Chapter Four

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Erika woke up at 8 in the morning the next day. She looked beside her and noticed that Jake's not there anymore.
She sighed and tried to get out of bed. She couldn't, no matter how hard she tried. She glanced at her left wrist and saw that she was handcuffed to the bed.
"JAKE!!!!!" She yelled as loud as she could. She struggled and wiggled.
Jake came running in laughing with his vlog camera in his hand towards the bed. He did the intro of his video with the camera filming her and him.
"What's up Jake Paulers!? I'm Jake Paul and you're the Jake Paulers. We're in the Team Ten house. Say hi Wife Erika" Jake laughed.
"Just unlocked this thing. Now" She demanded and averted her eyes from the camera.
"Okay, okay. There" Jake unlocked it then he turned off the camera.
"That hurt, Jake" She pouted and got out of bed. She started walking towards the bathroom to get ready for the day.
Suddenly, Jake pulled her towards him. She bumped into his chest. He lifted up her chin with his thumb. She was frozen as he leaned in. Their lips met in a slow and sloppy kiss but she didn't mind. This was the best thing that had happened to her so far in weeks.
He was the one who pulled away. Erika looked at him and rolled her eyes. She walked away from him while thinking ;
Why did he do that? I thought he needed time to think?

She chose to wear her goat cropped top merch and a red coloured skirt. She did her makeup and gave herself a morning prep talk.
She reached for her phone and her handbag. She decided to go home and hang out with Tessa today.
The only reason she came to the Team Ten house was to meet up with the others and have that talk with Jake. Okay, mostly Jake but he said he needed time to think so she doesn't see the reason for her to stay. She might come back in two days.
She found herself already outside. Jake was running around with Chanthony doing crazy stuff for the vlog. Chad and Kade were skateboarding at the ramp.
"Hey, Tricky Rick! Where are you going? Leaving already?" Kade asked, taking a little break.
"Yeah...I'm heading out to see Tessa then probably home" She answered honestly.
"Oh c'mon...stay for awhile" Chad said.
"No thanks..sorry guys" She refused.
"Honey, you ain't hit" Chad used his catchphrase that made all of them bursted out laughing.
"Erika, can I talk to you for a sec?" Jake suddenly appeared behind her. She turned around and saw Jake's troubled eyes.
"Gotta go guys. Let's see if something change my mind then maybe I'll stay" She excused herself and walked away with Jake.
He brought her beside the house where no one could see them. She crossed her arms on her chest as she waited for him to speak up.
"I don't want you to leave" was all that came out of his mouth.
"No, Jake. I need some time away from you while you make the decision. Besides, I need to make videos" She sighed.
"But-" he started but was interrupted.
"No buts...I gotta go" She said.
Jake pushed her against the wall and was about to kiss her but she pushed him away. Something that she didn't thought she would do in a million years.
"Don't. We're not together, Jake Joseph Paul. You can't do that. It's not right and I'm done playing your 'wife'. You need to get your shit together then ask me out like a proper guy would. Goodbye" She snapped and left him standing there alone.

        Erika got in her car and left the Team Ten house. She kept on replaying what had happened earlier in her head. She didn't think she had the courage to do that.
        She pulled up in front of Tessa's house and texted her to let her know she's there. It had been a long time since they last met.

Erika Costell : T, I'm here 😉
Tessa Brooks : Okay, I'm coming 😘

        Erika chuckled. This is why she loved Tessa. She's so outgoing and cheerful. A really nice company to keep.
        She saw Tessa running from her driveway to the jeep. She unlocked the door and waited for Tessa to get in.
       "Hi E! I miss you so much" Tessa greeted.
       "Hey, T. I miss you too. So where do you want to have breakfast?" She smiled.
       "I know this sound normal and lame but I'm craving Starbucks right now" Tessa said.
"Haha, okay. Let's go" She laughed and pressed on the pedal.
"So...what's new?" Tessa said, trying to start up a conversation.
"Nothing really. I got featured in a magazine two weeks ago" She said happily.
"Oh my gosh, E! That's awesome!!" Tessa bounced on her seat like a kid.
"Relax T. It is, isn't it?!" She joined in.
Tessa smiled genuinely. She relaxed in her seat and stared out of the window. Erika glanced over at her and thought of something to say.
"What about you? How's your life going? You're rarely at the Team Ten house" She asked to show that she cared.
"My life's not that boring. My channel is growing and I really got into dancing. All thanks to your support E" Tessa grinned.
"Anything for you, T" She turned up the music.
Erika had connected her phone to the sound system of the car earlier. She played Tessa's song, Powerful Emotions. Tessa smiled sweetly in response.

They ordered their drinks and sat down. Everything was going smoothly until Tessa mentioned Jake...
"Really T? I don't want to talk about it..." Erika sipped her coffee.
"Oh, come on. I know that look. You want to talk about it but you're just acting like you don't" Tessa pressed on the subject.
"Fine. We had a fight this morning" Erika stated matter-of-factly.
"What? What happened?" Tessa pushed her drink away from her.
Erika opened up and told Tessa everything. From the beginning to the end. What she said to Jake right before she left.
"Girl. That was so brave of ya but you shouldn't have said those things to him. He's confuse with his emotions.." Tessa advised her then took a sip of her coffee.
Erika rolled her eyes and finished her drink. Sure, she liked Jake and all but she thinks she needed a break from all of the drama.
"Shit..." She cursed under her breath.
"What's wrong E?" Tessa asked with concern in her voice.
"I accidentally left my apartment keys at the Team Ten house...I need to go get it if that's okay with you?" She looked at Tessa hopefully.
"Just a quick stop right? I don't mind either way. I miss those goofy guys" Tessa nodded.
"Thanks Tessa. You're the best" Erika praised and got up. She rushed over to her car as she pulled Tessa with her.

         They pulled up at the Team Ten driveway. Erika specifically told Tessa to wait for her in the car and Tessa happily obliged.
         She got upstairs and grabbed her apartment keys and headed back down. For some reason, the house was empty. All the talent members left the house. She wondered where Jake was. Not that she cared..
        Suddenly, she heard some moans coming from the living room. She didn't know why but she decided to see what was going on. Little did she know that what she was going to see will shatter her heart into pieces.
       There they were. Jake and Amanda on the couch, making out. Erika felt her soul shattered slowly. She learned her lesson. Never trust a pretty boy. She ran out of the house and she made sure that Jake would hear her boots clicking as she ran.
      Away from Jake Paul. Away from the mansion. Away from drama. Away from everything.

     How did you guys like it? This is an actually long chapter...I'm sorry that I plucked Amanda's name. Didn't have any other idea for beautiful names. Don't come for me. 😂.
Please do me a favour by voting on the book. It will really make my day. Love ya 😘.

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