It'll Come Back

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..::Alois's POV::..

Once I was pushed out of his room, I stood there staring at the door and remembering his adorable rose red face when he pushed me out. Awhile after staring at the door, I walked back to my room, looking at the phone and sighing softly. 'Geez, what is up with me? Smiling and laughing just looking at these pictures of him..I mean they really aren't much..they're literally him as a kid in a bucket and flowers on his head. But- he does look adorable when he smiles..' I shook my head, feeling a light wave of heat rest on my face. I decided to ignore that fact and change into my pyjamas that were given by Ciel. Once I laid down on the bed, I seemed to not be able to sleep. I thought maybe Ciel was already asleep but, I got up and walked alllllll the way to his room practically unconscious at what I was doing. I knocked on his door as it opened. The lights were off and all I saw was a sleepy bluenette leaning onto me in his giant night shirt. His eyes were closed, I could tell he was tired..this day had a lot of things happening. I decided to pick the tired Ciel up bridle style and take him to my room.

I flopped him onto the bed, watching him hug one of the pillows and become comfortable. I smiled to myself and tucked the bluenette in, kissing his forehead and grabbing a leftover blanket and pillow. I laid them out neatly on the floor and got under the blanket, falling asleep. Ciel woke up first then woke me up, only then did I realize we still had school. I could tell Ciel was still tired since after he woke up he fell right back asleep, I let him sleep while I got changed into different clothes. I finished, crouching down and lightly shaking him to wake up. He finally did and sat up, rubbing one of his eyes and yawning. " we have school?.." he asked with his tired voice. I nodded and pulled him up to stand. He groaned and went back to his room, not noticing that he slept in mine. I giggled lightly to myself at his clumsiness which he almost tripped and fell twice until he got out of my sight.

By the time he was finished dressing himself, I was already downstairs eating breakfast and thanking Sebastian for it. I remanded seated and waited for Ciel to finish. We all got into the car and worry spread across my mind if Ciel were to stick around me. Elizabeth his cousin was at school when Ciel wasn't and witnessed everything that happened to me. What if she tries to do something to Ciel? Ugh. My mind wouldn't stop with the horrible possibilities that could happen to him. I was truly worried, I didn't want him to get hurt. "Uh..Ciel?" My voice slightly worried caught his attention immediately.

"Yes? What is it?" He asked. His tone as sharp and cold as ever.

"I need to tell you something.." His butler looked at his master with his eyebrow raised. Ciel turned and looked at me.

"Is it important? Ugh, just tell me." He replied, continuing to pay attention to me as I fiddled with my fingers.

"I've been getting majorly bullied lately to the point where I've been sent to the hospital.., so, please stay away from me at school.." I chocked up, having multiple voice cracks. He pet my head as to say that it was fine, I looked up at him as he smiled softly, making me feel the weird feeling I got looking at the pictures. Butterflies were stuck in my stomach as I nodded slowly. Sebastian parked the car and we got out walking to the school once again. Just like we used to. Ciel began parting away from me wadda, wadda.

I was scared. I was scared to enter those death doors. Ciel went through them just fine. But, once I did I knew something horrible would happen. I took the risk and walked through them. I knew Ciel would probably already be in class, but, he wasn't. He was waiting for me. He smiled and motioned me to come closer. I shook my head and whispered. "No..I'm not going to damage your reputation.." he sighed softly and got closer to me since I wouldn't budge. I slowly shuffled to the side, away from Ciel and began walking away. I got tripped several times on the way to class. Someone also slammed my head into the lockers and punched my stomach. It wasn't surprising though. I sat down at my seat and saw that Ciel was already at class impatiently waiting for me? Once I sat down he got up and cupped my faced.

"Did they hurt you?" He asked harshly as I nodded and he let go and sat back down in his seat. No sign of pigtails at all. The bell rang and the teacher arrived, shutting the door for class.

..::Time Skip-long time no see::..
..::Time: 12:01 lunch::..

I heard the bell ring and began gathering my things as someone knocked them off my desk. I sighed sadly, Ciel saw and got up, not heading towards me but the teacher. He began talking to Mr.Knox but I wasn't able to make out the words so I minded my business and picked up my things again and walked out of the class and to the lockers. I opened my locker and stuffed my things in there and grabbed my lunch, closing it only to see the bluenette tapping his foot with his arms crossed. He grabbed me and pulled me into an empty classroom, he let me go and grabbed a desk and two chairs. He sat down in one expecting me to sit in the other. So, I did and began eating my lunch like a normal person as he just watched. I stopped eating and looked at him. "What? Do you not have a lunch?" He nodded, I handed him my lunch. "I don't need it, really all I need is my sandwich." I smiled as he accepted my giving.

Eventually we finished and the bell rang for the next class. Ciel got up and grabbed my wrist beginning to walk to the next class. I knew this wouldn't end well, so I started tugging away from his grip but it was too strongly wrapped around that I couldn't. He turned around to say something to me. And that's when it happened. A person tripped me. Making me fall onto Ciel. But, not just falling.

Our lips touched.
1/3 HOPE YOU ENJOYED BECAUSE OH BOY! THIS WAS A GOOD ONE! I'm so happy with the way this turned out OmG it's adorable I'm screaming!! okay, well, I'll be in the next chapter bye lmao. Hi this is future self who is editing the story before publishing it, so you're probably like 'OH WHERE IS THE OTHER CHAPTERS?' Well, they're still in progress currently working on the last one and once I'm done with it I will post the last two~ thank you for understanding! Merry Chrysler eve~

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