Is This What Happiness Is?

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..::Ciel's POV::..
I hushed Alois until I heard him whisper, "goodnight I love you, my fiancé~" even though he couldn't see it I blushed and flipped over to hide my embarrassment. I looked blankly out the window, smiling slightly. I pulled out my left hand from under my pillow and looked and the ring. I smiled warmly and closed my eyes, I fell asleep. Birds chirped loudly, loud enough to make me groan and throw a pillow at the window just to shut them up. I sighed and thankfully nothing broke, I looked over at Alois who was awake but with major bed hair and halfway closed eyes. He yawned and stared at me before stretching and getting off the bed. I giggled and picked up the pillow that was on the floor and followed Alois.

We had breakfast, got changed and watched tv for a bit. Once we got bored of it, we decided to go to the mall. Alois grabbed his keys and looked at me for a split second but I caught the message. I got into a running stance so did he, he gave the signal and we both raced towards the car. "Ha! You'll never beat me~" I growled and got into the car. I hummed to the music that was playing, looking out at the scenery, I grinned and began giggling. It faded once we got to the mall, I was still amazed by it even though I've seen it so many times. I tightly clenched onto Alois's hand and ran in, startling him. I scanned the stores that were around me, 'toy store..puzzles..calendars..ah! Bakery!' I smiled widely and ran over to the bakery. Once I stepped in, I could smell all of the bread and sweets that were being made and that were already made. I looked at Alois and saw him nod as I let go of his hand, I rushed over to the glass case full of sweets. I decided to pick the most obvious of cakes which was: triple chocolate. My mouth watered as the cashier handed me the bag, I paid and waved goodbye. I walked over to Alois and smiled. We walked around the mall for a bit until we started getting really hungry, we didn't bother going to the food court since it would probably be packed, so we just went to a food place and ordered our food there. We finished eating, stopped by a few places, then went home.

Alois and I were ready to collapse onto the bed when we suddenly heard a knock on the door. "Wait here, I'll go get it!" I smiled and rushed out of the room and down the stairs. I opened the door but, I didn't see anyone- that is before I looked down seeing a soaked little boy. It started raining a bit after we came home. The boy looked similar to Alois but at the same time not. He was shivering and the coldness and I snapped out of thinking. "Ah- you must be cold! Here, come in! Sebastian! Prepare a bath!" I yelled out into the house, I motioned the boy to come in and that he did. Alois probably heard my yelling and came to check out the ruckus. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around the boy and I prepared some hot chocolate for him. I sat him down onto the couch and saw Alois coming down the stairs.

"What was that yelling ab- Ciel. Is that..a child?" I gulped and nodded.

"He was freezing! How could I leave him out there?!" I defended and heard a sigh of relief from Alois. I tilted my head but then heard a small thud and felt a nudge on my arm. I took my attention towards it and saw the boy fast asleep. "Alois, do you think his parents know his whereabouts? Or do you think he doesn't..maybe we should take him to an orphanage tomorrow." I whispered, Alois nodded and picked up the boy. He ruffled the boy's hair and smiled. He left to put the boy into a bed, I got up and sighed. 'Boy..what a day.' I chuckled to myself and walked to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed some yogurt, I opened it, grabbing a spoon and eating it. I walked out of the kitchen and saw Alois dusting off his hands like he cleaned something. I giggled and put the yogurt down. "So? You didn't wake him right?"

"No- well kind of.. he opened his eyes and one of his eyes was a different color then the other~" he chimed and I scoffed. I held his hand and went up to our bedroom, we both changed into our pyjamas and got into the bed. 'Who knows what's going on in Alois's mind..' I smiled to myself, looking out to the moonlight. I sighed and closed my eyes.

I was woken up by footsteps and the door creaking open. I opened one of my eyes to see who it was: the boy from earlier. I grinned and saw the boy climb into the the bed with some trouble but he did it and fell asleep again. I closed my eyes again and fell asleep. 'Ah..that's right. I gave the boy one of my funtom rabbits..he now carries it everywhere he goes...hehe' I giggled and shook my head on the pillow. 'Come on , Ciel, it's 3 am don't wake the others!' I looked out the window but my vision became blurry before I could see it, meaning I fell asleep, completely.

I wonder where his parents are..
WOW! THAT WAS SOMETHING. I WAS ABLE TO ACTUALLY WRITE SOMETHING YAY! I'm so happy with this too ;u; I'm also extremely excited to write the next chapter since hint hint nudge nudge- It's Alois's POV sooooo-- hehehehehehe look forward to that I guess? Anyways! What do you think about this chapter? Vote and Comment if you enjoy! See you all later!!

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