So, I Forgot The Ring

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..::Alois's POV::..
..::Some Years Later::..
.:Location: Phantomhive manor:.

I woke up to a blinding ray of the sun coming through the curtains. I groaned and sat up seeing Ciel still asleep. I went to kiss his forehead when I saw his eyes flutter open. "Good morning sleepyhead~" I chimed and got up. I picked up Ciel when I got off the bed, I placed him down on the floor and heard a slight giggle come from him. He rubbed his eyes and yawned walking over to the closet and grabbing clothes for both of us. We both changed and headed downstairs, we ate our breakfast and talked for a bit.

"Hey, Ciel?" I asked fiddling with my fingers from a bit of nervousness.

"Yeah?" He was certainly curious about what I was about to ask him. I sighed and inhaled.

"Can we go somewhere? It's important." He nodded and smiled. We both relaxed for awhile before going, so I wasn't all tensed up. We got changed, Ciel was the first one to leave the room, I was wearing something semi formal and it took me longer to get changed. I took some deep breaths before stepping foot out of the room. We walked down the steps and down to the car. I opened the passenger door for Ciel and he got in and I closed the door, I got in and started it up and began driving. To be honest I think I was breathing heavily since Ciel had a worried look on his face. I clenched onto the stirring wheel and smiled at him weakily. we got to our destination, I parked and we got out. Ciel began looking around the area which by the look in his eyes seemed somewhat familiar, we were standing in front of a newly opened park just around the corner from our old school. Although the park was new it already had the most beautiful of cherry blossom trees I have ever seen, it was like looking at Ciel. The pink really made him pop. I giggled as he stumbled into the gates of the park just barely keeping himself steady from almost tripping.

"Is this why we're here? Is this the important thing you wanted to show me?"

"Ah- no about that!" I smiled and patted my pockets. My smile faded into a distressed frown as I frantically searched every pocket on my body. Earlier, I had bought a ring for Ciel, but this was no ordinary ring. No no no, my friend. Remember how I said I would marry the Ciel Phantomhive? Well, I was planning to do it today but...I seem to have forgotten the ring.."CIEL! STAY HERE ILL BE BACK!" I yelled causing him to flinch and nodded. I ran to the car and panicked to turn it on. I got home and found the ring, hid it in my pocket, got into the car, and drove back to Ciel. I panted once I got out of the car, I raced over to the gates, putting my hands on my knees in order to catch my breath. Once I looked up I saw Ciel sitting on a bench and seeing a cherry blossom fall gracefully into his palms, he gave out a faint smile until I caught his attention.

"Welcome back, darling." He smiled but his tone was blunt. I sighed and straightened up,

"You know..right outside this park was where we met, right?" I chuckled at his eyes widening, practically his jaw dropped.

"No..way?" He said in disbelief. He got up and quickly walked outside of the park and onto the sidewalk. I followed him and watched him stare at the same place where everything happened that day. " that I think about it: I was a total jerk. Back then I wasn't sure how to handle my feelings.." he smiled weakly. 'Nows my chance!' I mentally smiled and cleared my throat.

"Ciel?" I caught his attention, I sweatdropped and chuckled nervously. I took a deep breath and got a puzzled look from him. Once I got down on one knee he completely got the message and covered his mouth. "Ciel..if it wasn't for you, I don't think I would even be in this world anymore..even if I was I don't think I would be who I am today. Every single moment of my life with you has made me realize how much I love, Ciel Phantomhive, will you marry me?" I blushed opening the ring box catching a glimpse of Ciel who had tears streaming down his face. He wiped them away and blurted out a loud.

"Yes!!" I smiled and got up, I kissed then hugged him. He then pushed away from the hug and took the ring box, he took out the ring and put it on. "'s so beautiful!" He smiled so brightly I was beginning to become blind from it. Of course, we weren't the only ones in the park, there were several families and couples, they all looked at us but then clapped after the whole thing happened. I picked Ciel up bridal style and carried him into the car. I kissed him once again before closing the door and getting into the drivers seat.

"You're going to wear a dress on our wedding day." I smirked devilishly but gained a small punch on the arm from Ciel. I laughed and shook my head, "I'm kidding! I'm kidding! Unless you want to.." I continued to laughed until it died down and we got home. We watched movies and time to time got up to get food or something until we went to bed. I stretched and looked up at the ceiling, 'I wonder if we could adopt a child? Would Ciel mind?' I giggled hearing a sleepy shush from Ciel. I poked his nose and buried my face into the pillow.

"Goodnight I love you, my fiancé~" I whispered and fell asleep.
Ahhhhhh finally done~ sorry for the lack of updates beginning to get lost and not able to translate what I want to happen into long 1000 words of chapters- so so sorry about that anyways~~ what do you think about this chapter? Make sure to Vote and Comment about it! Look forward to seeing you all next time!!~~

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