Chapter Two

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Erika's POV
I sat down on one of the kitchen counter stools. I had made myself a bowl of cereal. I took a deep breath as I prepared myself for the conversation I'm going to have with Jake.
"What's up, Erika? I didn't know you were here in the house" a voice said beside me.
     "Oh hey Thony. You guys were asleep when I got here. What's up with that" I glanced over at him.
     "Haha, nothing really. All of us just feels like sleeping in without Jake all over pranking us like crazy" Anthony chuckled.
     " calling me crazy? That hit me right in the chest man" Jake slapped Anthony's back.
     Anthony turned around towards Jake and laughed. I smiled at them. Their friendship never seems to bore me.
     "Sorry bro. But you are a little bit crazy though..." Anthony said.
     "I don't mind. I do admit that I can be a little loose sometimes" Jake laughed.
      His laugh was so genuine and sweet. I really do wonder why people hated on him. They don't know how he really is.
       "I have to run. Chance wanted me to play some video games with him which I'll never turn down" Anthony said then he left us alone in the kitchen.
        Jake look at me. His attention was clearly focused on me right now. I noticed that he was wearing his status hoodie and a pair of ripped jeans. I could almost melt at the sight.
        He took a sit beside me. He poured himself a cup of coffee.
       "So what's up, Erika? What did you want to talk about?" Jake asked.
       "Umm....okay this is actually really hard for me to ask and actually say out loud" I stared at my bowl.
        "Hey, it's okay. Tell me" Jake took my hand in his.
        "Okay then I guess. You do know about all of those rumours about us being together and stuff?" I asked.
         I mentally slapped myself for being stupid. Of course he knew about them!
        "Yeah, I do. It's one of the frequently asked questions in all of my interviews" Jake answered. 
        He rubbed circles on the back of my hand. That calmed down my nerves a bit. Why is this so hard for me to say? It's not that hard. Just say it Rik.
        "I just wanted to know if our relationship is just for views or is it real? The marriage thing in Vegas. Is that for views? When asked, you always answer by saying it's complicated. I just want to know Jake. Tell me the truth about us" I let it all out.
        "I mean you want it to be real?" Jake grinned.
        "This is serious Jake! Answer me or don't" I snapped.
        "And I'm serious too. Do you want it to be real, Erika?" Jake asked.
        "I do. I like you Jake. Like a lot. You never actually tell me the truth and that kind of leave me in the dark" I avoided looking into his eyes.
        "I have a crush on you even before the fake marriage. The feeling just hit me out of no where but I didn't really think much of it because you were always busy and so was I. Jerika isn't just for the views. It's for us" Jake said with sincerity in his voice.
"So is it real?" I asked looking at him.
"Will you,Erika, be my-" Jake was interrupted by someone.
"Jake. Time to start the vlog. You have important meetings too and you have to leave now" Nathan said while holding a camera in his hand.
"I'm so sorry, Erika. I have to go. I promise to finish this conversation later" Jake let go of my hand and rushed upstairs.
"So sorry Erika but we really have to go. Manager Kev had already messaged me" Nathan apologised and left me alone.
I stared at Jake's unoccupied sit. The conversation was going so well! Urgh, I got up and washed my dishes and leaned against the counter.
There's one question that is running through my head over and over again. Did Jake really meant what he said or was he just trying to make feel better?

Sooo....did you guys like the story so far? Please vote the book. I would really appreciate it. Bye guys, love ya!

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