't go out like this' my mind panicked making me completely confused. I looked through my entire wardrobe looking for something suitable to wear. Well, it isn't like this is a date..right? Then, I found some booty shorts, suspenders and some kind of button down. I shrugged and decided to go with it, I suddenly heard a knock after getting dressed currently I was brushing my hair but I jumped at the knock.

"Alois are you okay? -I mean, I don't care but still." I heard the familiar voice say rather softly just in case.

"Yeah!- yeah, I'm fine don't worry I'm just laying boredly on my bed! You can go back to what ever you were doing!" I yelled back reassuring him with a lie. Once I heard him leave, I took action and checked my phone. 4:03. Great just enough time to get out of here, I looked out the window noticing that I wasn't very high up I decided to start looking and digging around the room to see what I could find. 'Come on, Alois! We have no time!!' My mind yelled causing me to panicked and search faster and lazier. I finally came upon an old blanket and some rags in the far corner of the closet tucked away in the storage room. Check the time again. 4:12. I'm wasting time. I quickly tie the blankets and rags together creating a rope I grabbed my phone that was given by Ciel and attached the rope to the bed making sure it was secure. Luckily, no one was coming to check on me so I swung the window open and draped the rope out, I checked the time again. 4:18. I hurried down the rope almost falling a couple of times but I stayed alive since I was only about two stories high. I dropped down when I was at an appropriate height, making sure no one saw me and ran towards a bike that looked alright and rode it to the specific address that was given to me.

I looked back noticing that Sebastian's car was still there. I stopped and watched if anyone was coming out of the house. Suddenly I spotted the bluenette starting to walk down the steps with his said butler. I started peddling again, faster and faster so that they wouldn't pass me if they were heading this way. My breath got heavier and heavier, my legs hurt more and more. I finally got to the address not seeing the car anywhere near me I kicked the bike onto the side walk and ran inside the building.

"Oh my, darling are you alright? Here let me get you some water..You must be a friend of Elizabeth~ hm, if you're a friend of Elizabeth then you must know Ciel~?" A woman said leaving to get me some water. I was left dumbfounded, this was a house? What the hell is up with me meeting rich people? Ugh. The lady came back setting the water on a table and patting a seat for me while she sat down. I went over to not be rude and sat down drinking the water. "Thank you, miss. Also, yes I do know Ciel..actually-" And then the doorbell rang, my blood ran cold, my face went pale, my eyes full of fear. The woman got up making me regret not hiding or doing anything just staring at the door.

That's when everything went in slow motion. The woman opened the door to reveal the blue haired cutie standing there. Wait, what? Did I just say cutie?

With that, Our eyes met.

A/N: heyo I'm sorry if this is shitty and not what you looked for but don't worry!! The Cielois fluff will happen soon! I promise! Also, sorry about the cliffhanger and my awful grammar and punctuation. ;-; I hope you enjoy this series! If you do please comment and vote on this chapter because it is very appreciated~ love every single one of you and see you in the next chapter!

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