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..::Alois's POV::..
"Poke, poke" I heard giggles and felt someone poking me. I groaned guessing it was Ciel, I opened my eyes and saw a small blonde boy poking my cheek. I chuckled and sat up, noticing that Ciel was still asleep. "Hm..ahah!" I whispered and got up picking up the boy, "Today we're going to do something that Ciel won't like but I guess he wouldn't mind it-" I looked at the boy and he giggled softly. "Go wait outside the door for me, okay? I'll be out shortly." I put him down and he ran out the door. I quickly changed and went out of the room and saw the little blondie sitting on the floor playing with his thumbs. "Okay! I'm done! Hmm..we should hurry before he wakes up.." I nodded and picked the little boy up, quickly walking down the stairs and grabbing my keys. I put the boy in the back of the car and got into the drivers seat. I started the car and drove to town. "Now, I'm going to look for clothes for you- and how would you feel about becoming apart of the family?" I looked at him threw the mirror, his eyes lit up just like Ciel's did. I smiled and took attention to the road again.

Once we got into town I parked and got out grabbing the boy and going to some clothing stores. We picked out some outfits and went on our way. I stopped by an adoption center where I kindly told the people who worked there that the boy didn't have a home or family and that I would like to become his legal parent/guardian along with Ciel. The worker gave me a form and I filled it out in both our names. I smiled and wished the worker a good day and walked out. "HELL YES! I HAVE A SON NOW!" I did my victory dance and picked up the boy, I nuzzled his nose and smiled. "Oh wait- what's your name?" He mumbled some words I couldn't understand. I placed him into the car and puffed out my cheeks for a second. "Come onnnnn..! I'm your dad now!" He giggled and I smiled. He nodded and opened his mouth to speak.

"Noel.." he said softly but I could hear. "I don't like it though.." I shook my head in disagreement. I smiled and looked at him the mirror.

"When we get home and Ciel is awake I want you to give him the biggest surprise hug ever!" I winked and started driving. I heard a couple giggled from him all the way home. I unbuckled him and picked him up and placed him down. He ran up the stairs and I followed. "Ready?" I grinned mischievously. He nodded and I opened the door to see Ciel still in his pyjamas in the entrance hall- half asleep. Noel completely tackled Ciel and was given a shock.

"What the hell?! I thought you went to drop him off at the orphanage?!" He scolded me and I smiled.

"Don't get made when I tell you...we have a son now." I bursted out laughing my ass off, looking at Ciel who was completely confused until a couple minutes after.

"WE HAVE A WHAT?!" He shouted and brought silence among us. Noel got off of him and waved. Ciel sighed and sat up, "well..I guess it wouldn't hurt to have some more company." He chuckled, standing up and picking up Noel. "Where have you been? Did you just go and adopt him?" I shook my head and smiled.

"I went to go get clothes for him!" I exclaimed and giggled.

He sighed, "why don't we all go out as a family now?" I smiled and looked at Noel. We both nodded and sat on the couch waiting for Ciel to finish changing, I grabbed the keys, Ciel picked up Noel and walked to the car then opened the door, placing Noel in the back. I got in with Ciel and turned on the radio. "So, to the cafe?" Ciel asked, I glanced over at him then back at the road. I nodded and grinned.

After about 20 minutes we got to the cafe. Ciel and Noel's eyes lit up seeing it, I chuckled and picked up Noel. We went in and sat down, we ordered our drinksand talked for awhile until Ciel brought up something: " when are we going to have the wedding?" I blanked out. I panicked but thought about it. I sweat dropped and sipped on my tea, puttin it down and twirling a strande of hair. " you don't know yet do you?" He had no emotions on his face to read and just sighed. "It's fine..I can arrange everything." He winked at me and I fell back into my chair, relieved. Once we finished with our drinks, I paid and Ciel picked up Noel. We walked out and began walking around the town to find something more amusing or interesting, a certain store caught my eye meaning I dragged Ciel over. My eyes lit up at all of the books and music albums that were laid out before us. I heard a playful chuckle from Ciel in which I responded with a huff.

"Can you believe that they discontinued the series that you showed me? Uh..'Time'?" I caught Ciel rolling his eyes and looked at me, confusion was written all over my face. I tilted my head slightly waiting for him to tell me what was wrong.

"Well, of course I knew that~ it's been discontinued for a loooooong time, darling." He giggled causing little fits of giggles come from Noel. I pinched his cheek and kissed Ciel's, I ran around the store like a little kid even though I wasn't. I loved this store so much- I accidentally bought more than I should've. 'Whoops..' I chuckled nervously. "Well...since you're done here, why don't we go somewhere I want to?" He suggested and I nodded in agreement. We all left the store and walked in the direction of a candy store.

'Stupid bubblegum ball tried to kill me once- I won't let it happen again!' I heard a few laughs from beside me which caught my attention. "What?~~" I whined at Ciel who was having trouble getting the words to come out of his mouth.

"No, I won't let the evil bubblegum ball to kill you!" He teased making me realize I said that out loud. I blushed a faint red that dusted my cheeks,

W H E E Z E— FINALLY- DONE!! While writing this I realized how close we are to the end ;_; but! That's only if you don't want another chapter after the 'final' so you'll still have a chance~ I'm also on a bus right now since fuking schooolll but it won't stop me from writing! Anyways, IF YOU ENJOYED- MAKE SURE TO VOTE AND COMMENT IF YOU LIKED IT!! I'LL BE A-WRITING!!

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