Crossguard V

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The Supreme Leader of the First Order didn't seem like the kind who needed a friend... let alone, wanted. He had his Knights and they were loyal to him. That was all he needed.

Or so he believed before you came into his life.

The days with you by his side were indescribable in every sense of the word. He never believed to have appreciated something so pure like a friendship. He never even believed he had lacked that sort of relationship until you entered the picture. Every passing day grew more and more interesting with you around. Especially when the two of you grew closer.

"You never truly allowed me into your space," you said with a yawn as you plopped on his couch, watching Kylo remove his cracked helmet. Placing the shield down on the coffee table before you, Kylo took a seat next to you. "Now that I have decided to stay on my own terms, I am suddenly welcomed."

"You always were. You just weren't welcomed in those moment you wanted to steal my lightsaber," Kylo uttered out.

"I may have my mind on something else..." you said, eyeing the helmet that stared back at you. Reaching over, you traced the red crevices that pieced the helmet back together.

Looking at you, then his helmet, Kylo sighed and leaned back in his seat, tilting his head back, "I am not willing to fight you in the moment."

Smirking to yourself, you continued tracing the helmet as you heard Kylo huff. Gazing at the helmet, your grin turned into a frown. "Why do you wear it? Other than for protection..."

"Many reasons," he simply answered. "Intimidation, fear... inflict dread. The anonymity. The lack of identity. Ripping myself from my birth origins. The list goes on, little one. As do all the bad guys."

Looking over at him, you tilted your head, "you consider yourself bad?"

"I am no saint but I fight for what I believe in like the Resistance. I seem like the bad guy in their—and anyone who opposes me—eyes." Looking over at you, Kylo arched any eyebrow. "I was once a bad guy in your eyes."

"Still are," you teased. "We're all bad. Fighting for what you believe in has its price. We do things to get where we want and need to be."

"We're no different."

"In that aspect," you clarified. "There's plenty of differences."

Eyeing you, Kylo crossed his arms, "such as?"

"Really? You want me to list them? As if they aren't obvious?" You squinted you're eyes.

"Enlighten me, little one."

Sucking in a small breath, you started off with the obvious, "you're Force sensitive. The Supreme Leader. You're powerful—"

"As if you're not?" He asked, causing you to blink.

"I really am not—"

"You took my lightsaber."

"...I guess that's pretty powerful."

Seeing the way you shrugged, Kylo leaned towards you, "you don't give yourself enough credit, seeing as you've done the unthinkable."

"And that's why I'm here, because I took your weapon and you needed a friend," you teased.

Squinting his eyes, Kylo huffed before leaning back. "I am having second thoughts about my choice in friends."

Grinning, you spent the rest of the night conversing to the point you lost track of time. It never dawned on you how much you had gotten out of Kylo, too engrossed in the conversation to even realize.

Kylo Ren | Reader InsertsWhere stories live. Discover now