Do Smiles Keep Pain Away?

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Slight trigger warning? I guess? If you don't get triggered by it then good lmao.

..::Alois's POV::..
"Ciel wait.." I said softly, my voice didn't crack but deep down my feelings were shattered. If he left I wouldn't have a place to stay, I would be thrown out again just like my mother did. She was no mother to me..I had no one. Before I could say another word, he closed the door and left. 'Of course it would turn out this one cares..what was I thinking..I wouldn't last there..' my mind doubted as I said goodbye telling the woman I was going home. I partially lied. I forced a fake smile, walking out the door and grabbing the poor bike that was left alone. I peddled all the way to the manor but stopped about half way I was about 20 feet away from it, noticing the 'rope' I made to get out was cut so, I made a guess they locked all the doors and windows. I sighed lightly, putting the bike nicely against the fence it once was on, walking near the manor and sitting down against the side wall. It started raining, faintly but still, raining. I looked up at the sky seeing the gray black night sky settle in. Even though rain got me wet and gross I still enjoyed it it was peaceful and calm.

My eyelids became heavy as they closed, my body became numb and fell into the darkness of sleep. I arose to a bird pecking my head. Yes, a bird. A stupid bird. I shooed it away like all the other things I do in my life they always seem to leave me. I looked down noticing my clothes were somewhat dry, thankfully my phone that Ciel gave me wasn't broken or damaged. I stood up, stretching as I felt a light pop in my back. I walked to the bike that I used yesterday, seemly looking like it was neglected by its owner, I used it anyway. It was the only choice I had to get to school it was either this or walking. I started peddling to school not seeing the car at all, I thought that maybe Ciel was going to be late or maybe he got sick or something.

When I finally got to school I chucked my bike at the bike rack and walked in. Damn that was a mistake. As I thought I was pushed into the lockers again, okay well I'm used to that but, now throughout the day people were tripping me, playing pranks that went overboard and sent me multiple times to the nurse, and whenever I went to the bathrooms I would get beaten up. Not in this entire day had I seen Ciel. This went on for days that turned into weeks that turned into months.

Well, it had been at least a month since I had last seen Ciel. Some people would say without seeing someone like 'oh yeah my life has changed so much in a good way, like I met new friends, stopped getting bullied blah blah blah' I. Was. The. Complete opposite. I got bullied, harassed, abused. It went so far that I was sent to the hospital with two broken limbs. I had no strength to put up with myself anymore. I stopped caring, stopped feeding myself a proper meal, and etc. I stopped waiting for Ciel to come out an open the door to let me in. Wait- I have a phone that he gave me and all this time I haven't checked it?! I smiled to myself when I turned it on to see-
'50+ missed calls from Ciel Phantomhive
200+ messages from Ciel Phantomhive unlock to reply'
So, you did care about me all this time. Were you just afraid to show it? I stood up with the little strength I had, picked up the bike and peddled back to the manor. I stood in front of the door and checked the phone again, this time opening it.
'Alois I'm sorry please reply!'
'Shoot you must have turned your phone off..'
'Alooooiissss please call me back it's importantttt!!!'
I chuckled to myself, reading the messages he sent as the door to the manor opened. I jumped slightly looking up at the tall butler stare down at me. I felt chills go down my spine.

"You are one month late, Mister Trancy. Bocchan is in dire need of help- look at you! You need food before you worry Bocchan come along now." He spoke dragging me into the manor, he pulled me up to my room which was the same as how I left it and began dressing me into new clothes since..I had been wearing the same ones for a month. After that, he prepared me some food and I dove in. I finished the meal soon afterwards but as soon as I did, Sebastian hauled me up to Ciel's room. "Young master, your main meal is ready." He said which left a smirk on his face. I heard a grunt coming from the ball of blankets on Ciel's bed.

"Just leave it here..I'm not hungry.." I heard a tired soft voice coming from the ball immediately recognizing who it was.

"But, young master this one is very special." The tall man's stance got sassy causing me to look weirdly at him. He shushed me softly as to not say anything.

"Just give me the god damn food and leave already before I slap y-" the blue haired boy emerged from the ball of blankets. His eyes widened as I waved slightly, never in my life had I seen him like this. He scrunched his nose, bitting his bottom lip lightly and looking away from me. 'Was he still mad at me?..' I thought that until he broke out into tears. I turned to my side to ask Sebastian what was happening but- he was already gone. I went over to the bed headed bluenette and hugged him tightly, rubbing his back to calm him down. Never in my life had I seen Ciel express this much emotion, I always thought he was strong and powerful that, he didn't need anyone to help him! but I guess I was wrong.

I felt his tiny hands slip away from my embrace. I looked at him seeing him sniffle and rub his eyes, honestly he was adorable. He started hiccuping, startling me as he began to say something. "I--I'm so-sorry — I didn't mean-- for you to — leave...I was devastated when-- you never-- came back..- I lost hope-- thinking.. maybe-- he's doing better--..but no..-- I'm sorry..I'm sorry--" he kept apologizing. I never seen him like was so much to take in. I gently pulled him into a hug again, starting to feel light and fluffy again, happy and bubbly, I was happy near him. Yes, he may have been a jerk but he was truly a precious person. I stayed with him an hour or two until he was calmed down but, then he felt my arm realizing it was much skinnier than usual- or used to be. "What happened?.. don't tell me you haven't eaten correctly.." he asked with worry in his voice, I looked down and nodded to the sad truth and felt his lips lightly kiss my head. I looked up feeling red flush over my face as I saw him giggle. "I'm eating with you later, okay?" He told me and I nodded in agreement.

I got up to leave back to my room but I suddenly remembered something from the texts he sent me awhile ago. "Hey, Ciel?" I asked, hearing a light 'hm' from him.

"What did you mean by 'important thing' in the texts you've sent me?"

Yay two chapters in a dayyyyy! OKIE DOKIE, SO, I wanted to thank all of you people who are reading this fanfic and giving me enough crap to make new chapters but- today wasn't a very cheery day for me at all but I managed to make 2 chapters so there but anyways, yes, Ciel did fall in love with Alois and only realized it once he left. Alois is still clueless about his feelings towards Ciel. But! He eventually finds his love and laddie dah don't want to spoil it! Anyways, once I post these I'll probably already be starting on the 6th (?) chapter I believe? If I'm wrong then oops oh well be sure to vote and comment if you like my fanfic! Wait- wait before you stop reading I got really excited for some reason to write Ciel yelling at Sebastian saying the food thing XD sorry about that okay ily all bye see y'all later baaaiiii

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