Everything Is Fine-

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..::Ciel's POV::..
'Thud' My heart rate sped up once I heard those words come from the officers mouth. My thoughts were cut off once I heard Sebastian say no in the most elegant manner ever possible. He said goodbye to the officers and signaled us that it was okay. "Sebastian? Did you know I was there the whole- wait!" I looked across from me and saw Alois on the floor, unconscious. I ran over to him and checked if he was okay. "Thank god..it must've been from everything that happened..Sebastian! Do you know why the officers came here?!" I yelled so he could hear me. He appeared behind me and sighed.

"Sadly not, young master." He bowed and left to his room. I heard a groan and I immediately took my attention to it.

"Alois!" I blurted out without a thought. I was so happy that I kissed him passionately. Though, it didn't last long. I smiled and took his hand. "I love you.." I grinned happily at him.

"I love you too~" he kissed my cheek and got up. I got up as well, the thought kept coming back to me. It was almost as if the thought was controlling me I had no control over if it wanted to pop into my thoughts or not.

"Um..Alois..do you know why you fainted..?" I managed to choke up those few words. He nodded slowly, closing his eyes, he sighed and opened them again.

"My parents are trying to find me. Trying to take me home and..nothing-never mind that.." he hesitated slightly, squeezing my hand tightly I smiled and shook my head. I mumbled a slight 'it's alright' under my breath. After awhile, Alois went back to his room. I went downstairs and saw Sebastian, I went up to him and sat on the kitchen counter.

"Tell the police what Alois's parents do to him. If they do not corporate, kill them." I ordered and he nodded but sighed since he was cutting up a carrot. He walked out of the room and out the doors, off to the station. I grinned thinking: 'finally we can have a peaceful life..no parents to worry about..no Lizzy..only Alois and I..' I giggled and hopped off the counter and went to the living room. I turned the tv on and flipped through the channels until I came upon one that was interesting. I clicked it and went on my phone since there were commercials.

I checked the homework site seeing that we had 3 assignments and 6 exams until the end of the year. Hey..that isn't that bad, right? I sighed and dragged my attention to the tv, after awhile I started to get bored and fall asleep. "CIELLLLLLL!" A voice screamed into my ear. 'As if I was deaf already.' I rolled my eyes and stared at Alois, unamused.

"What the HELL was that for?! Idiot!"

"I know~" he giggled, I sighed and leaned onto him. He combed my hair with his fingers, I smiled and closed my eyes again, chuckling slightly. Crash! I faintly heard a window break.


"NO YOU'RE NOT!!" I got up hit Lizzy with a chair. I sighed and waved over at Alois, panting slightly. He nervously waved back but he got up and walked closer to me.

"No more Lizzy?" I nodded and smiled.

..::Time Skip::..

Finally, the day Alois and I have been waiting for: graduation day! We kind of just went to the graduation, got our diplomas and didn't bother going to prom. We just stayed home and celebrated together. I had Sebastian buy us a giant tub of ice cream along with a cake. Everyone ate a piece of the cake since Alois and I couldn't finish it alone. Alois's parents were arrested, Elizabeth was taken to a mental hospital, and we could just live a normal life without anymore dramatic pain. Even after- no before graduating I didn't have any friends. I only had Alois and that's all I needed.

"Alooois~ I'm hungry!!" I whined, nuzzling him. He sighed and pet my head.

"Eat the left over ice cream from the grad." I pouted and sat down in the floor. I unlocked my phone and started taking pictures of Alois because god I couldn't stop he was too beautiful! I squealed looking at the pictures I took, I caught the attention of him who gave me a puzzled look. I giggled and kissed his cheek. Apparently while I was kissing his cheek he managed to take my phone and look at the pictures. "Oh?" He smirked as I blushed brightly. I took my phone out of his hands harshly, I scoffed and hit his shoulder gently. He chuckled and laid down on my bed. "Ciel, what about the future?" He asked. I thought about it for some time and grinned.

"Well, whatever is written for me shall be my future." I giggled and he let out a loud 'HAH!'

"You're so cheesy~ but I love it!" I laughed with him. We calmed down and I got up and walked out my door and down the stairs. I sat down on one of the last steps and sighed looking up at the ceiling. I heard shuffling of clothing and looked towards the sound. "I know exactly what I'm going to do for the future!" He said loudly and proudly. I smiled at him and looked forward. 'How long am I going to last with him..?' I looked down, feeling Alois arm wrap around my shoulder. He pulled me closer to himself, I smiled and nuzzled him lightly. "I love you~ forever." He smiled and leaned his head onto mine.

'Forever?..are you sure, Alois?'
So...today was the worst day in this entire year possibly. I just had the worst break up ever and I need to regain myself..but! I will keep writing so do not worry about me~ Also!! Would you guys kill me if I put them like 3 years later?? Like when they're 20/21? Because I have a good chapter~~ please VOTE and COMMENT if you like this chapter! Don't worry about this old author!!! I'll be fine!! Bye for now!

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