Let Me Take You Home

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Hey amazing writer! I have been a fan of your writing for a long time! I want to ask a request. Can you do a fic where the reader and Kylo broke up like 2 weeks ago and he still isn't over it and he sees you in a party or something and he is drunk and he starts a fight when he sees you flirting with Poe or something. Please in a modern AU. If you dont want to do this request it's fine.


Flashing lights and drunken souls hurdled up at the dead center of the living room filled your line of vision. Everywhere you looked, there was something going on. Drinking, games, making out, smoking... You name it. It was a typical college party outside the campus.

It wasn't entirely your place to be, sure, you enjoyed parties and all, but that was when you and your boyfriend... ex-boyfriend attended them together. Now? Now it was almost as if you were on the rebound—or trying to get your mind off of him.

Two weeks had passed, only two, and it felt like it had been forever that you've been feeling that void. A hole in your heart that needed to be filled.

Just like you needed to breakup with Kylo.

Needed? Or was it really because you were scared of all that you've heard of him? He was your boyfriend for heavens sake! Yet, it was like you allowed others to influence you than your own experience.

You really hadn't known him for long, you met him your freshman year of college and now you were finishing up your senior year. The two of you hit it off so well—surprisingly. He was far different from you, but he seemed so compatible.

Key word, seemed. You thought he was the one. The one you'd marry and live forever with... But, that didn't happen.

It wasn't the greatest breakup. One thing lead to another, there was yelling and crying, and... well, here you were. Alone at a party.

You hated how much you were missing Kylo's companionship... How much you missed his presence, his big arms... his face. Letting out a sigh and drinking from your cup—a concoction your friend, Poe, made—you eyed your surroundings once again. You didn't have much to contribute to the crowd, anyway.

Spotting you and seeing that you were cornered off, Poe pushed through the tight crowd and wrapped an arm over your shoulders. "Alright, kiddo, no frowns." Poe shook his head and you arched an eyebrow.

"Kiddo?" You asked before crossing your arms as Poe shrugged. "I'm not frowning."

"Yes—" Poking your cheek, Poe sighed. "You are."

Rolling your eyes, not realizing you were frowning until you saw yourself on Poe's frontal camera, you took a sip from your drink. "It's called boredom."

"No." Poe lifted his hand and waved his index finger. "It's called heartbreak. I will never understand why you left Kylo... You two worked so well—"

"We didn't." You interjected, focus falling back onto the supposed dance floor. "That's why I called it quits. We didn't work. We weren't meant to be." Shrugging, not realizing your grip on your cup was tightening, Poe sucked in a breath and reached out. Loosening your grip and taking the cup from your hold before it could fully crumble and spray the contents all over you, you suddenly turned your head and gave him a look.

"I... beg to differ." Poe breathed, settling your cup to a side before he walked you over to the couch with him, arm still draped over your shoulders. "You two balanced each other out if you ask me. Especially you to him. You guys did work. I know that. I saw that." He said as you rubbed your face.

A silence—although not entirely silent with the music blasting and people talking—fell between the two of you. You had nothing to say. For two weeks your heart was trying to remind you that you felt what Poe had just said. But the people, you allowed others to influence you when you shouldn't have. You allowed the outside in when you should've kept them far away.

But, it was too late that, right? Kylo must've hated you for leaving him. You didn't blame him, you didn't give him a sufficient reason as to why you left. Especially when the two of you clearly felt love for one another.

You regretted leaving him the moment he walked right out of your apartment. The second you could almost hear his heart break when you had called it quits. Why did you do it when you loved him?

Sucking in a breath as your hands fell from your face, your shoulders dropped. You had done enough crying, now wasn't the time to shed more tears. The deed was done anyways.

"Alright, you need some space." Poe nodded, standing up and grabbing your hand to help you up before guiding you through the crowd, over to the backyard.

From afar, you hadn't noticed that Kylo was watching—let alone, you didn't even know Kylo was there. He kept his distance, although he didn't notice you were there until he saw Poe walking towards someone.

Jealousy was coursing through his drunken veins, he was on his who knows what number cup of who knows what drink, things were blurry... He could hardly see straight—let alone, walk a line. Possibly why he was all over the place when he was trying to get to the backyard.

He didn't how you were moving on so soon, it had only been two weeks! And now you were going for Poe? Poe, out of all people, the one man that everyone adored.

Of course it was Dameron, and of course Kylo's confidence plummeted. But, in his drunken state, he had enough confidence to start a fight the second he emerged from the doors and stormed towards Poe.

Standing before Poe as he tried keeping your mind preoccupied, having you chuckling, Poe was instantly tugged away as a gasp left your lips when a fist crashed into his jaw. "POE!" You shouted as he stumbled, only for you to look over and see Kylo.

"What the fuck are you trying to— to do, Dameron?!" Kylo shouted, pointing a finger.

"Kylo, please, what is going on?!" You panicked, instantly standing between the two as Poe rubbed his jaw and took in a deep breath. Facing Poe and eyeing his jaw, your chest heaved.

"Someone's still in love with you." He muttered as a frown took over your lips.

"You b— bet the fuck I am! You— You have no right to f— flirt with her!" Kylo shouted as your eyes widened, slowly looking over at him as his eyes never left Poe's.

Seeing him lunge, you quickly pushed your hands against his broad chest. "Kylo, please..." You softly spoke, not realizing there was a crowd forming. "Don't do this..."

Taking in deep breaths and looking down at you with glossy eyes, Kylo's eyebrows knitted. "No... No, I can't have— I can't have you moving on, Y/N! I fu— I fucking love you..." His voice cracked as tears had formed in your eyes, making your heart sink. "I love you..." He softly cried out, voice almost in a squeak.

You gulped with a faint frown as Poe took a step forward and patted Kylo's shoulder saying "you're in luck, she never stopped loving you," only to walk over to the crowd and shoo them away as Finn had appeared and handed Poe a bag of frozen peas for his now forming bruise.

Staring at one another, Kylo blinked away tears as his balled up fists loosened up. Swallowing, he searched your eyes, hoping Poe was right. He was a wreck and made a fool out of himself, he just wanted you back. He needed you back and he needed your love and he needed to love you. "Do you?" He asked as your breath lightly hitched, nodding.

"I'm sorry, I—" Before you could even finish, Kylo held your cheeks and slammed his lips against your own. Lifting your hands and holding fistfuls of his shirt, you tiptoed, tasting the alcohol on his tongue.

"I don't... I don't care." He shook his head, lowering his hands and wrapping an arm around your waist, lifting you from the ground as his free hand held the back of your head. "Just... Let me take you home..."

Gently smiling and holding his face in one hand as you had an arm wrapped over his shoulder, you shook your head. "You're drunk, let me take you home."

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