Chapter Eight

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Jake's POV
     My eyes flew open when I was woken up by a alarm on my phone. The time showed 6.30 a.m.
     What the hell? Since when I set my alarm this early? Oh well, I'm already awake so why not just do some workout. Like I always say, Fitness is the first step to greatness.
      I did some push ups and some weight lifting. The fact that I'm the only one awake didn't really bother me. My friends usually start to wake up at 7.30 a.m.
      I took a hot shower and got ready for the day. I chose to wear my Ohio hoodie and normal jeans with some Gucci shoes. I did my hair and took a selfie. Sorry, was tempted.
      I walked over to the bed and saw that Erika was still asleep. I smiled and kissed her cheek softly. She stirred awake.
      "Hello Jakey" Erika chuckled.
      "Hii, beautiful" I grinned.
      "Am I? I haven't even shower yet!" Erika sat up on the bed.
      "You are always beautiful to me. No matter what" I brushed my thumb on her lower lip.
     She grinned and pulled me towards her. Our lips met in a slow and sloppy kiss. I smiled and pulled away.
      "Go get ready. Let's have breakfast together" I suggested. Erika nodded without a second thought.
      I left the room and went to go sit in the living room. Chance and Anthony were already there chatting among themselves.
      "Yo what's up guys?" I sat down beside Toner.
      "Hey Jake. You look happier today.." Chance laughed.
      "Erika's my Girlfriend! Thanks guys for throwing the party last night" I thanked them.
      "Congrats Jake! About the party, no problem" Chance bounced on his seat.
      "Speaking of the party, who cleaned up the mess?" Anthony asked me. As if I would know.
      "There was probably no mess to clean up. We only invited our YouTube friends. Some of the Team Ten workers may have help" I guessed.
      "I'm ready, Jake" a very lovely voice said behind me. I turned to look and ended out checking her out.
      Erika was wearing a black tank top that had 'Confident' written at the front and a ripped high waisted jeans with white single strap heels. She had also let her hair down. The way I preferred.
     "You look hot. Let's go, bye guys" I stood up and went ahead to start Blood Shark with Erika tailing behind me.

    "Thanks Jake for taking me out for breakfast" Erika thanked me as she took a sip of her Latte Caramel.
    "No problem. I'll take you anywhere. Just tell me where" I took a bite of my beigel. I already did the beigel dance with Erika just now. Her cheeks turned pink.
    " don't have too" Erika smiled.
    "I don't have to but I want to" I reached out to hold her hand. The ring from last night was still there on her index finger.
    "Gosh, I love you" Erika caught my hand and held it tightly.
    "I love you more" I took a sip of my Americano. Still tasted the same as I remember.
    My phone ring as it begged to be pick up. I answered the call and knew right away that it was from Manager Kev.
    "What's up?" My eyes scanned the room.
    "Where are you? Do you remember anything that I told you yesterday?" He asked.
    "No?" I gulped.
    "Jake! You have a meeting with Google and 3 other companies today. You were supposed to come here to the Google office building about an hour ago. You're lucky that your meeting starts at nine. Get your ass over here!" Manager Kev scolded.
    "Uh, sure. Be right there" I hung up and noticed that Erika was staring at me.
    "Business?" She asked.
    "Yeah...sorry Rik" I nodded feeling guilty.
    "It's all right, Jake. Let's go" Erika got up and pulled me with her.

     After I sent her back to the Team Ten mansion, I drove straight away to the Google building with Nathan helping me filmed my vlog of the day.
     It turned out that the CEO of Google wanted me to give a inspirational speech to the entrepreneurs. It was fine by me, I always got called to these type of stuff. Well, I am just a simple kid from Ohio. After I finished all my work for the day, it was already night outside.
     I had also buy a tiny little stuffed goat for my babe, Erika. She's going to love it. When I was driving home, an idea crossed my mind. To take Erika on a date tomorrow. I texted her earlier and she agreed to come with me so I made a reservation at a restaurant and bought two tickets online for a goat farm. I had already planned a perfect date for us.
      Nathan and I arrived at the house at about one in the morning. He went straight to bed. I walked upstairs to my room.
      Erika was already sound asleep. I took off my shirt and put it into the basket. I carefully slide under the blanket.
      I kissed her forehead and wished her a goodnight sleep. I turned off the lights and drifted off to bed.

Ninth Chapter published on a Christmas night. How wonderful. I wished all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Hope you awesome people enjoy the chapter. Do me a tiny windy favor by voting on 'You and I'. Love you guys so much!!!! 💝💝

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