Happiness Never Lasts

491 22 4

..::Ciel's POV::..
Once Alois asked those words. I was silenced, I began silently panicking. I sweatdropped and began flailing my arms around like a distressed seal or something. He rushed back over to me. "Are you okay??" He was now the one panicking. I stopped flailing my arms and quietly started giggling watching his distress. He stopped and gave me a slight glare telling me to stop. I obeyed and stopped, quietly staring at him. Silence broke out into the room for awhile. He opened his mouth, which caught my attention. "So, have you been here all this time?" He asked softly, I nodded and replied.

"Yeah...when you never came back..I just stayed locked in my room, until the butlers worried about me and my health so they found some way to open the door..and fed me.." I stated the truth and he looked down saddened.

"Well..shortly after you left..I rode the bike back to the manor and stayed at the side for awhile guessing you locked the doors and windows to keep me out." He said. My eyes widened in shock, a couple tears streamed down my face but I didn't realize.

"You could've knocked! I was worried I thought something happened!.." I yelled making him startled. He tightly wrapped his arms around me trying to comfort me. I calmed down soon after and told him to leave to get settled again and ready for dinner. I stretched and yawned slightly due to crying I was feeling tired, I slid off the side of the bed and lazily dragged myself to the closet. I grabbed something random but casual and changed, looking in the mirror at my purple eye. 'why do people say it's pretty and rare..like I know the rare part but it's ugly.' my mind felt digusted as I put one of my medical eye patches on.

I brushed my hair, did my bed, cleaned my room, and gained some energy. by the time I was done, Sebastian told me that dinner was ready. "You did make it for two, right?" I asked curiously as he nodded slowly closing the door. Before I left the room to go downstairs, I turned on my phone and looked at how many times I had called and texted Alois. I blushed brightly realizing how desprate I was for him, I facepalmed then took my hand away, walking out of my room and accidentally bumping into someone. "Ah!- Sorry, it's my fault." I was on the ground due to the impact. I looked at who I bumped into, Alois. my heart beat sped up as he looked at me with his icey blue, waterfall of eyes glizening from the light. He held his hand out for me which snapped me back from looking at his appearence, I blushed a bright crimson, taking his hand and getting up.

"Are you alright? you didn't hit your head and get a concussion, right?" he asked clearly looking at me and my bright red cheeks. He still hadn't let go of my hand. I still didn't look at him because of my embarrassed face, but nodded to say that I was fine. We got down to the dinning room, still holding hands. Sebastian saw us and gave me a look, I quickly tugged my hand away from Alois and sat down. He sat down next to me and smiled, beginning to eat his food. Before I could even put my silverware on the plate, I looked over at Alois who was already done. I sighed heavily and finished eating my plate of food awhile later, while next to me was Alois on his phone who was giggling.

"What are you looking at?" My curiosity grew and leaned closer to the blonde, practically resting on his shoulder as he hid his phone from me. I huffed and puffed out my cheeks, feeling a flash on jealousy. I sat straight up again as Sebastian took mine and the blondes plate to the kitchen. Once he did, I got up, straightened my clothes and rushed back up to my room. Alois soon came up to knock at my door. He didn't say anything and excused himself inside. He sighed and looked down at me, who was sitting on the floor with my arms crossed. "Are you mad?" He let out a small whimper and a pout, while sitting next to me.

"Why won't you let me see what you were doing?.." I said hugging my knees and hiding my face into them. I heard him shuffle closer to me and lean onto me. I lifted my head to see a blinding light, before I looked at the phone I looked over at Alois who was looking at me with a small smile. I looked at his phone and stopped in shock, I quickly hit the phone out of his hand in embarrassment. "Agh! I forgot to delete those pictures of me as a child!" I looked at him, cheeks puffed out with a rosy red blush on my cheeks. He laughed and picked up the phone before I could steal it. He stood up and held it up so I couldn't reach it, since he was taller I was unable to reach it even if I jumped. "Tch! Damn it, Trancy!"

"Oh, come on~ face it! you were adorable!" I blushed madly and sighed, giving up. 'Damn it. Why do I like this jerk?' I admitted in my mind that I indeed did fall in love with the one and only, Alois Trancy. I pushed him with my little strength, out of my room so that he wouldn't see my meltdown of emotions. I sighed and closed my door, sitting on my bed and getting lost once again in my thoughts. I shook my head, accidentally falling off my bed. Now I was upside down with my legs still on my bed. I groaned, opening my eyes and looking at what was in front of me. It was the umbrella that I met Alois with, that's the object that started it all. Then, I thought about the one thing that was bugging me:

'Does Alois love me too..?'
HOLY SHIT I DID IT! THIS WAS THE TORTURE CHAPTER BECAUSE I HAD TO PUSH AWAY FROM WRITERS BLOCK! BUT BESIDES THAT I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS QUITE ADORABLE CHAPTER~! IF YOU LIKED IT PLEASE MAKE SURE TO VOTE AND COMMENT! THATS ALWAYS APPRECIATED! ILL STOP YELLING!! Okay! Well I wanted to thank all of you beautiful people who have read this because oml I've never seen so many people read it all at once! I was so happy that I'm able to make these and have you read it! ^-^! Tomorrow I'll try and give you a Christmas present of a total of 3 chapters at once! Let's hope I can do it •-•;; I'll try! Hope you enjoyed bye bye for now!!

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