Chapter Seven

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Erika's POV
I got back home from work at 8. Not that I work that much. I am a model after all. I attended a couple of important meetings.
I showered and put on my makeup. I scanned my wardrobe for an appropriate dress for the occasion tonight. I chose to wear a blue silky laced dress with a pair of white high heels.
I sat on the edge of my bed to check on my phone. I had silent the phone when I was at work. I saw that I have 5 missed calls and 13 messages from Jake.
I took a deep breath and decided to read them.

Hi Erika.
I'm so sorry about what happened.
Are you coming to the party tonight?
Will I see you there?
Are you still mad at me?
Why aren't you responding?
I asked Tessa and she said that you snapped at her the other day when she asked.
You shouldn't be so hard on her.
She was just doing what I told her to do.
Look, can we talk? At the party.
Come see me in the backyard after I do my performance.
I really need to talk to you.
Thank you for reading I guess.

I sighed and put my phone in my white handbag. I glanced at the clock. It was already 9.45 p.m.
I turned off all the lights in the apartment and locked the door. I got to my Jeep and started the engine.
Before I pressed the pedal, I decided to call Tessa. Maybe I can convince her to come to the party with me. I'm sure she was invited too.
I was surprised when she picked up on the fourth ring.
"What do you want, Erika?" She didn't sound fazed.
"Umm...I need some advise on-"
"On Jake? Fine. But not now, I'll meet you at the party"
Tessa hung up. I didn't blame her though. I'm lucky enough that she was actually talking to me. I shook my head and drive to the Late Night Fun party hosted by my teammates.

      I arrived at the party at 10 p.m. sharp. I noticed that a lot of guests had arrived earlier than me. But knowing my friends, they would have finished setting up two hour before the party started.
      I walked inside. I had to admit that they did a pretty good job decorating the place. I also noticed right away that this was a private party.      
      I looked around until I found Tessa talking to Chad and Nathan. I casually approached them.
      "Hey Tess. You're early" I said.
      "You didn't know? We were supposed to come early because we're part of the team" Tessa looked at me funny.
      "Actually no. I didn't get any notice on my phone" I replied.
      "It's no problem. We had decided to let Jake perform It's Everyday Bro. That's all that you missed" Nathan shrugged.
      "Talking about Jake, where is he anyway?" Tessa asked.
      "He's upstairs in his room. Said he'll enjoy the party after the song" Chad explained.
       Hmm...that's weird. I thought he was the one who planned the party?
       "We were the one who planned everything. Jake wasn't in the mood. Gotta go guys, need to help Jake get ready" Nathan said as if he was reading my mind. Chad left with Nathan.
       Tessa shifted her gaze on me. She reached for two glasses of wine and handed one to me. She took a sip and lick her lips.
       "So what about Jake?" Tessa asked.
       "Oh, he asked me to meet him outside after he sang the song with the others" I remembered.
       "The backyard?" She guessed.
       "How did you know?" I asked, surprised.
       "No one except team ten members are allowed there so I thought that would be a great spot to have a personal conversation" Tessa grinned. I looked at her with an unsure expression.
        "Just go talk to him, Erika. He needs it as much as you do. Sort it out with him" Tessa put her hand on my arm and smiled.
       Suddenly, the music stopped and Jake was standing on the stairs with the others. He wore a black leather jacket with a white shirt underneath and a pair of ripped jeans.
       "What's up, guys? Thank you so much for coming tonight. Here's a special performance of It's Everyday Bro, my first song ever. I hope you enjoy the party!" His voice boomed through the microphone.
       They sang as they walked down the stairs. Tessa already in her position at the bottom. They sang the song without any mistakes or trouble. When they finished, Jake excused himself and headed outside where he told me to meet him.
       I followed him. He was staring at the mesmerizing view of Hollywood. I walked up to him and stopped beside him. He turned to face me.
      "Erika. You came.." Jake's eyes was focused on me.
      I nodded and gestured for him to continue. Looking at him now made my anger subsided a bit.
      "I am so so sorry, Erika. What I had done is unforgivable. I shouldn't have kiss Amanda. She was supposed to be a distraction but that doesn't make it less okay. After you said what you said to me that morning, I was everywhere. When you left after what you saw, made me more heartbroken. I feel guilty and to be honest, really disgusted with myself. Everyone around me can see that something was wrong. So I went out and buy this Promise Rings this morning. Kind of ridiculous, I know. I just wanted to be like a real guy and asked you right now. Will you go out with me?" Jake said while holding one pair of the ring out.
      I was speechless. No way could I still be mad after what he said. I already knew the answer. I had been waiting for him to actually say the last six words forever.
     I nodded my head and hold out my right hand. He slid on one of the rings on my index finger . I reached for the other one and slid it on his left hand's middle finger.
     He leaned in and kissed me. I tangled my hands in his hair. I felt his hands on my cheeks as he deepened the kiss. As if on cue, fireworks exploded in the sky. Making tonight more magical than it had already been.

Hi. I'm thinking late night updates are my thing now 😂. Sorry, I do still hope you guys love it. Especially with the Jerika kiss right at the end. Do me a quick favour by voting on 'You and I'. Anyways, have a nice day!!!

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