Chapter Thirteen

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Jake's POV
     My plane landed three hours later. I retrieved my small bag and called an Uber. Shit, I didn't plan this whole trip through..
      I decided to stay at the hotel that Erika was staying. On my way to the hotel, my mind kept on replaying the fight that I had with Erika and the conversation that I had with Mike.
      My friends told me before about how I'm way too jealous sometimes and I let that emotion clouds a lot of my judgement. Especially when it was Erika we were talking about.
      I snapped out of my thoughts when the car stopped at the drop off of the five stars hotel. I paid the driver and closed the door gently.
I looked at the time and it wasn't that late. It was only six in the evening but my mind had started to space out. I shook my head and rubbed my eyes then walked up to the receptionist.
The male receptionist looked up to me and smiled. I'm guessing that he recognised me. This was my Go To Hotel in Miami whenever I decided to visit. The name 'Alex' was printed on his nametag.
"Hello, Mr Paul. How can I help you?" Alex asked.
"I was hoping to get a room for maybe a night stay? And uhh may I know what room my wife is staying?" I returned the smile. That was the least I could do.
Alex gasped quietly at the question. I could tell that he was nervous. I waited patiently for him to answer.
He took a deep breath and typed something on his computer. "We have a free room for you. It's just a normal sized room" Alex's eyes glanced over to the room keys.
I nodded and waited for him to answer the other question. "Erika Costell, is it? She's staying in a room with a guy. I think his name was Mike something. She's in Room 368" Alex answered and handed over my room key. 370. What a coincidence.
I thanked him and rushed over to my room. I stopped in front of Erika's room and knocked on the door. I didn't even know why I did that. She wasn't even going to answer the door because she's not even there.
I went into my room and showered. Got dressed then I just sat down on the bed. I drifted off to sleep without planning.
I was woken up from a sound of someone laughing outside in the hallway. The voice sounded like someone I knew. Erika. I rushed out of bed and listened in.
When I heard a clicking of a door, I ran out and hold Erika's door still. Only slightly open. I peeked in and saw Erika with a guy. Mike.
I noticed that Erika was still in her swimsuit but with a cover up. I fumed up when I realised that Mike took her out for dinner. It wasn't that bad right? She just went out with her manager. No big deal.
I called her to see what she would do. I was surprised when she only glanced over and ignored it. I hung up and decided to pay a little more attention. My eyes grew wide when I heard Mike flirt with her.
It had also caught me off guard when I saw Mike leaned in and smashed his lips against hers. I couldn't take it anymore. I kicked the door open which left both of them frozen.
Mike quickly recovered and his lips turned into an idiotic smirk. As if the smirk was to show me that he won. That Erika wanted him. Which I'm honestly not sure anymore.
Erika's expression was guilty. "Jake...".
I ignored her. I can't bear to look at her right now. The only sentences that I saw in my head was 'She didn't push him away. She let him kissed her'.
"You asshole." I didn't even thought twice when my fist smashed into his face. His nose started to bleed. He was surprised that I had that much of a strength in me.
I felt Erika's hand on my shoulder that I violently shook off. I stared sharply at her with all the amount of hate that I can signal. I don't hate her, I just can't say that I love her at this sort of time.
Mike covered his broken nose with a paper towel. He cowered away from me. Now that satisfied me. His eyes didn't dare met mine.
"Jake...please look at me" Erika pleaded. I sighed and forced my eyes to meet her.
Erika Costell broke my heart into tiny little pieces. I trusted her and she betrayed me. I guess I wasn't enough for her. I should've known before I gave her my everything.
"Don't say anything, Erika. I saw everything and I believe my eyes. What am I to you honestly? I trusted you. It's not your fault, it's just my fault for trusting a pretty face like you. Goodbye Erika Costell" I could hear the sound of brokenness and hopelessness in my voice.
I took a stepped away from her. Then another. Each step further away. I shook my head at her for the last time and turned my back towards her. I ran out of the room.
I checked out of the hotel immediately, suddenly my feelings on even staying in Miami were gone and I could tell that Alex was worried about me. I fastened my steps to the outside of the hotel and fall onto my knees.
"WHY?!" I screamed with all my might. I felt tears started to stream down my face.

I'm mean, I know. I hate myself for doing that to Jakey. He doesn't deserve it. Heheh. Anyways, vote for the book for meh? Love you guys so much. Oh and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

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