Chapter Five

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Jake's POV
      I pulled away from Amanda. I swear I heard boots clicking just now. Oh god...the only person who wears boots in this house was Erika.
      I got up and started running to the front of the house. There it was. Erika's jeep pulling away from the driveway. And may I add, in a blink of an eye the jeep was gone.
      Just as Erika left, the others got back. My heart was racing a million miles in a minute. I walked back inside to tell Amanda to leave.
      She was nothing to me. I just needed some distraction from Erika...what she said, hurt me.
Amanda understood that. She left through the back door.
      I slumped down onto the couch. What have I done? I was so scared that I was going to hurt her and that was exactly what I did.
      Chance and Anthony came to the living room. They both sat beside me which makes me sitting between them.
      "Are you okay, bro?" Anthony asked first.
      I shook my head repeatedly. I put my head in my knees. I wanted to cry. I really did. Erika was everything to me. I loved her but she didn't know that.
"Earth to Jakey? What's wrong Jake? You can tell us" Chance said.
I know I could tell them everything but I'm guessing they would just say I'm a jerk. Well, at least I'm feeling like one.
" pained us to see you like this. This is not the Jake we know" Anthony rubbed circles on my back.
Oh yeah guys? The Jake you know is the Jake that is loyal and caring. I'm not that Jake right now.
"The Jake we know never gives up. Always look on the bright side of things. Tell us what's wrong. Maybe we can help" Chance said.
"I...I messed up. I broke Erika's heart. She asked me to clearly think about my feelings for her and tell her the answer in two days but this morning I was about to kiss her but she pushed me away and snapped at me. I was everywhere when she left. So I called Amanda for some distraction and Erika saw us then she ran away and left" I let it all out.
As expected, they looked at me like I had killed somebody. I couldn't blame them. I do feel disgusted with myself.
"'s okay. We'll figure something out" Chance said.
He hugged me then Anthony joined in. I wanted to push them away but I was too weak to do that. I didn't need to be hug, Erika does.

Erika's POV
       I drove the car straight to my house. I was quiet the whole way there. Tessa tried talking to me but I ignored her.
       I can't believe him. He told me he needed time to think. He almost kissed me this morning if I hadn't push him away. He told me that he had feelings for me last night but he just had to make out with someone else in that time period he asked for.
       I unlocked my apartment door and ran towards my bedroom. I pressed my face into the pillow and sobbed uncontrollably.
       The apartment was empty aside from Tessa and me. My goat squad went back to their hometowns to have some time off.
       I heard Tessa came into the room. She sat beside me on the edge of the bed. She was quiet for a solid minute before she spoke.
       "Erika, what happened?" was all that she said. I could hear the cluelessness in her voice like she didn't know what to do with me.
        I pulled myself up into a sitting position on the bed. I took a deep breath. Tessa waited patiently and I appreciated it.
        "I saw room...with a girl...I think...Amanda was her name..." I sobbed.
        "I don't see why that's bad...he's with a girl and?" Tessa said carefully.
        I didn't answer. She knew me well enough to know why I ran out of the house with my eyes red.
        " You like him? Erika, since when??" Tessa sounded clueless.
      She didn't know that I had feelings for Jake because I had never told her. In fact, I had never told anyone about it.
        "Can't I just not talk about it? I'm in a bad place right now..."I wiped my tears away.
        "All right. Hey, you are going to be fine. You're awesome E. With a guy or without. Now let's forget about all of this and have fun" Tessa suggested.
        "Okay T. You're the best" I managed a smile.
        "Awww....welcome Erika" Tessa grinned and hugged me tightly. A hug that I gladly return.
        I can get through this. I know I can. I survived without him before and nothing had changed since that.

Hey guys. Another long chapter. I really really really hope you guys like it. Do me a quick favour by voting, k? Kisses 😘

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