Frowns Turn Into Smiles

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..::Alois's POV::..

"HAHA! What are you doing bundled in that blanket?!" I laughed and walked over to him, kneeling down to him. I reached out my hand to him but he curled back into the burrito shaped blanket with an adorable Ciel inside. "Oh come on now, bluebell.. look at me." I saw him turn to look at me with a pout shaped on his mouth. I smirked while I thought of something, I unraveled him from the blanket and held him dramatically, our noses were practically touching. "Lovely, you know how much I love you, right? And you know how much I would fight for you even if it took my life?" I looked into his shimmering eyes, I gave him a small passionate kiss but I pulled away before he could return it. "Ah- ah, ah~ that's the last kiss until you tell me what's wrong!" I grinned mischievously as a frown covered Ciel's pout. He huffed and hesitated to say anything. At some points I would see a form of tears beginning in his eyes, until he finally spoke; parting his soft fragile lips to speak.

"Alois..I'm just scared..what if you'll leave me once we're out of school?.." he sniffled and hiccuped, wrapping himself in the blanket again only leaving his face out. I smiled weakly until an idea came to mind, 'let's go to a coffee shop! Maybe we could relax for a bit or something!' I nodded and asked Ciel to wait a bit. I raced down to my room and quickly changed, I headed back to the bluenette's room and giggled.

"What are you doing? Get dressed into different clothes we're going somewhere!" I shouted happily watching his clumsy self fall onto a soft pillow. I sighed and shook my head, I looked down at Ciel and peeled the blanket off of him causing me to mess up his hair more. "Oops, well, hurry up! We have ten minutes!!" I yelled and ran out of the room, down the stairs and finally stopping. Ciel followed behind, completely dressed and frowning with anger.

.:Time Skip:.
..::location: Coffee Shop::..

"So, why are we here? You know I don't like coffee." He said quite annoyed by the fact that I dragged him over here. I grabbed five books from the bookshelf and plopped them down in front of him.

"We're here to relax, now you can read ONLY after I say something," he motioned me to speak. I took a deep breath and exhaled. "Ciel..I know you're worried about our future but it will be okay..because I won't let you go no matter what happens, okay? Once we graduate nothing will change! So don't worry!" I reassured him with a smile, he had a shocked expression that turned into a soft smile. He nodded, but then became somewhat sad once again. He began withering down into his seat and mumbling words that I couldn't make out. "Sorry, I can't hear you..what are you saying?" I asked only receiving a glare. "Maybe..we should just go.." I softly said and got up, holding my jacket tightly, I faked a smile causing Ciel to worry and feel bad.

"look..i'm sorry for my behaviour today.." he apologized, getting up and walked towards me. He hooped his arm into mine and smiled warmly at me. He always lifted my spirit whenever something happened. We left the money on the table and walked outside for a bit, looking at the town and spotting a candy shop. Ciel eyed it for a second then pulled me towards it. I gasped not expecting the sudden tug but then calming down shortly after. We both ran towards the candy shop and once we got there, we were panting and out of breath, palms on our knees and looking at each other. We regained our breath and bragged inside. Of course, who wouldn't be looking at us? Everyone was. I ignored it and it seemed that Ciel was too, he grabbed so much candy that it almost filled too bags. While on the other hand, I was eyeing the cotton candy, the down fall about it was that I had no money.

"Damn laws.." I huffed and turned around to see Ciel looking at me with a confused expression locked on his face. "Ah- it's nothing let's go back home." I weakly smiled and began walking out, Ciel was still looking at me, confused for his life. "Okay? So, I was looking at the cotton candy, that didn't mean I wanted it." I sighed and pushed him into Sebastian's car.

We got home and everything seemed normal until...the squeakiest voice from a distance called out shouting something. "Cielll!!! You're back!" Pigtails bounced out of the darkness, our faces both filled with disgust. "Ew, what is he doing here? Here to save your Prince Charming?~" she whined mockingly. Ciel stomped his foot onto the ground causing the girl to jump slightly.

"Elizabeth! I never told you that you could come into this house! Get out and never come back before I call the police!" He shouted, the girl mimicked him annoyingly and gave up, heading outside. Before she fully left, she whispered uncomfortable words into my ear that I wished I never heard. They went along the lines of,

"Be careful now, you don't want your precious bluebell to be hurt in any way possible, now right?"

In the corner of my eye I saw her smirk then finish skipping out of the house. My breathing pace went faster, my heart rate sped up, 'what does she mean "hurt in any way possible"? Is she planning something horrible? it can't be..' fear spread clearly across my face as I fell onto my knees, catching the attention of Ciel. "Alois! Are you alright?! She didn't do anything right?" He asked so many questions, my hearing got muffled and I began hearing a loud ringing noise. My vision disappeared as if I vanished.

"He'll be safe, right?" A voice echoed through my mind. I was in a black abyss.

Lesson learned: never trust a girl with giant pigtails. Lmao no..but idk I felt like Lizzy needed an ego change lol so there ya have it. Also yes worry about Alois but no he isn't dead. He's just unconscious due to trauma and whatnot. Anyways, it's currently 1:24 am and I just finished writing this so I'm sorry if it's bad! I've been so busy that I wasn't able to update this earlier plus, my flow of creativity gave up due to me getting many headaches..besides that, PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT! I ALWAYS LOVE THE SUPPORT BECAUSE IT SHOWS ME THAT YOU WANT MORE! I LOVE YOU ALL AND SEE YOU IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!

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