Chapter 4

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Isaiah's P.O.V.
6 months later
Chantelle and I have been dating for about 6 months now. I have kind of kept a secret from my family that I am dating her. It's not that I am wanting to, I just want to make sure that this is going the way I would like it to go. I walked into my moms salon, called Creationz. I said hi to the women that were there getting their hair done and the stylists also. Then as I was walking back the only stylist that always hits on me is named Jennifer steps in front of me.
"Hi Isaiah, how are you?" She asked
"I am good and you?" I asked trying to step past her
"Good, but I want you to go on a date with me" she said
"I do not date people from my mothers salon." I said
"Why?" She asked
"Because if something goes wrong between us and we break up, I don't want either of us feeling obligation or weirdness between you and my mom. And your not my type either" I said finally able to step past her.
I walked to her office and went in. 
"Hi mom" I said greeting her and going around her desk to get a hug
"Isaiah it's good to see you I was just thinking about you." She said
"Well tonight I want to take you to dinner with me. I want to treat you and talk and just catch up." I said
"Alright" she said
"I will pick you up at the house around 7:30pm" I said
"That is great" she said
"Oh yeah, but I have this friend who is a barber and she can cut hair. I have been having her cut mine lately, she mainly cuts at her parents house and other houses. Also she is like part-time at another barbershop and it's not enjoyable. But I mean I love it and she cuts all types of hair and does it very well." I said
"Okay you are trying to help me out. Trying to sway my decision or something." mom said looking up from her MacBook
"I know for the past few years you have been looking for someone to take one of those spots in this plaza for a barbershop and I think she would be perfect." I said
She put her hand on her chin and looked at me dead in my face.
"I will take a chance with her get me a résumé, a portfolio, and a business card. I will look over it and if I like her work I will give her a shot." Mom said saying it counting on her fingers
"Alright mom, I have to go back to work. I just came to ask you to dinner, so I will see you tonight." I said kissing her cheek
"You be careful and I will see you tonight and call me when you are on your way." She said
"Yes ma'am, see you tonight and I love you" I said
"Love you too son" she replied
I finished up at work and Chantelle texted me yesterday to ask could I pick her up from the airport, she has been gone for about 2 weeks, she was training others and doing presentations.
I am going there right now, I call her phone to see where she was at.
"Hello" her sweet voice said
"Hi, I am here at the airport, what gate are you at?" I asked
"Delta and I am getting my bags now and I should be out momentarily" she said before hanging up
I parked next to her gate and got out and leaned against my car on the passengers side. I waited a couple of minutes saying hello to strangers that passed by and smiled at me.
Chantelle came out looking back and forth looking for me. After a few seconds she came and ran to me with her Navy blue polo pants, white button down, with some sperrys. She had a black leather laptop case, with black leather suitcases and a Louis Vuitton duffel bag.
"Hi babe" she said before kissing me
"Hi my girlfriend" I replied after the kiss
"You ready to go?" I asked
"Very much so" she said
I opened the door for her to get into the Mercedes. I grabbed all of the bags and put them into the trunk. I closed the trunk and ran around the side and got in.
I began to drive to her apartment and I asked her to dinner.
"I am taking my mom to dinner, and since you to haven't met. I was wondering would you come with me to dinner to meet my mother?" I asked her
She was silent for a moment, I glanced at her to make sure she was okay.
"Have you mentioned me to her?" I asked
"I kind of have not mentioned you to anyone not even my sisters." I said cringing
"What?!!!" You haven't said anything about me? Let alone told her I am black." She said
"Babe she doesn't care, my mom is the farthest things from being racist." I said
"No I am not going and just take me home.
"Chantelle let me explain" I began to say
"Take me home!!" She yelled
We rode the rest of the way in silence.
Chantelle's P.O.V.
It hurts, because I think he is ashamed of me. He is ashamed that he is dating ablaze girl that much, that he hide me from his family. We finally pulled up at my apartment building, I jumped out. My bags were in the trunk, so I had to wait until he pulled the lever.
He attempted to grab the bags out of the trunk when I snatched them away and pulled them out on my own. I walked briskly towards my building. I got in my building and walked towards the elevators. I had Isaiah on my heels with his red basketball shorts, and black nike dri-fit t-shirt and his red and black nike free runs with matching black and red nike elite socks.
I hurried and got onto the elevator when I saw him and I shut the doors. I let out a deep breath in a sigh of relief. I clicked my floor number, and waited till the elevator went up to my floor. I got off the elevator and walked down to my apartment.
Some how Isaiah beat me upstairs, he probably took the steps. I got into the front of my door and he stood tall like a brick wall.
"Move out of my way, I am going to bed " I said forcefully
"No not until you let me explain" He said
"No, I'm going into my place and your going to move out of my way" I said again
"Let me explain" he said
"No, do not make me call Max because you know him. He will be over here in a heart beat." I said pulling out my phone
He gave in and moved, I step past him and unlocked my door. I grabbed all of my bags and things out of the hall.
He began to try and talk and I slammed the door in front of his face. I went back into my room and put my bags into my walk in closet. Good thing tomorrow is Saturday and I can wash and fold clothes and chill.
I went and got into the shower and washed my days adventures off. It was refreshing to take that shower. I finished showering and got out and lotioned my body and put on a long Nike t-shirt.
I said my prayers and turned my tv on to Martin and looked on my phone. I was texting my mom and dad that I made it back home safely. I laid in my bed after turning the lights off. I checked my phone and I was getting multiple texts from Isaiah.
Isaiah: I'm sorry Chantelle I never meant to hurt you.
Isaiah: If I had've known it was going to bother you this much I would have told them when we first met. He was knocking on my door for a long time and then I finally it stopped.
I attempted going to sleep but I was unable to. So I pulled my temper-pedic bed up, and grabbed my PS4 controller and turned my system on. I grabbed my headset and began to play Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare..
Isaiah's P.O.V.
I knocked on the door for awhile after she slammed the door in my face. I slid down the door and put face into my hands.
I called my mother to tell her that I would have to cancel.
"Hello" she said
"Hi mom" I replied
"Are you here already sweetie? I am not even dressed or even started getting dressed." She said
"Don't even worry about getting dressed mom, I am gonna have to cancel, because something has come up." I said
"Alright, but honey are you okay? You don't sound right." She asked
"Yeah mom I am fine just busy with work, that's all" I said
"Alright sweetie don't work too hard" she said before hanging up
We hung up and I looked at my watch and it said 7:30pm. I wanted Chantelle to know I loved her, and I was gonna let her know if it took me all night or even if it took me a lifetime.
The Next Morning
Chantelle's P.O.V.
I didn't go to sleep until about 3 in the morning playing Call of Duty, 2k, and FIFA. It is 8:30 am and I have to get up and got for my 5 mile morning run.
I get up and go into my closet and get my Nike volt and black running tights, and black Nike tank top.
I laid it out on the bed and grabbed my black Nike crew socks and then my volt green sports bra. I went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face.
I went and got dressed in my clothes and then I grabbed my workout case with armband. I connected my PowerBeats 2 and began to play my workout playlist, which included Tye Tribbett and Lecrae. I got my watch which I kept my time on. I stretched before leaving my apartment. I went to open my door to find a sleeping Isaiah, I thought it was cute but I was still mad. I took my key and locked the door after stepping over him.
I guess he heard me and he woke up and wiped his eyes. I walked to the elevator and pressed the button. He came running behind me and started talking but I couldn't hear anything he said due to having my headphones in and playing music.
The elevator came and I pressed the lobby and then put my apartment key in my shoe. I got downstairs and I waved to the Bellman Harvey. I began to jog and I turned around and saw Isaiah jogging behind me.
I ignored him and kept going, trying to clear my head. About a mile or 2 he sped up to me and started to jog backwards trying to talk to me.
It just frustrated me and I just blew up. I stopped jogging and took my headphone out and stopped.
"Leave me alone!! I need some space, I need time to think. Just leave me be, I want to run in peace." I yelled putting my headphone back into my ear.
I began to run again having no care in the world. After I finished my run, I went back to my apartment and took a shower and washed clothes, cleaned, and wrote into my journal.
This life write her is peaceful and I don't know what I am gonna do about Isaiah. But right now I think I need to focus on inner building and learning peace within myself. Making sure that I am comfortable with a man that would withhold information like me being black to his mother what would he withhold from me his spouse. 

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