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..::Ciel's POV::..

I panicked seeing Alois become unconscious. I managed to pick him up and carried him to Sebastian with a slight bit of trouble. The words and expressions called: Worry, Sadness and Fear, were clearly visible upon my face because Sebastian came running to me once I set foot in his presence. "I-I don't know what happened! Lizzy was here once we got here, I sent her away but I guess something happened and Alois panicked and things happened! T-This is all my fault..I shouldn't have told Elizabeth about him.." I cried out as Sebastian tried to calm me down but didn't seem to be working. Eventually he told me to lay his body out so he could see what was wrong. I buried my face into his palm, a waterfall of tears streamed down my face due to all the fear and pain I'm being given. It was too overwhelming.

My face flushed a bright crimson as his hand twitches a slight bit, I hoped that he was alright and that nothing too bad happened. While Sebastian was taking a look at what had happened to Alois, he flung up, panting and unconsciously crying. My eyes lit up at the sight of Alois and quickly hugged his arm without thinking. I felt a soft hand lightly stroke my head, as I whisper, "you're okay, you're okay!" Those words that had slipped out of my mouth was due to the joy and happiness that had escaped.

"You don't want anything bad to happen.." he whispered clearly talking to himself in a very monotone voice which caught my attention. My eyes grew worried as Alois looked down having slightly lifeless eyes that used to be a beautiful icy waterfall and is now a dried up desert of blue. I cupped his cheek and kissed him softly then pulling away to see the life come back. "Ah- I'm sorry, Ciel.. it was like I was being controlled or something when I stopped feeling anything or hearing.." he admitted, picking me up and taking me to his room. My eyes widened then became soft again as I smiled slightly. He then plopped me down onto his bed. I looked at my phone seeing that it was already 8 pm, I sighed and looked at Alois. He seemed to be texting someone, who? I sat up and leaned over his shoulder.

"Whatcha doing?" I said in my normal voice, he flinched at my question and quickly turned off his phone. He looked over to me and gave me a slight look.

"Don't do that! You scared me!" He huffed, a soft red flushed his face and I moved away from Alois. I giggled and laid on his bed. Suddenly tears began streaming from my face, I sat up and touched the clear liquid that was spilling out of my eyes and looked at Alois. I mumbled his name over and over again and finally got his attention. "Yes- Ciel?! What's wrong?!" His eyes widened, he grabbed my hand and softly rubbed his thumb against it.

"I-I don't know! I'm not crying but I am- but I don't know why!" I yelped as a sudden stinging pain was in my back causing me to fall onto Alois.

I woke up and sat up, 'was that a dream? No..because I felt pain..' I touched my face and felt tears still streaming down. I looked beside me, Alois was peacefully asleep. 'Good..' my mind said which made me smile at his beautiful face as the light hit it. I got pulled out of my thoughts because I heard a knock on the door. "Young Master, you'll be late to school if you don't hurry." A deep voice came from the other side of the door.

"That's fine. We won't be going to school today, so please inform them." I said softly not to wake Alois up but enough for Sebastian to hear.

Sooner or later I heard a groan beside me. I looked over and saw the blondie was awake. "..good morning.." he smiled sheepishly and rubbed his eyes. I smushed his face and kissed his nose. He giggled and fell off the bed and onto the floor. "Ow.." he said in his tired voice and stood up, his eyes were half open and he was smacking his lips together slightly. I pulled him back onto the bed which clearly woke him up since he screamed slightly. "I love you." My heart sped up causing a blush to appear on my face as I tilted my head and smiled.

"I love you too~" I chuckled, getting up and stretching. "Ah- that's right! I told Sebastian that we weren't heading to school today." I informed him about it so that he wouldn't worry. He nodded and grinned. "Oh..Alois? What happened after you know..?" He tilted his head and quickly remembered.

"Ah! You were in so much pain that you passed out..I called Sebastian and he did something so that you wouldn't feel that pain anymore! And then I just fell asleep afterwards." He told me and I nodded slowly. I smiled brightly at him as he stood up and walked towards me. He lifted my chin and held onto my waist, he kissed me softly then pulled away. I giggled and pecked his lips and ran out the door, down the hall over to my room. He followed me but once I looked back he tripped and fell face first. Before I could go and help him, he he stood up and sighed. He saw that my guard was down and ran after me and tackled me. I playfully yelled and laughed. We both slid down the railing instead of walking down the stairs which caught the attention of Sebastian. He raised his eyebrow at us as I just shooed him off.

I kissed Alois and pulled away, I ran off to the library in which I hid amongst the shelves, giggling softly. I bumped one of the shelves and a book fell on my head. I picked it up, dusting it off and reading the title. 'Time. Interesting, must be a romance mystery?' I chuckled and held onto it.
😭Thank you all so very much for 100 reads! I literally screamed and got so excited that I was having a hard time trying to write this chapter! I love you all so very dearly!! Thank you so much!!! ANYWAYS, WHOW THIS TOOK LONGER THEN I EXPECTED! I HOPE YOU ENJOYED! VOTE AND COMMENT IF YOU LIKE THIS STORY! IT'S VERY SUPPORTIVE! I LOVE YOU ALL! AND SEE YOU IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!

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