Chapter Ten

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Jake's POV
     It had been three months into our relationship and everything was going great until Erika started acting strange after she got a text message.
     She wasn't acting like herself and she was always busy and didn't have time for me or the teammates so I decided to confront her about it.
    "Erika, are you in here?" I looked around the small library in the Team Ten mansion.
    "Who is it" She answered somewhat sounding annoyed.
    "You don't recognise my voice? Oh come on Erika, we had been dating for 3 months already and I'm damn well sure you recognised it" I crossed my arms on my chest as I walked up to her.
   "I didn't Jake. Is it that hard to believe it or are you just so full of yourself?" Erika rolled her eyes at me. Her glare was like glass cutting through my soul.
  "I didn't even...I guess it could wait.."I tried to show her that she was acting like a bitch with my expression and I was surprised when she caught up on what I was hinting.
   "Look Jake,I'm sorry. I don't have the time right now but we could spend the day together before I leave for Miami" She suggested, gripping my arm.
   "Okay, where do you want to go?" I asked.
   "Can we just stay in the house? I don't want to go outside today" Erika said. I got the feeling that she wasn't really asking for my answer because she let go of my arm and walked towards the door.
   "I'll wait in the living room" was all that she said before she closed the door behind her. I sighed and followed her downstairs.
   She sat down on the couch and pulled out her phone and started to text someone. It annoyed me how I don't know who she was texting. I walked up in front of her.
    "Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked while trying to keep my voice away from sounding irritated.
    "Yeah, sure" She said then started to ignore me again. I snatched her phone away and calmed my breathing.
    "What the hell was that for?!" She glared at me but I didn't react to it.
    "Please go make us some snacks while I setup the movie.." I looked at her with my puppy eyes. She rolled her eyes again and stormed off into the kitchen.
    I put down the phone and started to setup the television. I chose to watch the Maze Runner because I haven't watch it for a long time and this just might be a good time.
     Erika's phone just couldn't stop buzzing as if the person texting her earlier was dying or something. I was really starting to get annoyed with it until Erika walked into the room with a bowl of popcorn and two glasses of vodka on the tray in her arms.
      She sat back down with the most upset face I had ever seen on her in my life. She grabbed her phone and tucked it in her pocket.
      "Can we just at least try to enjoy it?" I pleaded.
      "Fine" She replied and was quiet through an hour in. That was when I noticed she pulled out her phone again and started to text. What I didn't get was, she was grinning and smiling as if she was texting the love of her life when I was sitting eight inches away from her.
      "Okay, that's it. Erika!" I yelled.
      "What!?" She yelled back. Thank god no one was home because they were out for some movies or something.
      "I'm starting to feel like you prioritized your phone than me. We were supposed to spend the day together before you leave, you were the one who suggested it and ruined it too" I tried to steady my voice back.
      "I'm busy, Jake! Don't you get that? I'm going home to my apartment to pack my bags and just seriously get away from-from All of This!" Erika yelled and left instantly with the sound of her slamming the door shut.
       I was so pissed off until I screamed and knocked over the bowl of popcorn to the floor. The force that I used was enough to make the bowl break into pieces.

Hiiii...It's me again. So guys, I'm sorry that I didn't update last night because I was thinking of ideas and they finally popped in my head. I will try to finish 'You and I' before January tenth because if I'm lucky enough, I'll get into my dream boarding school!!! So give the book a vote for good luck while I wait for the result.

You and I ~ JerikaWhere stories live. Discover now