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Could I get a tlj fluffy request please? Kylo keeps constantly getting these visions of the reader. When snoke is killed, kylo finally meets the reader when they arrive on snokes ship to see that he is dead and meet the new supreme leader. The reason he could see her is because they were together at the Jedi temple but were split to train under snoke. When they are reunited they remember each other. Remember that snoke manipulated their minds to forget each other and the feelings they once had


The sight before him felt familiar. But, he couldn't remember. Someone... lying there beside him, gazing at him with the softest of looks. They seemed so gentle, so... precious. But, who were they?

That smile... it was genuine. It made his heart race. In a way it never had before. Or, so he believed. There was something about it, something about the face he was looking at that tugged at his heart. At the Force.

Looking into their eyes, the way they looked deeply into his, as if seeing past the person he was, Kylo couldn't help but feel his eyes water. What was this? Who were they? And why was he constantly dreaming about the same person?

Watching as they reached out to him, their hand lying against his cheek and brushing against the bone, he was about to reach out and pull them close to him, but they vanished. "No..." He shook his head, sitting up and searching the bed. "No... No!" He panted. "NO!"

Forcing himself awake, feeling the fresh tears stain his cheeks, he sat up with a low growl. Gritting his teeth and clutching onto his sheets, he looked over at his holo-clock, only to toss it across the room with the Force. Half past three in the morning. This is why he never slept enough, he always had nightmares... or dreams that were always ruined.

Rubbing the heels of his palms against his eyes, he slouched. He couldn't keep having these dreams... visions, whatever they may be. They were daily, nightly... in his dreams and daydreams. No matter when, he saw them. And they were only becoming more frequent.

It started when he was at the viewpoint, eyeing the stars to calm
himself down. He felt a presence to the left of him. No one dared bother Kylo at moments like those... But when he looked over, he had seen someone he had never seen before.

They were dressed in black, hair tied back in a loose braid, body being engulfed by the cloak they had worn.

He wanted to be furious, how dare someone interrupt him? But then he realized, they weren't even reacting to his glare. Were they oblivious? Were they trying to get on his nerves? Or were they not actually there...

Turning himself and eyeing the woman, just about to speak up, they only turned and walked away, disappearing into the darkness. As if they weren't there moments ago.

He didn't have time to deal with puzzling visions and dreams, not when he was dealing with more important issues.

The Supreme Leader was losing faith in Kylo. He was belittling him. Losing trust. He no longer saw Kylo Ren as a powerful Force being. No longer saw him as someone who could defeat the Jedi or bring the First Order success.

No, he saw Kylo as a child in a mask. A child who could never be like Darth Vader.

But the more and more Kylo was seen as unimportant and useless, he realized he didn't want to repeat the past. No. He wanted to better his future. Do what his grandfather couldn't do. Finish what he failed to complete. And to do that, he had to let the past die. He had to kill it. Eradicate it. Remove it from blocking his path.

Kylo Ren | Reader InsertsWhere stories live. Discover now