Chapter Twelve

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Third Person's POV
     "That's a good choice Jake. When are you going to call them?" Logan asked Jake after he told him his decision.
     "Later I guess? When do you suggest?" Jake took a sip of his drink.
     "I'm not going to answer that. Since when did I become your personal psychologist?" Logan laughed to take the tense away.
     Jake managed a grin. "I'm actually not sure...Do you want to though? I trust you enough".
     Logan's expression turned serious. "I'm not the one who always help you make decisions Jakey. You always made them yourself because I believe that you are independent and actually can survive in this modern world" He said.
     "That's actually really deep. But okay, I can call them now actually" Jake looked over to his phone.
     Logan nodded. He reached for his phone and dialled Erika's management number. They picked up on the third ring.
     "Hello? How can we help you?" Said a soft voice on the other line.
     "Hi it's me, Jake Paul. I'm Erika's..different manager. She hasn't shown up to work here and I wonder if you can give me her address?" He lied. He saw Logan shaking his head.
     "What company sir?" She asked for confirmation.
     "Team Ten. We're a social media group" Jake said patiently. They met Erika through him, how could they forget his name!
     "Ah, yes. Erika Costell. Am I correct?" She said after a few seconds with the sound of her typing on her laptop.
     He rolled his eyes." Yes".
     "She's in Miami with Manager Mike. They are on a business trip" She half answered his question from earlier.
     "What is she doing there? I mean..what do she has to do there? And umm...why's Mike there too? Can't they send a woman with her?" Jake said. Jealousy clear in his voice.
    "She has three photo shoots she has to attend and two fashion shows. And to answer your question, Manager Mike was the one who insisted on going with her. Erika had no problems accepting. She looked as if she knew him" the girl explained.
    "You still haven't answer my question about where she is" Jake said impatiently. He was starting to get annoyed.
    "They're staying at the Four Season Hotel in Miami Beach. Is there anything else I can help you with?" She finally answered.
    "Thank you very much for your information. No that's all. Good day" Jake hung up.
     He gripped his glass tightly. He took a deep breath and loosened. He gulped down all of which was left in his glass.
     "What's wrong?" Logan asked after he waited for Jake to calm down.
     "She's with another guy. Mike Stones" Jake's voice was tight.
     "And?" Logan looked at him as if he was over exaggerating.
     "Mike is her ex boyfriend. That's why she knew him" He stared at his brother's pool.
     "Oh, now you know where she is. You could go see her" Logan finished his drink.
     "And that's what I'm going to do. Thanks for everything Logan. I'll text you about this later" Jake got up and hugged his brother. He soon left and drove towards the Team Ten house.

      Jake went straight to his room. He booked an air flight to Miami. He had to leave in two hours. He decided to not pack anything and just bring two of his hoodies.
      He had also told the boys about what had happened at Logan's house. By the boys, he actually just told Chanthony.
      Jake went to the airport about an hour before his flight. He sat down and decided to call Erika because she hasn't been responding to his texts.
     She picked up at the third ring but didn't say anything. Only steady breathing could be heard through the line.
    "Umm, Erika? Is that you?" Jake asked.
    "Erika? What, no. She's in the showers. I'm-" the voice that answered was masculine. Jake's gripped on the phone tightened.
    "You're Mike Stones. I know about you. What are you doing with her phone?" Jake's tone was serious and stricted.
    "I'm going to be with her the whole time she's in Miami. I could tell we're going to have 'fun' " Jake could imagined Mike smirking as he said that.
    "I'm her boyfriend and I suggest you keep your hands to yourself or I swear something will happen to you" He threatened.
    "I'm the one with her and I could tell she want me. Have a nice day, Jake Paul" Mike said then hung up.
    Jake's eyes burned with anger. What was Mike doing in her room? Did he meant what he said?
    And the one question that scared him the most was ; Is Erika going to leave him in the dirt and move on?

I'll try to make new updates as frequent as I can. Did you guys like the chapter? Vote for me please...
Sooo...What do you think Erika's going to do? Is Jake just being paranoid or is he somewhat correct? Answer me in the comments.

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