Chapter One

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   Erika arrived at the Team Ten mansion at 8 in the morning. She decided to leave her camera at home and come to the mansion alone.
   She needed some actual rest. She had also wanted to get something of her chest that day.
She reached for her phone at the passenger seat beside her and got out of the car. She locked it and started walking towards the front door.
For some reason, the outside of the house was quiet and calm. The only sounds that could be heard was the chirping of the birds and the barking of Apollo and Athena inside.
She knocked three times and waited. Someone from inside came over to the door and let her inside.
"Hi, Nick! I was wondering actually..." she greeted.
"Hi, Rik. What is it?" Nick said.
"Can we sit down first? Then we'll talk. Like for real" she said.
They walked over to the living room and sat down on the couch. Nick put down his cup of coffee on the coffee table.
The room was empty. Only them both were present. Usually, the guys would have sit there and play with the puppies already.
"Where is everyone? The house is so quiet. It makes me feel weird. Usually Jake is already here running around and doing crazy stuff already" she asked.
"Oh that's your question. Well...Jake is upstairs in his room. Probably sleeping. He was so tired last night when he came home from work. And the others just chose to sleep in" Nick explained.
"Oh okay. You should get back to work I guess. I'll go wake Jake up" she smiled and left Nick alone.

Erika opened the door slowly and walked inside. She saw Jake on the bed, sleeping heavily.
She got an interesting idea to pour water on Jake to wake him up. Kind of evil but he deserved it.
She ran into the bathroom and filled up a bucket with cold water. She picked it up and walked over to the bed.
She put the bucket down and decided to turn on Jake's spare camera to film the prank. She'll take the video clip later.
"What's up, Jake Paulers? I'm going to prank Jake with a waking up prank. He deserves it after all of the pranks he did on me" she laughed and put the camera down.
"WAKE UP JAKE!" she yelled as she dumped the water on him.
"What the-Erika!!!! I'm going to get you for this" Jake yelled.
Erika started to burst out laughing with the camera in her hand. Jake snatched the camera away and turned it off.
"Explain" Jake put the camera down on the bedside table.
"Awww...are you mad? Duhh, isn't it obvious. I pranked you" she still couldn't stop laughing.
Jake rolled his eyes and started to walk over to his bathroom. Erika stopped laughing and ran after him.
"I'm sorry...did I go too far?" she asked, feeling a little bit bad.
"I'm just a little tired, Erika. It was a long and tiring night. I'm not mad" Jake shook his head.
"Promise?" she looked at him hopefully.
"Your puppy eyes always work on me. I promise you, I'm not even mad in the slightest" Jake grinned.
She let out a breath of relief. Then she suddenly remembered the whole reason she came to the mansion.
"Can we talk later? It's really important" she asked.
Jake absently pushed a strand of her hair behind her right ear.
"All right. Why don't you go wait downstairs in the kitchen? I'll be right with you" Jake nodded.
"Okay" she smiled and headed down to the kitchen to wait for him.'s the first chapter?Do you think I did great for my first try? Hope you guys like it though. I'm asking you to do me a quick favour by voting on 'You and I' for me. Pleaseeeee with a cherry on top?

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