Chapter Seventeen

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Jake's POV
    I sighed and read the texts in my mind as I closed the bedroom door with my foot.
    Chance : Yo Jakey. Where are you?????
    Thoner : What aren't you telling us bro?
    Chance : Never mind. Found out what's          
                     going on from Erika
    Thoner : Yeah...we have a good guess on  
                    where you are right now. I guess
                    you'll see us soon.
    Huh, they know me better than I thought they do. Guess there's no reason for me to tell them where I am if they were already on their way.
    Gosh I missed Apollo. Athena too. I didn't get to chance say goodbye to them before I left for Miami, the biggest mistake of my life...well, not really but you get what I mean.
    I haven't been posting good content on my channel lately. Four clickbait videos in a row. Urgh...I was starting to think that I'm letting the Jake Paulers down so I decided to tweet something.

     Jake Paul @jakepaul
     Yo, Jake Paulers!! I'm really sorry for the
     lack of crazy content these past few
     days...Your boy's going through some stuff
     so I'm having my little getaway. Hope you
     don't mind though. Lots of love 💕

     Just as I was putting my phone down, it started to ring. I rolled my eyes when I saw the name but decided to pick up anyway for a few seconds.
     "What do you want" I said rudely.
     "Jake, can you tell me where you are? Please...I'm so sorry for what I did" hearing her voice felt like getting stabbed by a knife repeatedly.
     "Why? Got bored of Mikey already?'re really a player huh" I subconsciously started to tap my foot on the floor.
    "Jake...." I hung up without a second thought because I didn't want to hear her voice anymore. It just reminded me too much of her. Her cute green eyes. Her sexy ass body. Her seducing smirk. I shook my head from the thoughts.
     I slumped down onto my desk chair. Sitting here made me feel like I was a high school student again. Not that I regretted dropping out since I successfully started a company.
    Suddenly, my phone started to ring again. I was about to scream but changed my mind when I saw the name this time. Brother Logan.
    "Hey brother Jake. How's life? Mum told me almost everything" He sounded concerned at the end of that sentence.
    I sighed deeply. "Hey Logan. To be honest, it had been horrible. You know about Ms. Erika Costell then?".
    "Sadly..yes. Bro, I'm so sorry about that. I know how much she meant to you" I shut my eyes tightly and reopened them.
    "She meant the world to me. She helped and supported my career since that app launch event where we met. She was the first member of Team Ten, Logan. She's important to me. I just can't believe she would do such a thing" I said matter-of-factly.
    "Hmm...I guess I understand. Look, I know you wouldn't want this advise coming from me but I just want you to know that losing her isn't the end of the world. Mum's been telling me about the state you're in right now. It's not good for your health Jake. You need to eat, shower, talk and get back in the game" Logan advised me. I smiled a bit knowing that he cared.
   "Yeah, I'll try. Thanks Logan" I said shortly.
   "I've gotta go. Talk to you later Jakey" Logan said then the line went silent.
    I put down my phone and connected it to the charger. I walked over to the window and stared outside.
    I wondered. Will I be able to get over the fact that Erika cheated on me? And I know Logan was right.
      Losing Erika isn't the end of the world.

What's up, guys? I'm sad to say that the book is coming to an end. Probably 3 more chapters then 'You and I' will be complete. 😁. I love all of you through the bottom of my heart. You can vote if you like. Lots of love 💖

You and I ~ JerikaWhere stories live. Discover now