Chapter Six

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      Three days had passed and the atmosphere around the house couldn't be more grimmer. None of them asked Jake anything.
      Jake knew that the reason the Team Ten members didn't ask him anything was not because they didn't care, they're just too afraid or nervous to approach him.
      Jake had been all over the place. Amanda had checked in on him and apologised for everything even though none of this was her fault.
      He had forced himself to go to set and vlog this pass few days. He even managed a happy smile but he knew he was not okay.
     Heck, everyone around him could see that. Even the Jake Paulers had Dmed or tweeted him and asked if he was okay.
      He had had enough of all this feeling sorry for himself shit. So he woke up early that day and workout a bit in the gym.
      After he showered and got dressed up for the day, he went downstairs and ate some breakfast. He sat down on the couch with his laptop open on his lap. He answered some business emails.
      Time had passed when he felt someone's hands on his shoulders. He looked up and saw his friends standing behind him-the couch-looking nervous. Chance was the one who put his hands on his shoulders.
      "I've had enough with your sad phase. It's not looking good dude. You have to get out there and have fun!" Chance exclaimed. Jake rolled his eyes.
      "So that's why we decided to trow a party!" Anthony yelled. Jake looked at him with mixed expression.
      Chad elbowed Anthony in the ribs. "If you don't mind that is. You wouldn't have to do anything! We'll do all the work" Chad said.
      "C'mon Jake..I promise you'll enjoy yourself. You don't even have to spend a penny" Kade offered.
      Jake stared at his friends for a moment. Maybe the party would be just the place to reconnect with Erika and apologised to her. He nodded his head and smiled.
     "About the money...I'll pay for it. Thanks guys for trying to make me feel better" Jake said with gratitude.
    Suddenly, he eyes fell to his phone. He wasn't really searching for his phone but for some reason they just landed there. He grabbed it and stood up.
     "Excuse myself" Jake walked outside to his backyard. He searched his contact list and found Erika's name. He called her and waited for her to pick up. But she didn't answer.

     "Oh my god Tessa! That was the most fun three days of my life this year" Erika exclaimed.
     "I know right? It was amazing for me too but sadly we're already on our way home.." Tessa grinned. She had managed to finally cheer Erika in Miami. She invited her last minute but fortunately score a ticket for her best friend.
     They were both already seated in the plane. Erika had asked to seat by the window and Tessa gladly let her. They both fell silent after getting their seatbelts on but they enjoyed each other presence.
     After the plane took off, Tessa made the decision to ask Erika if she was still mad at Jake. He had called her personally and ordered her to ask Erika since he couldn't get a hold on her.
     "Erika?" Tessa started. She hated that she had to bring it up but better now than never.
     She glanced over to her. "What's up?" She asked.
      Tessa took a deep breath. "Are you still pissed at Jake?".
      "Duhh, I am. That's not something a little trip could fix. Why are you even bringing it up? I was in a good mood sixty seconds ago" She said sharply but her face softened when Tessa fell quiet, avoiding her eyes.
     "T...I'm so sorry. I appreciated it that you put up with me and brought me to Miami. I should have at least think before I just snapped at you like that" Erika sighed.
     Tessa didn't open her mouth the whole way back. Erika kept on glancing over to her time to time. She sank into her seat. Great, I'm such a great friend. Guess the best friend of the year award goes to.
       They landed around 3 in the evening. They retrieved their bags and went to go find Erika's jeep in the parking lot.
       Erika sent Tessa home first. She apologised again to Tessa but she brushed her off. Erika shook her head and drove home.
       She got ready for bed and decided to wear a cute little goat pyjamas. She was rinsing her hair when her phone lighted up. It was a text from Team Ten..
   Yo Tricky Rick!? We know that you haven't been in contact with us for over two days. So we thought that we could catch up at the Team Ten party? Here's the required info :
     Name of the event : Late Night Fun
     Time : 10 p.m
     Place : The Team Ten Mansion
  We hope you can be there. Love you with all of our hearts. XoXo 💝

What's up? A late update, sorry for that. I'm going to be honest with you guys, when I was writing this at probably 10.30 p.m, I fall asleep and woke up at 11.45 p.m. So I was like, I have to finish the chapter tonight or I swear... and ended up finishing the chapter at 12.22.
Just thought that I shared that with you guys.So please please please vote on 'You and I'. Hope you guys have a nice day, bye love youuu

You and I ~ JerikaWhere stories live. Discover now