Chapter 11

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Chantel P.O.V.

Wow a lot has been going on the past few weeks. We have are owners of 2 companies, we engaged, we have a house, my brother is gone for his second tour. I would feel like I am on top of the world only if my brother was here.

We have a business account with millions and we are planning to buy a building so we don't have to go to 2 separate work places for work.

It's a good time in our lives right now. It's the weekend so we are able to finally go and pick out some furniture for the house.

"Isaiah baby you ready?" "yeah, babe you seen my LeBron 10 suedes?" "Oh I put them in the box labeled LeBron's they are at the house."

"Okay, I will wear my sperrys and then take our last load over there and I will be back to get you and make sure we have everything." "okay"

Isaiah leaves and I walk through the house and begin thinking of all the memories. I walked in the bedroom and thought about Isaiah and I first time. How I trusted him and told him he was the one and the one I loved no matter what.

I walked in the closet and I walked beahind a my glasses and watches showcase and I saw a box and it spelled "David" and I just remembered that it was out memory box.

I say on the floor and opened it and saw tore up pictures and memories. Then there was a picture of him hitting me. I remember putting it in her because I thought no one would believe me because they really liked him and he was popular.

This picture begins to jog my memory and my eyes begin to well up and I immediately close the box up to hold back the tears.

Isaiah comes in and I just grab him and hug him and kiss him. "I am so grateful that you came in my life. You have made my bad days good days. Every time I wake up I have a smile on my face because God gave me you. Let's walk down memory lane, let's go in the guess bedroom.

This is the first place, you put your things. C'mon into the bedroom, this is the first time I gave myself to you. I put my trust in your hands that you would not betray me or take what you want and leave."

"Chantel I love you and you are the most important person in my life. You wanna know the real why I want to marry you. I want to marry you because you are a beautiful person I inside and out. I want to marry you because you care for people and help people before you help yourself.

I want to marry you because I have never loved a woman like I have loved you. I want to marry you because I want you to be the mother of my kids. I want to marry you because I would love for our daughter to grow up and be like you. Chantel you are an independent, hard-working, and loving person."

We get carried away with in the empty apartment and reminisce about what has happened in all of the almost 2 years and get dressed again and say or final goodbyes, and I put a letter on the fire place for the new owners/renter.

Dear new owners/renters

I was the previous person that lived here. I hope this place brings you as much joy as it did me. Before you moved in, I loved this place. This place was my sanctuary, I had many happy times, sad times, depressed times, and crying times. Writing this letter may seem so oblivious to you. But this is helping me close one chapter and open another with my Fiancé. Again, I hope the chapter you are opening when moving in is a great as the one I am opening.
Previous Owner

I finally am able to let go of my past and make my future look so much better than my past did. I take one last look and I am grateful for the time I had here and I am grateful for the time the new renters/owners will have here.

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