Chapter Eighteen

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Third Person's POV
      Chance inhaled the smell of Ohio. Anthony volunteered to go grabbed the bags while he waited outside.
      He missed the feeling of being in his hometown. The place where everything started. The vlogs, the ideas and the inspiration all of them got came from Ohio.
     He frowned when he remembered their current situation. The two repeating words in his head were Jake and Erika.
     Chance didn't know what to do when he found out. That was the reason why he acted like such an asshole towards Erika. What she did was unreasonable but people make mistakes. He just couldn't think of how Jake was feeling. He hadn't seen him so happy for a very long time but then suddenly one mistake ruined everything.
     Erika had been trying to contact Anthony and him since they left the Team Ten house. They both decided to just ignore her. They returned to Ohio for Jake. And only Jake.
     "Chance, found a cab yet?" Anthony's voice could be heard from behind him. He turned around and smiled.
     "Yeah. It's that one right there" he said while he pointed to a direction of a cab to his right.
     "Oh, you know we can just Uber right?" Anthony suggested the idea again. He didn't know why Chance Sutton wanted to ride in a cab.
    "Yeah yeah I know but I don't want to. Let's just go" Chance reached over to his bag and carried it all the way to the cab. He greeted the driver and put his bag in the trunk. Anthony following right after. They both get in and sat in the back.
   "So where do you want to go?" The driver asked with a friendly tone.
    Chance told him Jake's address. The driver nodded and pressed his foot on the pedal. The whole ride was quiet. Not because the driver didn't want to talk, it was just because both Chance and Anthony fell asleep. 

     They arrived at Jake's house about an hour after. Chance shook Anthony up and paid the driver. They thanked him as they reached for their bags in the trunk. The cab drove away from the house.
     Anthony knocked on the door. Praying silently for Jake not to be the one who answer the door. His prayer was answered when Pam opened the door.
    "Boys! I didn't know that you were coming? Jake didn't say anything" Pam let them in and told them to sit on the couch.
   "That's the thing...we didn't exactly tell him that we were coming. Speaking of, where is Jake?" Anthony asked after he set down his and Chance's bags down neatly.
   "He's sleeping in his room. That's the first time I saw him asleep since he got back" Pam said sadly.
   "Do you mind if we go bother him?" Chance asked just to be sure.
   "What? No, not at all. He needs the distraction and besides, I need to cook dinner for all of us"Pam shook her head and left the boys alone to start cooking.
   Chance and Anthony crept upstairs and into Jake's room. They saw Jake sleeping peacefully on the bed right away. They sat down at the edge of the bed. Chance slapped Jake's cheek gently. He startled awake.
   "What the-Chanthony?" Jake said in a tired voice as he sat up on the bed.
   "No offence but you look like shit" Anthony laughed.
   Jake chuckled. "None taken. Why are you guys here? And how did you guys find me?".
   "Oh c'mon. It's not that hard of a guess. We know you well enough to know where you would go when you're stressed out and disappeared" Chance grinned.
   "Fuck...I need a better hiding spot" Jake laughed. It felt great after not laughing for ages.
   "How are you holding up?" Chance asked. Everyone could see how concerned he was for Jakey here.
   "I don't know man. Everything just feels wrong. Now I know what heartbreak means huh..." Jake sighed.
   "It's her loss. You're awesome bro. We're here for ya" Anthony started to stand up.
   Jake nodded without saying anything else. For some unknown reason, his eyes felt heavy. He didn't remember how long since he felt this sleepy.
   "Boys! Dinner's ready!" They could hear Pam yelled from downstairs. Jake snapped out of his trance and walked towards the dinning table with his best friends.
   Jake's mother cooked some Swedish meatballs with a side of homemade mashed potato. She had also poured them all glasses of wine.
   All of them sat down and said their prayers and started digging in. It was so delicious until they went in for a second round.
   Chance's phone had been buzzing in his pocket until he couldn't take it anymore and excused himself from the table and walked outside.
    He groaned when he saw the name of the caller. He really didn't want to deal with this right now. He decided to pick up.
    "Oh my god. Finally!! Where have you been? I've been calling all day!" Erika exclaimed.
    "Oh, I know. I just didn't have the mood and time to actually talk to you but yeah, I still picked up" Chance said.
    "Look, Chance. I have some stuff I planned to do for Jake but in order to make it work, I need yours and Thony's cooperation" Erika said hopefully.
    "I'm listening" Chance said and listened attentively.
    "So what do you say?" Erika asked when she was finished.
   "Sure, anything to see him happy again. When are you going to do it?" Chance's voice softened when he realized that Erika had good intentions.
   "Tomorrow. Think you can handle it?" Erika said cheerfully.
   "I'm sure I can. Gotta go, see ya later Rik" Chance was about to hung up when Erika said something at the last minute.
   "Yeah? What's up?"
   "I'm really sorry"
   "I know..and I forgive you Erika"

Two more chapters!!!! Maybe I'll do a two updates tomorrow but we'll see 😏. Thanks guys for reading this far.
Okay so, I know about the whole Tessa and Tristan leaving Team Ten thing and I'm sorry if it bothers you in the book because I didn't take Tessa out of the equation. It's just I had only found out today and I didn't want to make you guys confuse if I change it so I hope you don't mind.
Vote for the book please? Anyways, I love all of you so much. Bye😘.

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