Chapter Nine

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Erika woke up before Jake. She stretched but then decided to lay back down. She rested her head on his chest and listened to his slow steady breathing.
Jake slowly opened his eyes. He looked down at Erika and grinned. His right hand hugged Erika's waist. They stayed like that for a couple of minutes in comfortable silent.
"Good morning, beautiful" Jake said.
Erika blushed. "Thank you, Jakey".
Jake kissed her head then gently moved her head as he sat up. He looked at her fondly then went to go get ready for their date that day.
Erika texted her goat squad while she waited for her prince charming to get ready. She swears that Jake took the time to get ready like a girl does.
He walked out of the closet all dressed up. He had the blue 'Jerika' jersey on and some ripped jeans on with his pineapple Gucci shoes. Erika checked her boyfriend out.
"What's up, luv?" Jake chuckled and walked over to his phone. Erika laughed and went to the bathroom to get ready.
She chose to wear a red long sleeve shirt and  a black skirt with red boots. She let her hair down and was doing her makeup when Jake came in and hugged her waist from behind.
    "What's with you with hugging my waist today?" Erika chuckled.
    "I don't know. You are just so cute" Jake let go of her.
    Erika shook her head and went on to put on her dark red lipstick. She could feel his eyes on her the entire time.
    "So where are we going? We're going to go have breakfast first right? I'm starving" She asked as she touched up her makeup a bit.
    "It's a Surprise" Jake grinned. She rolled her eyes playfully.

     The Surprise ended up being a steak restaurant. Jake had blindfolded Erika as they walk from Smurf Fire to the restaurant. People might have see them looking weird but Erika thought it was sweet that Jake made an effort to show that he cared.
     The waiters had put their food on the table already. The lamb chop and the steak that Jake had requested last night looked delicious and there were still steam coming out of them.
     "Are you serious, Jake? This doesn't seem like a breakfast to me. It looked like lunch!" Erika exclaimed.
    "Oh my sweet little goat. This is for our lunch. Had you looked at the time? It's already 11.20 p.m." Jake tapped his Rolex watch as if to show what he meant.
     Erika's eyes shifted to the clock and realized that Jake was right. They had woken up later than she had guessed.
     "What time did we wake up?" She asked just to be sure.
     "I'm not sure but I think at like 9 in the morning" Jake shrugged.
     "And why did that happened?" She started to slice her lamb chop.
     "Maybe-wait...nope, I have no clue" Jake stuffed the already cut piece of his steak into his mouth.
     "What about the Jake Paulers? Don't you have to like vlog and stuff?" Erika panicked.
     "You are much much more important. I'll post tomorrow vlog late. It's no biggie. C'mon and just enjoy the date that I planned for us?" Jake looked at her hopefully.
    "Okay" She replied shortly.
    They enjoyed their breakfast and talked like a normal couple would. Once they finished their food, Jake brought Erika to a goat farm.
     Erika kissed Jake passionately to say thank you. He was glad that he could make her happy. They took two Instagram pictures. One for each of them.
     Jake took Erika to a shopping mall. She didn't know what to expect so she just tagged along.
    "Where are you taking me now?" She intertwined their fingers together.
    "You'll see babe"Jake closed her eyes and half pushed half pulled her to a specific shop. She opened her eyes and they instantly grew wide.
    "Oh my god...Jake. You're kidding me right now" Erika asked seriously.
    "I'm not kidding you. Go ahead and choose anything. I'll pay" Jake laughed and gently pushed her into the shop.
     She ended up choosing two items. A shoulder bag and a cat eye sunglasses. Or as Jake called it, the Haters Blocker. He paid for them and pulled her towards a restaurant.
     She glanced over at his Rolex. It was already 7 in the evening. Erika couldn't believe her eyes when she realized that Jake had made a reservation for them at a Sushi place.
    "Jake...This is too much for a first date" She pleaded, not wanting to spend any more of his money.
    "It's our last stop Rik. Besides, I don't mind. I love you so much" He rubbed circles on her hand. She inhaled a deep breath and nodded.
    They ate their dinner while they chitchat a little bit. Everything that they ordered was licked clean. Erika got to admit, it was one of the best sushi she had ever tasted.
     He finally took her home. By home, she meant the Team Ten mansion. When they got there, he told her to wait outside for a couple of seconds.
    Jake soon came back outside with a bouquet of roses in his hands. He handed it to her with a big smile on his face. She took it and hugged him tightly.
    "I love you so much, Jake" was all that she could manage to say.
    "I love you more Erika" He pulled away and crashed their lips together. Erika responded to the kiss with the same amount of force.

Hey guys..I'm so sorry about the no update last night. It was my mother's birthday so we went out to celebrate and didn't get back until 1.30 in the morning. I hope you guys like this chapter. I've gotta admit that it is not one of my best but it was all I could do for you guys. Thank you so much for reading 😘


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