I Love This Idiot

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..::Ciel's POV::..
As we walked back, the coldness of the air began getting unbearable so, we ran the rest of the way. I opened the door and felt the warmth of the air set onto my face. Alois and I got in before all of the warm air escaped through the doors. I smiled at him and took off my heavy jacket along with his scarf. I started getting trailed into my thoughts until, I felt a light hand tap my shoulder. I flinched back to reality, realizing that I had jumped at Alois. I sighed but then quickly smiled warmly towards him, I gave him his scarf back and he seemed happy. I went up to my room and collapsed onto my bed, taking a nap.

.:Time Skip:.

I awoke to a knock at my door. "Dinner!" I heard Alois's voice softly say then leave. I sat up, I was hugging a pillow. I rubbed my eyes and threw the pillow onto my bed and got up, leaving my room and going down to eat. This time Alois was waiting for me with a smile instead of eating it before me. We both ate and headed upstairs to my room. "So, about earlier-" I cut him off before he could finish.

"Whataboutit?" I fastly said and smirked at him. He sighed and continued,

"Ice angel? Really? I've never heard that before.." he let a smile out at the end and got off my bed. "I'll be in the library. Feel free to follow!" He shouted slightly and left the room. I giggled and went after him shortly after. By the time I was beginning to go down the stairs I heard the library door open, clearly Alois was already there. I hurried down the stairs and slid into the room. I yelled Alois's name and heard a reply, "wow! Phantomhive, you have a lot of romance books!" He yelled in amusement. I stomped over to the voice with a flushed red face due to embarrassment. I hit his head gently only to receive a chuckle from him. I let a small sigh escape before speaking.

"I love you, idiot." I mockingly said and smirked. I crossed my arms, going farther down the hall of book shelves. While I walked I looked at every book trying to find the sequel to the "Time" one. But, I wasn't having much luck. I felt a hand touch my shoulder, I tensed up and smacked the hand off my shoulder. My breathing calmed down as I saw that it was only Alois. He hit the side of my head with a book he seemed to be holding. He brought the book up to his mouth. "Time..book 2," I gasped lightly before widening my eyes. "You found it! Thank you, love!" I took the book from his hands and pecked his lips. I began trying to find my way out of this labyrinth of shelves until I tripped on something. The impact was loud and caught the attention of Alois. My knees were bleeding but, it really didn't bother me. Although, it bothered Alois. He picked me up and shook his head at me, he took me out of the library and found Sebastian. He fixed my knees up. "You know..I would have been fine." They both sighed at me with a look of disbelief.

"Lies~" Alois sang slightly. I jumped off the counter and crossed my arms. I huffed and went back to my room feeling exhausted and passing out. 'God, what a day that was..' my mind thought before going blank.

At some point in the night, I heard my door open which caused me to wake up. "Alois..?" I whispered tiredly, seeing the blonde with a blanket and a pillow. "Ciel..I had a bad dream..could I sleep with you?" He asked and I smiled. I patted a spot next to me, in which he collapsed onto and fell asleep. I grinned and fell back asleep, holding his hand tightly.

I woke up to my alarm. 'Shit, I forgot we had school today.' I shook my head and texted Sebastian.

'Could we skip school again?'

'As you wish.'

I turned my phone off and went back to sleep for about another hour until I was awoken by Alois. My eyes fluttered open to see my beautiful platinum blonde with bright icy blue eyes staring down at me. I grinned as I heard: "good morning, my sleepy bluebell~!" I giggled and sat up. I yawned and rubbed my eyes, I checked my phone seeing the time. "8:21. Damn.." I mumbled to myself, Alois got up and looked out the window. He smiled as he saw the snow was still there. As if- if he knew what today was. I saw him skip out of the room, I waited before following in order to wake up a bit. I got up and changed, brushed my hair and checked a few social medias. I finally decided to go downstairs but it seemed like a normal day. 'Everyone probably forgot..' I looked down as I grabbed my coat.

"Where are you going?" Alois asked with curiosity and caution in his voice.

"Ah..just somewhere." He smiled and hooped his arm through mine.

"Let me at least go with you!" He suggested and I gave in telling him that he could. We told our goodbyes for now to the servants and went out. We went to many shops around the local town having a cheerful time until Alois dragged me back home. He checked his phone twice and nodded slightly before looking at me with a mischievous grin. I hesitated the open the door, only hearing the death sounds of party poppers and screaming.

"Happy birthday!" They all screamed. I got a kiss from Alois and a smile from the others. We didn't do anything after that. It just became another day- or was it?

WOW THATS DONE AFTER A VERY LONG TIME! SORRY THAT TOOK ME FOREVER!! ITS BECAUSE I WAS HAVING A HARD TIME WITH THE TITLE AND SHIT-- but anyways, HAPPY NEW YEAR!! This year will probably be worse then the last but let's hope it won't! Thank you all for being with me this past year :'> that's all I got to say for this chapter- OH YEAH! MAKE SURE TO VOTE AND COMMENT IF YOU LIKE THIS CHAPTER! BYE BYE

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