Did That Just-

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..::Ciel's POV::..

As we fell I shut my eyes. I felt something soft and fluffy on my lips. I opened my eyes and blushed brightly, pushing Alois off, getting up and running out of the school. Luckily no one was paying attention, so no one saw us. I wished that didn't happen here..I enjoyed it..I truly did love Alois he always made my heart flutter. He was so nice, It pained me seeing him get bullied like that..his lips were so soft I wanted more. I dialled Sebastian to pick us up early so that Alois wouldn't be hurt more. Earlier I asked Mr.Knox to ask the staff to scout the halls to see if they find anyone hurting Alois. Thank god none of them were watching us. I would have died of embarrassment if they did. Sebastian arrived shortly after the incident as I called Alois who was still in the hallway waiting or just shocked. "Alois? Oh- yeah..um--we'll speak about that later!! Just get to the front of the school! Sebastian's here to pick us up. Hurry up!" I hung up, still blushing. I got into the car and saw Alois walking towards us. He opened the car door and got in, Sebastian started it and it was a silent ride home.

As soon as we got back I raced up to my room like there was no tomorrow and plunged onto my bed, digging my face into a pillow. 'Urgh..I want that incident to happen again!.. except it not be an incident..but does Alois even love me? So many things are happening I don't know what to feel..' my mind practically exploded from most thoughts. I resumed back to reality, seeing Alois leaning on my door frame. He wasn't looking at me but looking down at the floor with a light blush.

"Uh..S-sorry about earlier.." he apologized. I rolled my eyes and smirked.

"Yeah, yeah, sure okay byeee!" I got up and pushed him out, shutting the door. I let out a heavy sigh and fixed my hair, sitting down beside my bed. Opened my phone and saw that he was texting me.

'Ciel..open the door.'

'I won't leave until you really forgive me.'

'Alooiiisss...just leave alreadyyy!'


'Fine! I'll open the door.'

'Alois Trancy is typing...'

I turned my phone off and angrily opened the door to see Alois fall over from leaning on the door. He got up and groaned from the pain. He glared at me, I ignored it and sat on my bed and patted a spot next to me. He got closer to me and sat down, huffing a sigh. I leaned my head on his shoulder and looked up at his face, seeing that he was blushing ever so slightly. "So, do you forgive me?" He asked breaking the silence between us. I nodded and closed my eyes, for what I thought was for second turned into me falling asleep.

I woke up hours later. I was still in my room, but I was on my bed and under the covers. I felt something- or someone holding my hand. I looked over to see an Alois who was fast asleep and holding my hand. He seemed to be stirring in his sleep so, I kissed his nose to calm him down which seemed to work. I slipped away from his grip and got up. I grabbed my phone from my side table and checked the time. 8:14. "Geez did I really sleep for that long?" I mumbled to myself, putting my phone into my pocket and walking out of the room. I turned the corner seeing Sebastian staring at me like I was crazy.

"What?" I angrily growled at him.

"Nothing, young master. It just seems that I saw Mister Alois go into your room and hasn't come out. You haven't killed him right, Bocchan? Surely if you did the queen would be mad at us." He replied with nothing less then a cold tone added to his voice.

"No, why would I?" I sighed and rolled my eyes, turning away and walking back to my room. "Don't make dinner! We'll just go straight to bed. Thankfully tomorrow is the weekend." I yelled back at him as I shut the door to my room seeing that Alois had woken up. I smiled warmly. "Good morning sleepy head~" I had a slight chime to my voice. He looked at me with his tired icy waterfall eyes. I threw a pillow at him, he was shocked since he fell backwards. I began laughing lightly until he threw the pillow back. I tackled him, but then got lifted up.

"Wow! You're light as a feather!" He exclaimed. I puffed out my cheeks to hide my embarrassment.

"I know that..geez!" I began playfully hitting him. He never let go of me. He started nuzzling my nose which made the blush on my face get darker. 'God damnit, why do I love him so much?' He finally decided to put me down and sit on the floor. I threw a hair brush at him since he had major bed hair, he laughed and brushed his hair obediently.

We talked for hours until I check my phone noticing how it was already 11 pm I tried to send him off to his room but, he didn't listen and stayed on my bed. "Hmph. Fine you can stay the night..I'll sleep on the floor while you can sleep on the bed." He nodded and did what he was told. I laid out everything and went to turn the lights off. I got into the covers on the floor and fell asleep.

..::Time Skip::..

..::Time: 10:17 am morning::..

I woke up and stretched, sitting up. Alois was already awake but it looked like something was bothering him. He was pacing the room until he saw that I was awake. "Ciel! I-I..ITS IMPORTANT!" He yelled causing me to become startled.

"What is it? What's wrong??" I asked with worry in my voice and expression. I was utterly confused. He paused for awhile, bitting his bottom lip seemingly hesitating to say was he wanted.

"Ciel Phantomhive, I love you!"

My heart stopped.

2/3 OOOOOF DAMN IT'S STILL TOO CUTE FOR ME OMG ALOIS THANK GOD YOU FINALLY REALIZED IT :''> you found your one and only!! If you like this chapter or story in general please vote and comment! It's always welcome! I'll be in the next chapter baii!! :>

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