Chapter Sixteen

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This chapter is also unedited. I'm so sorry, hope you guys can ignore my grammar mistakes. Love you guys.

Jake's POV
I actually managed it. Four days without any contact with the Team Ten members. I felt sort of bad for leaving them like that without no calls or texts but I needed time.
And the only way I managed to do so was by turning off my phone. I knew that I won't be able to ignore my, as what you can call, family if I didn't turn it off.
I told my mom about what happened in Miami for guidance and well, I also thought that she should know everything. If I'm being honest, she wasn't much of a helper either.
She said that everything happens for a reason. An overrated phrase if you ask me. She had also told me that she'll support whatever decision I decide to make. Jeez, doesn't she know that when her children tell her something that was really bothering them, she had to atleast give them a decent advise???
Speaking of problems, I'm sad to say that Erika's one of them. She should've push him away or do anything than just standing there frozen. She didn't even came after me when I ran?! I loved her and I don't think I would ever stop loving her but what she did broke my heart.
The current situation gave a big impact on me. I stopped talking to anyone but my family. I didn't eat much. I had also realised that I can't think rationally and kept on getting massive headaches.
"Jakey honey, you've gotta eat something. Please, do it for me or I'll call Logan and ask him to come here" My mum snapped me out of my thoughts and back to the painful reality.
I groaned and looked up to her who was standing behind the counter bar. I was sitting on one of the couches in my living room. I got up and walked over to her.
"Mum, I told you. I don't have the appetite to eat..." I sighed.
"Stop with the sighing and the groaning and sit down. You have to eat something or-I...break your vlog camera" Pam threatened me with her hands on her hip after she passed me my plate.
I forced my mouth to swallow the spoonful of scrambled eggs. "Oh c'mon, we both know that you won't do such thing".
"And we both also know that skipping breakfast, lunch and dinner are not good for your health" She raised her tone to be motherlike speaking. It was rare for her to use that tone towards me. Even on Logan.
I chose not to say anything and just kept on stuffing the scrambled eggs into my mouth. I knew that she was right.
She relaxed her hands and looked at me softly. "Jake...if she could do that to you, that just means that she isn't worth your time or love. You should just move on...".
"I know I's just that I know what we both had was real. I mean like we even made a song together that was just basically us telling each other how much we love the other. It's not easy to just move on mum " I said while I played with the food using my fork. I don't get how people just move on from serious relationships sometimes.
"I's just like me and your da-"
"Don't even try to bring dad into this. Your love story isn't much better than mine so pick other examples. Just to say the least, he helped raised Logan and I. He didn't leave you in the dirt" I unintentionally snapped. My mum looked at me silently, not knowing what to say.
I tried to relax my body and took a deep breath. "Look, mum. Just let me handle everything on my own. I realised that it will be much better if I do it that way. I'm sorry okay? I'm not in a good place right now...I'll go to my room. Thank you so much for the breakfast" I said and washed the plate silently then left to my room.
I sat down on the bed and laid on my back. I stared at the ceiling. Suddenly, it had just became more interesting than it did a couple of hours ago. I closed my eyes and thought of my friends. My family. I can't just ignore them forever. I sighed and reached for my phone and turned it back on.
I was not surprised to see what was on the screen.

453 messages from 🔗Team Ten💯
70 missed calls from Team Ten
186 messages from Erika Costell 💕
20 missed calls from Erika Costell 💕
4 messages from 💣Ohio Trio 🤟🏻

I decided to open the trio's group chat first and read through the 4 texts that were sent to me yesterday and 3 minutes ago. I debated in my mind as whether or not I should tell them where I am.

Hi!!! I just want to say thank you so much for reading and I hope you like it until you'll actually put the book in your library and vote. I'll just let you know that I have tons and tons of homework from school so forgive me for my off schedule updates.
Anyways, I have a couple of unrelated questions to the book. What is your opinion on Logan Paul's mistake? Should he be forgiven?

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