Chapter Twenty

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Please ignore my grammar mistakes in this one! I didn't edit it because I'm in quite a rush. I love you guys 😘

Erika's POV
One month later, we were all at my parents' house. By all, I meant the Team Ten squad, Tessa and Tristan. They had finally told Jake that they had decided to left without drama what so ever.
Tessa and I were standing outside my bedroom where Jake and I slept. We were whispering quietly.
"Oh my god! This is really happening like for Real!!!!" I screamed happily.
"Shhh...Jake's still asleep. You don't want to wake him, do you?" Tessa slapped my back gently to warn me.
I shook my head. It was actually happening. The day of our wedding. The day that I had been waiting for my whole life. I unintentionally blushed. Tessa saw that and started chuckling.
"Isn't it time to get ready?" Lauren asked from her bedroom. Tessa and I glanced over to the clock and saw the time. It was already nine in the morning. The wedding starts at eleven.
"What about my future husband?" I hesitated when Tessa and Lauren pulled my hands to get me away from the room to get ready.
"Team Ten can handle him. He's not a child" Lauren shrugged and kept on pulling me.
"Wait, he does know where it is right?" Tessa asked anxiously.
"The venue?" I asked to make sure. She nodded. "Yeah, we picked it out together" I started to grin by myself.
I snapped out of my trance and chuckled when I saw Tessa and Lauren rolled their eyes in front of me. They lead me to the car to go the the salon where I had booked a makeup appointment.
We arrived about twenty minutes later. I quickly changed into my creamed pearl white wedding dress. It was tailor made too. I did a little runway walk in the dress as I walked towards the vanity seat.
"You look so gorgeous Erika!! Everyone is going to love it!" Tessa exclaimed while jumping up and down like a kid.
"Awww...thank you Tessa" I blushed. The makeup artist started to make the magic happen.
After she was done, I looked at the mirror. I gasped in surprised. Maybe that reflection in the mirror was how Jake saw me. I grinned and paid by using a credit card at the cashier.
"Now let's go to the venue" Lauren said as we walked our way to the car.

Jake's POV
"I can't...I can't do this!!!" I screamed in Erika's house. We made the decision to just get ready there while the bride went out to salons and stuff.
"Let it out. Let it all out" Kade patted my back repeatedly.
"Why are you even scared Jake? You've done this before" Chad said. He was sitting on one of the couches in Erika's and mine room. All of the boys from the squad were hanging out in the room while watching me get ready.
I shook my head. "I'm not scared, I'm nervous...and that one time in Vegas, I knew for a fact that it was fake" I sighed. I put my comb down as I was finished getting ready.
Erika's parents- my mother and father in law- had already head to the venue an hour ago. They wanted to make sure that everything was perfect.
"Fake but you were still head over heels for her after and before that" Nathan laughed. He was soon of course joined by the others. I unintentionally blushed that made them laughed even harder.
"Oh shut up.." I didn't disagree with them at all. Nathan was right. I always thought and talked about Erika even before the marriage in Vegas. Like she was really the sun to my days.
"What time is it?" I asked.
Nick looked at his watch. "It's 10.45 in the morning. We need to get going now" Nick said hurriedly.
We nodded and walked quickly to the car. I had drove in Blood Shark on our way to Erika's parents house. I let Kade drive.
All the way there, I was quiet. Not that I was ignoring them, no. I was just thinking about my speech or vow to Erika. I'm so nervous yet so excited to get to call Erika mine.
"Jakey wakey. Bro, we're here!" Anthony shook my shoulders. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him.
"Jeez...why are you so excited? It's my wedding, not yours" I rolled my eyes teasingly and started to walk closer to the aisle. Chance and Anthony by my side.
The team took a seat at the second row. The first row was only for my and Erika's family members that could make it.
I shifted my eyes from the seats and to my parents in law that were standing on the aisle. They gestured me to come over. I ran over to them.
"The wedding is about to start. You ready?" Dan asked me. We had gotten closer these past few weeks.
"I am. She's everything to me. I promise to make her happy" I nodded. I saw that the seats had started to get occupied. My friends had sat down already. Giving me supportive smiles.
"Oh honey, I'm sure he will treat Erika like an angel. He loves her" Angel intertwined their fingers together.
Dan let out a deep breath. "I know he will...Good luck, Jake". Angel nodded and walked away to their seats.
    I had chose Chance as my Best Man. Anthony was okay with it and encouraged me to have Chance up here with me. I had known Chance the longest so I saw it fitting.
    Chance held one pair of the wedding rings on a soft tiny pillow. I had bought us new rings for the ceremony to make it more special.
    Marching drums could be heard as they announced Erika's arrival. She had chose Lauren as her Maid of Honour.
     Erika walked up the aisle with the most elegant dress I had ever seen. It was a white strapless sweetheart wedding dress with a ballgown cut. I tried so hard not to drop my jaw.
    As she walked, her flower girls threw rose petals in front of her. Lauren held the other pair of the rings on the same designed tiny pillow in her hands.
    Erika stood in front of me. She had on one of the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. The Marriage Officiant walked up to us and stood in the middle.

Third Person's POV
   "I suspected you had both written your own vows?" He asked Erika and Jake. They nodded without wasting a second.
   "Okay, we will start with the Groom" He looked at Jake. Everyone clapped their hands. He blurred everyone out of his vision and saw only Erika.
    He took a deep needed breath and let it out. "Erika. I guess I start by saying that you looked perfect. We had been through so much this year and yet, you still managed to always look untroubled every single day. You always have a sweet and kind smile on your face. A smile that could brighten up anyone's bad day. It had for sure brightened up mine. Look, Erika, all I want to say from the beginning is that I love you so much. I promise on my life that I will do anything for you. Sacrifice anything. Even my YouTube channel if you want me too. I really wanted you to know that nothing can come over you and I" He finished with putting his hands in his pocket.
     Erika blushed. "Aww...Jakey. That was so sweet of you. I loved you too Jake. I actually had written just a short piece. I just want you to know that you made me strong Jake. You are my source of everything. Motivation and Inspiration. If I was given a choice to go back in time, I would not change anything. Except all the fights we had. The fights that I had caused. I love you too, Jake Paul. Forever More" Erika smiled.
     "That was such a touching speech. Okay, do you, Jake Paul, take Erika Costell as your luckily wedded?" He asked seriously.
    "I do" Jake nodded happily.
     "Do you Erika Costell, take Jake Paul, as your wedded husband?" He asked.
      "I do" Erika nodded with a huge grin on her face.
     They exchanged the rings and waited for the perfect call. They stared intently into each other.
     "You may now kiss your partner" he said as he closed the book and started to walk away.
      Jake and Erika leaned in and their lips met for a kiss that was so passionate and loving. Both of them never wanted to be apart ever again. Now their world was complete, Jake loved Erika with all of his heart as Erika does the same....

                           ~~THE END~~    

Hey guys. Welcome to the last chapter. I hope you guys love the series as much as I enjoyed writing and imagining it. Read Author's note okay? I need to ask you guys a few questions. I love you all, muah 😘

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