Love Or Pain?

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..::Ciel's POV::..
If I hadn't woken up, who knows what would've happened..

I yawned and threw the covers off of myself. I stumbled out of bed. 'I swear Alois was with me..' I rubbed my tired eye remembering the pain and yelped, I whimpered slightly and clumsily walked out of my room and down to Alois's. I opened the door and expected him to be awake and laying on his bed, on his phone. But, this was far worse. He was collapsed on the floor, completely unconscious. "What on earth?.." I mumbled to myself as I rushed over to him, I panicked slightly and tried lifting him up. "ACK! Damn!" I gasped in pain, blood began staining my clothes. I heard loud and rough footsteps as I saw Finny with a worried face standing at the door. "Finny! Don't just stand there! Go get Sebastian to take me and Alois to the hospital!- and tell the others to help me!" I yelled in panic and anger, he nodded and ran away going to find them. They later came and helped me carry Alois to the car, Sebastian caught a glance at us and gave a sigh of 'young lord, what happened this time?..' I just glared at him as he raced to the hospital.

.:Location: hospital:.

"Young Master, are you sure about this? You seem to be more injured than Mister Trancy." He gave me a look of disapproval as Alois was put into a room. I gave him a sick glare, I had enough of him so I moved away from him and moved opposite and away from him. I sat down on one of the chairs that was near me, I put my hand on my face so that it was cupping it slightly. My heart rate sped up once the doctor stepped out to speak with Sebastian. I huffed a slight sigh, I only heard a few words from the doctor which included: 'he'll wake up in about an hour, he won't be aware of what happened.' And 'he was probably drugged.' It pained me to think about this because, I wasn't able to think of anywhere we could've been where he was must've been the work of Elizabeth. Damn brat. I slowly got up from the chair and walked towards the doctor and Sebastian.

"Yes, we may have- ah! Why hello Ciel!" The doctor exclaimed going from a serious monotone voice to an oddly friendly one.

"May I go into the room? It's important." I demanded with anger, he nodded and opened the door for me. He hesitatingly closes it leaving just Alois and I in the same room. I walked over to him, I sat in one of the chairs I found and moved closer to him. I kissed his nose and buried my face into his neck. "Please be okay.." I whispered feeling a light hand petting my head. I moved away seeing that he was awake. I gasped loudly, some tears of joy began streaming down my face as I covered my mouth. He pulled my hands off my face to let me speak. "You're okay!..I'm so glad.." I smiled weakly and hugged him tightly. I kissed his cheek and pulled away. "Ah.. are you alright? Do you think you're okay to be released?.." I asked getting up and heading to the door. I leaned against it, tucking a piece of hair that had fallen out of place.

"Mmh..I think so." He nodded and got out of the bed. I walked over to him and offered to help him but he shook his head, leaving me to just watch him. I opened the door for him and followed behind him, I saw Sebastian and motioned him to get over here and tell them that we're good to go. We walked out of the hospital and got into the car, Sebastian started it and began going somewhere. It definitely didn't look like this was the way home. I began panicking until we stopped rather suddenly causing me to be pushed forward slightly.

"SEBASTIAN! NEVER DO THAT AGAIN YOU HEAR ME!!" I yelled at him and got out slamming the car door and helping Alois out. We were standing in front of a park, it was beautiful. My smile brightened as I saw a bench near a sparkling fountain, I grabbed Alois's hand and pulled him all the way to the bench. We watched as a few couples went by, along with children playing tag or running away from each other. I look over at Alois and saw his eyes looking like they had pain or sadness. I kissed his cheek, catching his attention and lightly putting my hand on his, whispering, "Love..are you sure you're alright? Is something on your mind?" He nodded and smiled, looking at me. His lips parted slightly then moved closer to me. He kissed me, I smiled holding onto the kiss and kissed him back. We pulled away and smiled, Alois looked at the children who were running around with such innocence then back to me.

"You are definitely a keeper." He said and I tilted my head slightly to the side as he got up and lifted me. I squeaked at the sudden movement but then calmed down once we got back to the car. "Sebastian, please take us back home." He ordered and buckled me then he did his own.

We got back home and we went to our own rooms. I closed my door and squealed, falling onto my knees. 'Agh! What does he mean by I'm a keeper?!' I grabbed a blanket from off my bed and bundled myself into it. "Gahhhh!! What if ends up leaving me once we finish high school..? What will happen?? Urghhhh!!! It's so brain wrecking!!" I shouted but not loud enough for anyone to worry. I rolled around for awhile until I heard my door open and sat up, I saw the blonde that I loved.

"Haha! What are you doing bundled in that blanket?" His laughed and sounded almost song like.
HAI! SO YES I AM VERY MUCH FREAKING OUT BECAUSE HOLY SHIT THIS DOUBLED THE READS ;0; I LOVE YOU ALL!! It's also very hard to balance being an Artist and a Writer, I stayed up until 1 am last night since I had to start a drawing but then I remembered I had to start on the new chapter :T IM SORRY IT WAS LATE BUT I GOT IT OUT YAY! AUTHOR POINTS!! LMAO SEE YOU IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!

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