In Hiding

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Heyy I have a request that's a little bit personal but not a whole lot. For plot I was thinking about something set just after tlj with Kylo now being Supreme Leader and because of this he's more confident in a way and he's always known that the reader has had a crush on him for quite a long time because he's picked up on her thoughts of him throughout knowing her but the personalised part is that the reader is a lil' chubby and so she just keeps to her lane. Is this allowed? Thanks 4 reading c:


"Supreme Leader, huh..." One of your comrades, an officer at the same level as you, said as either of you stood in front of a poster, eyeing it with a tilt of your head. "I can't say I didn't see this coming... But, I kind of didn't. The Commander? The same man who destroyed panels and Force choked Lieutenants?" She asked, looking over at you as you sucked in a breath, biting your inner lip.

"Well... It happened." You said, eyeing the poster of Kylo, in all his glory. You weren't all that surprised that he had a poster—well, posters—it was rumored that the Emperor of the Empire had done it, too. "And now he's our Supreme Leader." Fighting a grin, you looked over at her. "What?"

Arching and eyebrow and looking at you, she grinned. "You seem happy about it... Is there any particular reason as to why?"

"Happy?" You questioned. "Happy? I- I, I'm not happy? I mean, I'm not upset either-"

"You're happy and in denial." She laughed as you shook your head.

"I'm not. I'm not in denial and I'm not happy. I'm just, sa- satis- satisfied..." You stuttered, looking away as she grinned.

"You and Commander, sorry, Supreme Leader Ren... Don't you know him?" She asked. "Like, on a different level than I know him?"

"What do you mean?" You asked, nervously chuckling.

"Like, you've worked with him before. I know you have, I remember. Some of the officers gossiped about it because you would always get so antsy on those days you'd be working with him." She nodded. "You like him-"

"H- huh?!" You shrieked. "No! I do not! I mean, I like him, yeah, I don't hate him!"

"No, you like him. Like, you'd suck his-"

"Whoa, stop." You shook your head, lifting your hands up. "I haven't though that far-"

"So you do like him!" She exclaimed, those passing by looking over for a moment as you looked over you shoulder and shook your head with a laugh.

"Okay, be quiet, shh!" You snapped your head back over to her. "I may... I may or may not... Like him more than I should. And I may be excited because he is our Supreme Leader now... But I'm also happy that we have a new base!" You nodded as she glared. "Stop giving me that look. Don't give me that look!"

"Well, why don't you give it a try?" Turning away form the poster and walking, your heart stopped.

"No- no way, no! I can't just give it a try. He's the Supreme Leader!" You rubbed your face. "And what makes you think he'd be okay with that? Huh? What if he hates me?!"

"Doubt it."

"Why's that? How could you think that?" You crossed your arms.

"Because, he clearly got along with you. He's never Force choked you... And, well, you're not dead." She shrugged as you sighed. "Plus, he's a lonely man, that's for sure. Maybe you could be by his side, ruling." She nudged as you rolled your eyes.

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