Chapter Nineteen

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Erika's POV
    "Everything's set, T?" I asked anxiously. It's happening tonight. I shivered from the thought.
    "I had packed everything that you need. Now straight to the airport" Tessa reassured me. I nodded and hit on the gas.
    "The boys got everything ready?" Tessa started a conversation.
    "Yup. Better yet, Team Ten decided to tag along and join us" I grinned happily. I grew concerned when I saw Tessa's expression changed.
    "About a...Team Ten. I'm thinking of-"
    "You're thinking of leaving huh...let's forget about that and focused on the mission k?" I shrugged her off. I didn't want to talk about that.
     Tessa nodded and the whole car ride was quiet till we reached the airport. Our flight was in about half and hour from now.
     We checked in our luggage and waited to be called onto the flight in the lounge room. I was shaking. Not because it was freezing but because of the nervousness.
     Tessa reached over to my hand and held it tight. She looked at me as if I could do anything in the world. I didn't want to but I quickly pulled away. She didn't respond to that and just continued to stare into the distance.
    I stared at the box in my other hand. I'm really going to do this. There was no turning back now. We got on our plane a few minutes later.
     I put my headphones on and relaxed. Unwillingly, my mind wandered somewhere else.
    What if he said no? What if he rejected me and told me to move on? What if what I did was too much and there was no more second chances for me? I wanted to scream. I did this to myself and all that I could do now was to go to him and accept whatever he has to say.
    I knew for a fact that Jake was miserable in Ohio even if he doesn't want to admit it. He might not even noticed that people could see dark circles under his eyes. I felt like a piece of shit knowing that I was the one who caused all of the bad things he did to himself right now.
    Logan was nice enough to help me. He promised he wouldn't tell Jake anything. Thanks to him, I found out the perfect place to do this. That place was also Jake's favourite place. Well kind of favourite.
     I glanced over at the time. It was already six thirty. I prayed to god that Chanthony will be able to pull this off. Because if they messed up, Jerika will never ever be a thing ever again...

Jake's POV
     I was just sitting down at the dining table and browsing the internet. Reading fan comments and sometimes managed to find the courage to read the mean ones. Well you know what I say, always turn the negativity into fuel and drink it dry.
    I haven't seen Chance and Anthony all day. My parents even. I called Logan and he didn't pick up. What was going on here? I really don't know and I don't intend to find out. It was nice to have a little peace and quiet once in a while.
    Suddenly, my phone started to ring beside me. I looked at it and saw Anthony's name. I picked up on the fourth ring.
    "Hey bro, you good?" His voice was echoey.
    "No I'm not. I'm currently dying. Please call 911" I couldn't help but threw a little sass.
    "Oops, so sorry bro. Do you know what time it is?" He asked curiously.
    Why the heck was he asking me that? He literally had a watch on his left wrist. Annoyed, I looked at the clock and sighed. "Seven in the evening".
    "I need you to do something" My best friend said.
    "Uh...okay? What is it? Is everything okay?" I breathed in and out with my left hand on my chest.
   "Yeah yeah, everything's fine Jake. I need you to drive your mum's car to the school. Take the old route we used to take when we were younger. Pay attention to the decorations. Once you get there, jump the gates and go into the indoor basketball court. See you there" Anthony gave the instructions carefully. I didn't want to temper him so I decided to follow his orders.
    I started the engine and took the old route. No one use the route anymore since it was very old. The street was empty. I remembered to pay attention to the decorations at the both sides of the road. I didn't get what Thony meant by that. Pay attention? But then I saw it.
   There were signs with writing at the sides. I slowed down my car and started to read them all out aloud.
   "This boards are for my love who I broke the heart of. The one and only, Jake Joseph Paul. Jakey, I want you to know that what happened in Miami meant nothing. Mike Stones was nothing more than just my ex. You're the one who I loved dearly. And will always be the one. I feel horrible for doing that to you Jake. After everything you had done for me. I remembered the day where I thought on giving up on everything in my life. You were there for me Jake. You came up to me and said that 'Life is filled with unfairness of the world Erika. But the thing is, you just have to keep on fighting and never stop believing in yourself. Because I know I will never stop". After that day, I felt stronger than before. Stronger than I have ever been. You were always the one who gave me motivation, courage and support. I also remember when we had that stupid idea to faked a marriage. But little did we both know, I was starting to fall head over heels for you. I also have this one favourite quote from you. "Sometimes in life, we just have to let things go. Even though how much that thing meant to us. But even if we're setting it free, we will never have the courage to forget about it" and what you said was true Jake. I realised after losing you in Miami, I should forget about you. Set you free but I couldn't. You were the only one thing that I think about. So I really hope that you come see me and listen to what I have to say. - Erika Costell".
    I pressed the breaks and stopped the car. This was Erika's plan? I tried to stay upset and defensive but I couldn't help but melt on her choice of words. She meant that? Well, only one way to find out. I sped my way to my old high school.

Third Person's POV
    Jake arrived at the school, feeling anxious. He couldn't believe he was actually doing this. He jumped the gates and ran towards the place Anthony told him to go.
    When he stepped in, the area was pitched black. He couldn't see a thing but he made a mental decision to walk straight forward.
     Jake stopped walking abruptly when his instincts told him to stop. The minute he stood still, a what seemed like a projector shone bright. It showed a picture of Erika and him, holding hands in Miami. Then it started to play a couple clips of them together. He couldn't help but shed a tear.
     Then he heard the clicking sound of heels walking towards his direction. He knew straight away that it was Erika. He didn't move even an inch as Erika neared him slowly.
    "Hi Jake. You decided to don't know how much this means to me" Erika stopped in front of him.
    "I-I don't mind just took me here.." He lied. He knew that he was dying to pull Erika close and just hug her, never letting go.
   "Good..just please listen to me" Erika pleaded. Jake nodded.
   "Jake... I'm so so so sorry. I am such an idiot.." Erika started to fall into deep sobs.
   "It's fine Rik...I forgive you. You meant the world to me. I can't stay mad at you forever" The words came rushing out of Jake's mouth.
   "Thank you so so so much Jake. But I have one serious question for you" Erika took a deep breath. This was the moment of truth.
   "What is it? You're making me nervous Erika" Jake's eyes fall to the ground as he said that.
   "Will you, Jake Paul, marry me, Erika Costell, a girl who always makes mistakes? Will you accept me fully?" Erika wanted to shrink away into a little hole and hide.
   Jake gasped. He wasn't expecting a marriage proposal from was supposed to be him proposing. He shook those thoughts away and pulled Erika closed to him. "Yes".
    Erika's eyes lit up and she smashed their lips together into a passionate, deep and meaningful kiss. They wanted to stay like that forever but had to pull away when the lights turned on.
     Jake was puzzled but he slowly fall into a grin when he saw the whole squad there. Everyone clapped their hands and started to tease him about their marriage.
    Suddenly, Erika pulled Jake right hand and slid on the ring that she bought. Jake did the same but with Erika's left hand. She blushed a little. Jake chuckled and kissed her on the lips. 

Damn...I cried. Hahaha. This is not the end. There's one more chapter left but if you want to end it here, it's okay. You won't miss out on anything but their wedding day. So read chapter twenty for that. I hope you guys like this chapter and get ready for the last chapter of 'You and I'!!! I'm so EXCITED!!! Love all of you and wish the best of luck. Vote for meh? 😘

Edit : I'm so sorry for the malfunction. Enjoy luvs

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