Chapter Three

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Jake's POV
    "And that's a wrap guys!" Director Holland yelled happily.
We were at the filming set of my new movie. That was the whole Big Boston Business that I was talking about in the vlogs.
"Jake, let's go home. We're done for the day" Nathan said.
I could tell that he was tired. Being my camera man and all. I appreciate Nathan for always being there.
"Sure, okay" I nodded and walked outside.
I told Nathan to wait as I went to go grab my car from the parking lot. I didn't want to trouble him.
I saw Rainbro waiting for me already. I smiled and thought about how much I had been through to get to where I am today.
I started the engine and drove the car to Nathan. He got in and we jammed to a couple of my songs as we head home. Nathan fall asleep 4 songs in.

I pulled up into the Team Ten mansion driveway at midnight. It was a pretty long drive from set. I parked the car inside the garage.
"Nate? Nathan? Wake up bro. We're home" I shook him awake.
His eyes fluttered open and he rubbed his neck. Nathan stretched a bit and reached over to the vlog camera at the backseat.
"Thanks Jake. For waking me up. See ya tomorrow" Nathan said.
"I don't have any scenes tomorrow so I think I'll film myself. Besides, you need some rest Nathan. I'll handle myself"I patted his arm.
"Thanks Jakey. Goodnight" Nathan said and got out of the car.
"Sweet dreams, Nathan. Don't let the vlog monsters bite" I laughed and locked my car then went inside.
      "It's everyday bro with that Disney channel flow..."I hummed quietly as I walked towards the kitchen.
       I decided to get some snacks because all those acting drained my energy. Well what can I say? I'm a vlogger and an actor bro.
       "Yo Jake. Can I talk to you?"a very familiar voice said behind me. I turned around to face him.
       "Yeah, of course! Why do you need to ask? Ask away" I put down the energy bar on the counter.
       "Have you talk to Erika yet?" Chance's expression turned serious.
       " I haven't. I just got back. What's up with her?" I said with confusion in my voice.
       "I don't know actually. She was very upset and not like herself today. We were all wondering what's wrong and assumed you would know since you were the last person who talked to her..." Chance sighed.
       "Oh...I'll talk to her later"was all that I could reply.
       I don't know what's wrong with Erika and it pained me to know that she's acting like this probably because of me.
        "Okay,bro. I need to go back upstairs now. Bye Jake" Chance told me. He walked back upstairs.
I finished my energy bar and drank a glass of milk. I let the kitchen lights on. I fastened my steps to my bedroom.

       When I reached my bedroom, I noticed that there was a faint light in it. I'm guessing that someone turned on the bedside lamp.
        I walked inside and closed the door. I saw Erika on the bed, staring at the wall. I shook my head and walked into my closet to change into a much comfortable clothes.
       "Erika? Are you okay?" I asked her once I got under the covers.
       "Jake. I'm fine" Erika said coldly after she snapped out of her thoughts.
       I examined her face. She looked as if someone put the weight of the sky on her shoulders but she still looked beautiful nonetheless.
       "Everyone knows that when a girl said that she's fine when asked, that means she's lying. C'mon tell me" I stated.
       She turned to look at me. Her eyes were glassy as if she cried for hours. Am I the reason of her current situation?
       "Fine. I'm lying. I'm not fine, Jake. You couldn't even answer a simple question" Erika said.
        "I didn't have the time. I'm sorry" I shifted my eyes away from her beautiful ones.
        "Oh, So now you're saying that your work is more important than me? What happened to always have each other back?" Erika glared.
        "What? No!! Okay, ask me that question again right now" I demanded.
        "Is our relationship real?" Erika asked.
        I didn't know how to reply. Sure, I like Erika and all but she's too perfect for me. I don't deserve her. I messed almost everything up. I don't want to hurt her...
        "Can you uh...give me time to answer? Like maybe two days?" I finally said.
        "I guess...why though? Why can't you answer right now?" Erika sighed.
         "I need to understand my feelings, Rik. I'm just going to say that I do have feelings for you but to answer the question, I need time" I explained.
         Erika nodded. Her eyes lit up a little bit. I leaned in and pecked her left cheek. She's everything to me. I wanted her to know that even if it's not by words.

There ya go. Chapter 3 written just for you guys. I really hope you guys enjoy the book. Do me a quick favour by voting? Anyways...hope all of you reading have a great and fantastic day!!

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