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Arabella's POV

I'm at my house with Summer doing homework before we go to the boys practice.

"So Arabella, why don't you like that Michael kid?"

"I never said that!"

"You dont need to, its pretty obvious"

"Oh I didn't think it was"

"So why do you hate him?"

"Well its just, okay so me and Luke and Calum went to the same school as Michael and he wasn't nice at all, to all of us but especially Luke, he would always pull pranks on him and talk behind his back and make Luke cry"

"What about you?"

"Well he would pull my hair and put gum in it, push me off slides, overall he was just obnoxious and mean"

"Well maybe he liked you and that's why he was rude"

"No Summer, it shouldn't work that way, I don't want a guy to be mean to me so that I'll know he likes me because then I'll accept all the jerks because they were mean and I'll pass up all the good guys just because they weren't jerks"

"Wow Ara, I never thought about it that way"

"Yea well I guess that's why I like Luke and hate Michael"

"Well what about Calum?"

"Calum was just there trying to convince us to make a truce with Michael but Luke and I never budged, well I guess I didn't"


7:49 PM

We arrive at Lukes house but Michael opens the door.

"Oh hey girls" he says before hugging us.

"Hey Michael" we both say and step inside the house.

"So where are the rest of the boys?" I ask looking into Lukes now empty garage.

"Well actually, practice location has been changed"

"What do you mean?"

"Well we needed a bigger space for Ashtons drums so we changed to my place"

"Oh Luke didn't tell me..."

"Well it was kind of a last minute decision"

"Oh well then where do we go?" Summer jumped in feeling my awkwardness.

"Well the boys are at my place and they left me here waiting for you guys so I could take you to my house"

"Okay then we should get going" I say already out the door.

"Hey Ara, I think I should drive since I know exactly where I live" Who does he think he is? There is no way I'm going to let him drive my baby.

"Please Ara, I dont want to be lost for hours" Summer says giving me a look.

"Fine." I say tossing the keys to Michael. We drive in silence but it's soon disrupted by Summers annoying questions.

"So Michael, Ara tells me you guys go way back"

"Yeah we do" he says smiling at Summer

"So has she changed at all?"

"No I dont think so, well yeah, she has"

"How?" I blurt out. Michael turns and looks at me and flashes a huge smile

"Well, you got prettier" My insides twist at the thought of him thinking im pretty. I slouch down on my seat hoping Summer will keep talking but the rest of the ride is silent. We arrive at a big tan house. I'm surprised at the fact that its so elegant,  I never thought Michael would live in this house. Michael parks my car and Summer quickly jumps out, before I can do the same Michael grabs my arm. I look at him surprised

"Ara, why did you get so quiet when I said you got prettier"

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to"

"Ara don't lie to me, I know you"

"You dont know me Michael" I say trying to get out of his grip.

"You're right I dont but I want to get to know you" he says letting me go falling back into his seat.

"Why Michael? You hate me"

"No no that's not true, I-I like you Ara"

"Really Michael? Wow that's a new low even for you. You were so mean to us in school and you expect me to forget about it? Now you tell me that you like me I mean come on Michael gr-"

I'm silenced with his lips on mine. Surprisingly I don't pull away, instead I sit there and let him kiss me.

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