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Michael's POV earlier in the day

"Hey bud are okay?" Calum asked patting my shoulder

"Yeah I just...I'm gonna go after them okay." Calum nodded and I was on my way. I went the way they did hoping to catch up. After a couple of minutes I finally heard Luke shouting for Arabella to stop. He held her shoulders and told her he loved her, then he kissed her and Luke spotted me after. My world shattered. If he loves her back then I have no chance. As long he didn't love her back I had hope, but now, now I have nothing. I walked away before Ara saw me. My vision became blurry. I can't believe I'm going to cry. Why would I cry? She doesn't love me. She doesn't even like me. How could I have been so stupid. I couldn't help but cry. I was wiping my tears when I bumped into what I thought was a tree, but it was a girl.

"I'm sorry I didn't see you there" I said wiping the last of my tears away.

"Its fine don't worry about-Michael? Michael is that you?"


"Yes oh my, I didn't recognize you with your hair"

"Oh yeah I've dyed it a bit"

"So how are you?"

"Good good how about you?"

"Great I just got back from America"

"Oh yeah you were doing that exchange student thing right?"

"Yeah, hey man are you sure you're okay? You look like you've been crying"

"No I'm fine, I just need to get home ya know"

"Oh yeah sorry for stopping you, but um can I have your number, maybe we can hang out or like I dunno"

"Oh um, yeah sure" I said putting my number in her phone and hugged her goodbye. I texted Calum and told him I wasn't going back to practice tonight, I just really needed a nap, or hair dye. When I got home there was a car in the driveway, one that wasn't my mum's. I opened the door and heard my mom laughing in the kitchen. I haven't heard her laugh since the divorce. I wonder who it is. I heard a deep and gravely voice, I instantly knew it was a guy. I slammed the door to make my presence known. The little giggles died off.

"Mum I'm back" I said walking into the kitchen. Just like I suspected, it was a guy.

"Welcome back sweetie, um Michael this is..Sean, Sean this is my son Michael" This Sean dude looked like an older macklemore.

"Hello Michael, nice to meet you" He says offering me his hand.

"Sup Sean" I said high fiving his hand.

"Michael"  my mom hissed

"Well I guess I'll leave you two alone, I'm going upstairs"

"Oh sweetie are you okay?"

"Yeah just, just a bit tired"

"Could this have anything to do with Arabella?"

"Arabella? Arabella Gold?" The Sean dude said

"Yes why? How do you know her?" How does this old macklemore dude know Ara?

"Oh well um she's my daughters best friend, Summer, do you know her?" Oh god, my mum likes this Sean guy, & he is Summers dad. How? This day just got worse.


A/ N :

Tough time for Mikey. But I hope you guys liked this chapter. Please comment and vote. Thanks love ya! ♡

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