The Lie

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..::Ciel's POV::..
I put Noel down and let him run around the store to find anything he wants. "Alois, you're in charge of Noel, make sure he doesn't get into any trouble. I'll be back! I just need to talk to the manager about the company!" I waved him off as he nodded. I smiled warmly before closing the door behind. My eyes narrowed, I sat down in a lonesome chair in a dimmed room. "What the hell do you want? I don't have time for games." I scoffed staring at the so called 'manager', he gave me a menacing smirk that tugged his lips. I sighed in disgust and gave him the money that he wanted. "Good day." I angrily get calmingly said. I opened the door and stepped out- before I could I tripped on a blondie landing face first onto the floor. "Ooowwww~!" I whined, sitting up and running my nose. I groaned as I saw Alois on the ground. He sat up and stared at me with curious eyes but I ignored him, standing up and grabbing Noel then leaving the store. 'shit- I can't drive.' I huffed and saw keys dangling in front of me. I let go of Noel's hand and turned to see the platinum blonde staring down at me with a smirk.

"Need a lift?" He giggled and I nodded in embarrassment. While we were walking Alois managed to intertwine our fingers together, although I was still mad at him for listening to what happened. I leaned onto him and rest my head on his shoulder. "Oi, be careful." he warned and I chuckled lightly, lifting my head once spotting the car.

"Yes, your highness~" I giggled mischievously, grabbing the keys and sprinting to the car, leaving Noel with Alois. I got into the passengers seat and waited patiently for them to get to the car. Alois put Noel in and got into the drivers seat. I tossed his keys without notice causing him to jump at the hit, "-Ah, sorry!" I apologized and smiled, turning on the radio and listening to Alois's favourite songs- along with mine. I occasionally would look back at Noel's face of confusion to the words they were saying. I just laughed and we continued home. at some points we were in fits of giggles due to some of the songs. about 20 minutes later we arrived home and me and Alois got out. I opened the back door, got Noel out and went up the stairs to the giant door which Alois opened for me. We went inside and I put Noel down. I plopped down on the couch, falling asleep almost immediately.

..::Time Skip::..

..:Time: 9:23::..

"CIELLLLLLLLLL" a voice screamed into my ear causing me to wake up.

"What the hell do you want?!" I yelled due to the scream into my ear. Alois pouted then the pout turned into a grin. I sighed and sat up on the uncomfortable couch. I groaned feeling slight pain but coughed to cover it up- but it didn't seem to work. I gained a small giggle from Alois- it was cute to be honest.. a-anyways, I kissed his nose and yawned, stretching slightly. "Have you had breakfast yet? If not, then why don't we go out to eat somewhere?" I grinned and saw Alois nod in agreement. He ruffled my bed hair and chuckled. I sheepishly smiled and shook my head, getting up and going upstairs. I was walking down the hall, to me and Alois's bedroom when I suddenly felt two small hands grab my waist. I looked behind and down at Noel- who had a giant smile spread across his face. "Good morning, No-" he cut me off short.

"Good'mornin, Dad! so- what are we going to do today?! Are we going to a park- OH OH maybe-" He said excited and rather quickly. I could only chuckle as a response to that until I thought of something.

"Hmm...Well, we're going out to eat breakfast. Then maybe I'll think about going to the park- okay? But, that's only if you let go of me." I grinned and he nodded letting go and running down the stairs. 'We're a weird family.' I smiled and continued walking to the room. I showered and got changed. I yawned and went to the dresser, grabbing my medical eyepatch and tieing it on. I double checked that I looked presentable and made my way downstairs. I chuckled seeing Alois help Noel with his buttons, I glanced down at my phone and remembered the Wedding that was happening soon. we barely had anything planned out- of course. I sighed and smiled as I made my way down the last steps and checking everyone. "Are we ready? We aren't forgetting anything, correct?" I asked and they both nodded. I grinned warmly and made my way down to the car and opened the door, getting in and checking my phone once again seeing a text from an unknown number.

Lie. ♡CIELOIS♡ ~COMPLETED~Where stories live. Discover now