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Michael's POV

I walked into school not with shame, or to try to hide my face, no I held my head high and strutted in. Guys murmured and girls stared. I went in knowing I will not be defeated.  I won't let this break up (or whatever it was) defeat me. I wont dwell on it any longer. I will be powerful from now on. I will be THE force to be reckoned with. Not even Luke or Ara can take me down or make me feel down.

First half of the day was a breeze. Everything was back to normal, but now came lunch time. I walked by the table and spotted Calum and Em on the table while Summer walked over and sat down. I took a deep breath and headed over to sit down.

"Look who finally came back" Calum said smiling up at me

"Great to be back Calum" I said sitting down "Ladies" I said looking over at the girls who simply smiled in response.

"So Michael where were you?" Em asked

"Uh...home...yeah I took some time off of this hell hole" I said chuckling forcefully and tapping my fingers on the table

"Lucky you, I'm looky if I even finish my homework in time to get 3 hours of sleep" Summer huffed out . The girls quickly went on a side convo wich by what I payed attention to was a project Summer had due that she hadn't even started.

"Mikey wanna come get lunch?" Calum asked standing up

"Uh sure" I said following after him

When we came back I found Ara already sitting on the table. She kept looking like she wanted to say something but I wouldn't acknowledge her. I had to admit though, that my heart still melted the minute I saw her, but it would also break nto a million pieces.

"So Calum how is Mr. Rudy's class?" I asked trying to avoid Ara

"Mikey?" I heard a familiar voice ask.

"Kate? What are you- Shit I forgot you came here" I said in disbelief

"Hey guys" she said to the group. It was then I noticed that Ara was tense and clenching her jaw. Did she know Kate and I dated? Kate quickly sat down next to me, and I must admit it was nice to have someone be so enthusiastic about my return.

"How have you been Mikey?"

"I've been great" I said nodding "How about you? How's the bakery?"

"Great and business is great too. You know Mikey...we have a job opening if you maybe want to take it?"

"Uh sure...what do you have to do?" "Just what I do...tend to customers or the cash register"

"Sounds easy enough I guess. I'll ask my mum see what she thinks" I said nodding. Just then out of the corber of my eye I saw a tall shadow approach the table and I knew. The tall figure stood there and I could feel his eyes burning into my skull urging me to tyrn and face him, so I did. His nose were still a bit bruised which made me smirk. The table got quite all of a sudden and you could cut the tension with a knife.

Luke cleared his throat and looked at Ara "Arabella, can you be a good girl and come with me?" He said through gritted teeth

"I don't want to go anywhere with you Luke" she whispered back

"Ara I just want to talk" he said looking at her

"Well I don't want to talk to you, about anything"  I couldn't help but feel happy with her words

His face softened and he crouched down to be at her level "Please Ara...listen to me, you don't even have to talk...just listen" he said in an almost begging tone as his voice cracked a bit. Ara looked at the group almost for an answer. I saw Em and Summer give her a nod and Calum just looked at the ground.

"Fine Luke" she said standing up and heading out with him

My insides boiled up at the thought of him leaving with her, it felt like my stomach was punched, but my heart also froze over.


I'm gonna fight 'em off
A seven nation army couldn't hold me back
They're gonna rip it off
Taking their time right behind my back
And I'm talkin' to myself at night
Because I can't forget
Back and forth through my mind....

And the message comin' from my eyes says leave it alone...

And the feeling coming from my bones says find a home...

And the stains comin' from my blood tell me "Go back home"...
-Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes

A / N :

long chapter I know but I hope it was worth the read thanks for being so patient guys and tbh I think this is the longest chapter in the book so far PLEASE COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK SO FAR IT WOULD MEAN TONS ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡


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