Chapter Fifthteen

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I didn't edit this chapter at all so please ignore some of the mistakes 😘

Third Person's POV
     "Excuse me. You did WHAT?!" Chance yelled. Anger clear in his voice.
     Erika's eyes fall to the ground. She couldn't faced any of her friends faces.
     "Erika, that's messed up. Jake loved you" Anthony expression clearly showed that he was disappointed.
      "Now we know why he's not here huh..." Tessa said.
     Chad, Kade, Justin and Nathan were quiet. Erika wanted them to say something. Literally anything were better than just silence.
     "I know it's not my place to say anything since I'm young and all but why did you do it?" Justin suddenly spoke.
     Erika rubbed her left arm repeatedly using her right hand. "I was-it was in the that time, it felt right..".
     "Honey, there must have been a reason why that happened and why Jake even decided to go to Miami in the first place" Chad said.
      Erika noticed that Chance, who was leaning against the counter bar, and Anthony, who was standing beside him, were both so quiet. They also had unreadable expressions on their faces that made Erika more nervous that she had already been.
      She sighed. "I don't know...maybe it's because that Jake was never actually there for me, he was always vlogging or on set".
     Nathan shook his head. Erika was completely oblivious of Jake's undying love for her. She didn't know that Jake always talk about her 24/7.
     "All you need to know is that Jake loved you more than anything. All of us can see that. Even the Jake Paulers who are watching behind their screens can see that what you have or had was real..." Nathan put down Jake's vlog camera. He didn't even know why he had been carrying that around.
    Chance suddenly stood up straight and walked up to Erika. He shoved his index finger to her upper chest roughly. "You are just so NEEDY, do you know that? You only saw him not being there for you. You didn't see the countless things that he did for you. He spent thousands on you, Erika and you couldn't do a simple thing such as being loyal to him!" He yelled.
    "Oh yeah? Loyal? What about you and Tessa? Were you loyal in the relationship?!" Erika unintentionally snapped.
    "That's enough Erika. You're the one at fault right now.  Chance and I had nothing to do with Jake's and your relationship" Tessa half-growled.
    Suddenly, Kade just stormed out of the room with his phone at his ear. Everybody looked at him for a quick second then returned their attention to Erika Costell.
    "T...I'm so sorry. I didn't-I wasn't trying
to-I'm just sorry okay?" Erika tried apologising.
    Chance rolled his eyes and started walking away from all of them towards where Kade went just a couple of seconds ago. Anthony gave her one last disproving look and left after Chance.
     "You guys aren't leaving? I don't deserve to have you guys after what I had done" Erika asked sadly.
     "No. Rik, just give Chanthony time. They are so closed with Jake as if they were brother for life. That's why it looked like they hate you right now" Chad said after a long moment of silence.
    "Uh, yeah. Good to know.."Erika managed a fake smile.
    "We need a plan" Tessa said, glancing towards each and every last one of them. All of them nodded,obviously agreeing.

Em back!!! You are probably not even excited... anyways, I've gotta admit that being a form 1 student is actually very tiring. Hope you guys like this chapter. Please do vote for
'You and I' 💕. Byeeeee, I love you guys.

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