Chapter 6

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Chantelle's P.O.V.
6 months later
I have been working my butt off since Christmas because I if I focus on my father I will not be able to go on. Me and Isaiah have been dating for about 1 year and some change. We are going on our first vacation in 2 weeks. We are gonna spend a week there and then a week in Fiji. I think this trip will be good for us and give us time.
Well, my brother Maximus will be leaving for his second tour in Iraq a few weeks after we get back from Fiji trip. Lauren graduates this weekend from high school and is headed to Stanford University. and Angelic Mrs. Walter are now business partners and business is booming.
I get to go pick up my father today from the hospital and he is finally going home after 7 months in the hospital. He can't do everything he used to but I am glad the worst is over.
I called Isaiah to see where he wanted to meet up for lunch. I dialed his number and it l
"Hey Isaiah, where do you want to meet up for lunch?" I asked
"Let's go to the park, it's a beautiful warm day." he replied
"Okay I will pick up some sandwiches and meet you there in an hour." I said
"Alright love, can't wait to see you" he said
"Me either, bye" I stated
"Bye" he said before hanging up the phone
As I walk in to the elevator I call my mom. Hopefully the call won't drop because of being in an elevator. But she picked up on the first ring.
"Hey mom, I know you are just getting back to work and things do you can stay at work and I will go and pick up dad."
"Okay thank you  sweetie I really appreciate it, I will be home when you drop him off." she replied
"Alright mom, love you and see ya then" I said
"Love you to honey" she said before I hung up the phone
An hour later
I pulled up to the park in my Jeep and I saw Isaiah from the truck. He was sitting in sort of the middle of the park with a blanket under him. He had a black suit on and a light blue shirt and a gray tie on.
"Hey babe" I said  as I snuck up behind him and try to cover his eyes as I bend down and I love when he smiles because I promise his dimples get deeper and deeper every time I see him.
"I brought some sandwiches, peach tea, fruit, and chips and dip."  I said after sitting down on the blanket and pulling all of the food out of the basket that I had
"Thanks babe, what would I do without you and your women skills." he said
"I don't know what would I do if I didn't have you in my life" I replied before giving him a kiss
We eat lunch and it goes by really fast and I hate it because I can't seem to spend enough time with him.
"C'mon babe I have to go pick up my dad and I will see you back at my place." I said as we wrapped up everything
"Okay, me and Max are gonna go to the shooting range and ice cream." I said
"Since when did y'all become buddy, buddy every since we started dating he didn't like you?" I questioned
"Well babe we are grown men and grown men resolve issues." he said helping me stand up
We kiss and I take his Mercedes because he is going to get his guns in me Jeep so he can get his guns do he won't mess my car up.
Isaiah's P.O.V.
Isaiah: Hey Max I'm outside you can come on out  Max: Okay I gotta grab my guns and then I am coming out.
He brings a 2 big gun cases and a 3 smaller ones and placed them in the back after opening up the tailgate.
"What's up Max what's been going on?"  I said after he got in
"Nothing I am just dreading this next tour it seems like time is going by too fast." he replied
"Can I ask you something?" I asked him pulling off to the shooting range
"Yeah" he replied
"I hope I am not overstepping my boundary, but what's it like over there?" I asked
"Well, when you are flying over there you are trying to prepare your mind for what is about to happen. Because I was over there for a year and when you first go it's so hard. Because you don't know what to expect or what you will see. You are praying and asking God to protect you and your troop. But it doesn't hit you until you get off the plane. The first year I was there I cried my self to sleep every night. but the main thing that kept me focus was Chantelle. Yeah I love my other brother and sisters but me and Chantelle are as thick as thieves. While I was over there I couldn't get her running away crying after saying goodbye to me out of my head.
I threw up almost every day at first because I wasn't used to the heat or terrain. I saw my best friend get killed and we were 2 weeks from going home and we were shooting and he looked back to see if I was okay and a bullet hit him in his head. I will never forget that and I talk to his wife almost everyday. Because we made a promise that if something happened to either one of us we would take care of each other's families.
Although me and Chantel were close this was different and we just kind of clicked and we don't go a day without talking she lives a little bit north of Chicago." He said
"That's a lot to digest. Well we are here now let's go see who's the better shot." I said
We go shoot and head to the Dairy Queen down the street and get some Ice Cream. He gets a Reese Cup blizzard and I get a Confetti Blizzard.
"Chantelle and I have been dating for a year now and you know we are going on year. You know we are going to Fiji on our first couples trip in a couple weeks. I was thinking about proposing to her while we were there. I was wondering if I could have your blessing to make her my wife.?" I asked
"Yeah, but on one condition. If you hurt her you are dead meat. Don't you dare cheat on her, and if you raise a finger at her I will cut your hand off. If you cheat on her I will cut off you jewels." he said with a straight face
"Let's go now I have to go ask your parents." I said getting off the tailgate of Chantelle's Jeep.
It only takes a few minutes for us to get back to the house.
"Max can you go in and see if Chantel is there?"
I asked
"Yeah" he said and he ran inside as look around and then waved me to come in
I walked inside and into the kitchen where Mrs. Mason was charting on her MacBook and Ipad.
"Hi Mrs. Mason, how are you doing?" I asked giving her a hug
"I'm good how are you?" she asked giving me a hug and a kiss
"Good, is there any way I can talk to you and Mr. Mason for a few minutes?" I asked
"Yeah, c'mon he is in here watching the game." she said leading me into the family room
"Drew, Isaiah is here to talk to us about something" Mrs. Mason
"What does he want Marcie?" Mr. Mason asked
"I don't know let's talk to him" she replied
"Have a seat Isaiah" she said pointing to the love seat
"Okay, this is halftime you have that amount of time to get through the conversation
"Chantelle and I have been dating for a year and some change now and you know we are going on year. You know we are going to Fiji on our first couples trip in a couple weeks. I was thinking about proposing to her while we were there. I was wondering if I could have your blessing to make her my wife.?" I asked them
"You have my blessing" says Mrs. Mason
"Now you love my little girl?" Mr. Mason asked
"Yes, sir I am in love with her and I will do whatever it takes for us to stay in love." I said
"You have my blessing and I want you to make sure you take care of her." he replied
"Thank you guys so much I will not let you down." As I walk out I tell Maximus, "I will be by tomorrow to at 3 p.m. pick you up so we can go pick out a ring." I said before leaving

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