Chapter 1

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Chantelle's P.O.V.
"Wake up Wake up its the first of the month", I hear my radio playing and it is the first of July as I get up and my phone dings. I pick up my red iPhone 7 Plus  and read the text from my mom.
Mom:"I was checking in and making sure your coming to dinner tonight and whether you want black-eyed peas or yams."
Me: "This is a non brained mom of course yams"
At the first of the month of every month my family gets together and make up our plans and goals for the month. Then every week mom calls and check on our how our plans go.
I check my messages and realize I have a 9:00 a.m appointment and I hurry up and go shower and put on this polo tank top and blazer with some khaki pants and sperrys. I don't have time to flat iron my hair so I just wet it and run out the door with coffee and a muffin. My job is about 45 minutes away but I ride 85 mph all they way there and I keep saying a small prayer "Jesus please let there be no police ahead" I said to myself.
I got to my office building, and went up to the 45th floor to get to my office
"Good Morning Lilly" I said
"Good Morning Chantelle, your 10:00 appointment is here" she said handing me my file.
I walked into my office and Mr. Sawyer was sitting in front of my desk. I walked around and got to my chair and out my things down.
"Hello Mr. Sawyer its finally nice to meet you I am Chantelle. I apologize for my tardiness, lost track of time." I said 
"Oh no problem I just got here a few minutes ago my self. I tend to run late sometimes, everyone has those days though." Mr. Sawyer said
The meeting goes fairly quick with Mr. Sawyer and I look at my watch and realize that I have enough time to go and get some Starbucks. I walk out of my office and ask my secretary does she want some Starbucks.
"Lilly I am gonna run to Starbucks do you want anything from there?" I asked
"No, my boyfriend picked me up some after his run this morning but thanks anyway." She replied
I decided to walk to Starbucks because its right down the street from my office building. When I walk in I realize its a pretty long line but Starbucks are famous for getting people in and out(sometimes) "Next please, Hello ma'am what may I get you?" The cashier asked me
"I would like a Large caramel macchiato, heavy cream, extra cream, and a salted carmel cake." I said
"Okay ma'am your total is $8.95" she said I handed her my Debit card to pay with. She handed me back my card I turned around and I bump into this really tall handsome and sexy man with black wavy hair, piercing blue eyes, and deep dimples in his cheeks.
"I am so sorry I wasnt paying attention." I said
"It's cool, lucky you weren't holding me and you didn't spill anything on me, hold on one second and let me order." he replied
This man will make you drop dead and then wake up and drop dead again. He has to be 6,7 and he looks like he is or was football player, and since when has he been coming here because I come in here almost everyday.
"Hey yeah its cool I wasn't paying attention either because I was texting my client back, you have some beautiful eyes and beautiful brown skin, and I did not catch your name. My name is Isaiah Brown"he said
"How rude of me I was raised better than this my name is Chantelle Brooks and its very nice to meet you. But I have to run but I hope to see you again" I say before walking out of Starbucks
Later that night
"Chantelle help your brothers and sisters set the table up for dinner." Mom said
I have 4 other siblings and I am in the middle but I was always the one that got the attention. My oldest brother Christian Brooks who is 29 years old and is engaged to Lizzie Ann Smith has his own software company called Nu Invention.
Then my brother Maxwell Brooks he is in the Marines and just got back from his first tour in Iraq, and I was a nervous wreck while he was over there because we were the closests of the 5 of us. Then me of course Chantelle Brooks who is 27 years old and I work for Samoht Software Inc.
Then I have 2 younger sisters one is 21 Angela definitely marches to her own beat she is a barber. And does some awesome work. I know right the odd ball of the family I tell her that all the time.
Brooke is still in high school she is gonna become a criminal lawyer. My father Nicholas was a lawyer and he just retired 2 years ago and the love of his life, my mother Brandy is a nuerosurgeon and she loves her job too much to retire. But she owns her own practice and she is still the best doctor to me.
We set the table and sit down for dinner and I cannot get Isaiah off of my mind.
"Chantelle, Chantelle" mom kept saying
"Oh, yes, my goal for the month is to gain some more clients" I said
"Thats a good goal to make and we believe you can do it" everyone says together We say this to give encouragement to each other and show each other we are able to do it
A few weeks later
Mr. Thompson calls me into his office to meet with him.
"Hello Mr. Thompson you called me" I said
"Yes I just wanted to tell you, you have 5 new clients since the beginning of the month and I just wanted to say congratulations you are going to make partner and there will be a party tomorrow night and it will be to make the announcement of you making partner and then end of summer party." He said and a big smile formed in my face
"Thank you so much Mr. Thompson I will not let you down and I wanna say this is a very humbling experience and I will make you proud." I said standing up and shaking his hand "
"You can have the rest of they day off to go out shopping and pick something out nice for yourself and go on and get out of here, hey promotion will give you a tremendous raise." He said
"I can't right now sir, I need to finish this report and then I will be out of here" I said
After I finish my report and shut down my computer, I get my things and leave and go downstairs to my jeep and got in and went to the mall.
I get to the mall and I went into this boutique and I found this beautiful black strapless pleated chiffon dress and went down to the Louis Vuitton and got some black heels. I was so excited about this night and I could not believe I it this promotion.
I order chinese food and ate it and went to bed so I could get some beauty rest for my big day tomorrow. I made sure I set my alarm early enough so I could get up and wash my hair and I ironed my work clothes. I ironed my loose Forever 21 white button down and a blue JCrew corduroy pencil skirt for work tomorrow. I got into bed and checked my phone and finally was able to go to sleep.
My radio goes off at 6:45 am and I have enough time after I get dressed to go to Starbucks for Coffee. I got dressed and grabbed everything needed for work and left and went and got into my Jeep. I got to the Starbucks and saw Isaiah sitting in the window working on his laptop. He had on a light grey suit with a white collar dress shirt and the body of the shirt is pink, and a pink and grey polka dot tie. I walk in and walk over to the table he was sitting at.
"Hey Isaiah" I said
"Chantel right?" He asked
" Yeah" I replied
"You didnt come and try to spill coffee on me did you, I have a stain repelent suit on today." He said and I chuckled at his joke
"No I came to get some more coffee and head to work have some meetings and I need coffee to start my day so I can make sure I am fully awake." I said I order my coffee and before I get my coffee Isaiah leaves and I was gonna ask him did he want to go to the party with me tonight as a peace offering. He drove a white mercedes just like the one my mom has, but oh well better get to work before I'm late.
I get to work and I have all but one of my appointments cancel on me and I was cool with that because the other one ended up cancelling too. I decided to ask Mr. Thompson can I leave early. I walk down to his office and knock on the door.
"Come in" he said
"Hi Mr. Thompson how are you?" I asked
"Good and you Chantelle?" he replied
"Good" I said
"What can I help you with?" he asked
"Can I head home early because all my appointments canceled on me and I dont know what is with that?" I asked
"Yes you can" he said as his phone rings
I go home and lay my dress out on my bed and I go get in the shower and wash my body. I wash my hair and it curls up and I get out of the shower and dry off and put lotion and then put my robe on. It usually takes me a couple of hours to get dressed for something this big. I do all needed things before putting my dress on. I got it on and looked at my self and saw my true beauty. A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts about myself.
It was my brother who was at the door, he was gonna be my escort tonight.
"Hey Max how you doing?" I asked and he stared at me for a second and then finally said something to me.
"Wow Chantel you look amazing I am glad I am a marine so these men won't be jumping at you like your ex. Speaking of your ex, have you talked to him any since you guys broke up?" he asked
"Yeah the last I heard he just want bankrupt and he has it out for me but I am not worried about him."I said
"Let's forget about him, are you ready to go sis?" Max asked "
Yeah we can drive my car."I said
"Everyone is gonna meet us there and Chantel I just want to say I am so proud of you." He said kissing me on my cheek before leaving my apartment
We get there and we start mingling and then I head to the bar and get something to drink and some comes up behind and says carmel macchiato double shot. I recongnized the voice and I turned around..........................................
Hey guys I am giving you what you promised, I am editing this book for you all. This is gonna be a long but quick process is you understand what I mean. But hit that vote button, follow, and comment.

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