Chapter 22

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Chantel's P.O.V.

I signed the papers and the doctors are in there and begin to turn off the machine and pull him off. They leave right after to give Bailey and I some time with him alone. I begin to cry and I feel some movement and hear him say "Chantel, sweetheart why are you crying?"

I run out of the room and grab doctor cooper and run back in the room. "Hey Mr. Walter can you hear me?" "Yeah doc loud and clear." "Breathe in deep and breath out" doctor cooper says as he places his stethoscope on his chest and back.

"Mr. Walter as of now you have a clean bill of health I mean besides the gun shot wound, soreness, and some shoulder stiffness you are good to go." "Thank you Doctor Cooper" we both say at the same time.

"Is that my Bailey Bear?" "Yeah she is 4 1/2 months now. Now she had your dark wavy/curly hair and my hazel eyes and they change colors. You should see her when you were on the ventilator and at nap time she would lay on you and even when she wasn't she knew it was you."

"You know when I was not awake I saw my mom and dad. It's crazy how much Bailey has so many features of them both like in the nose, mouth, and eye shape. I met him and it was wonderful I got to see my mom and I got peace and a sense of closure also."

"I missed you so much, okay babe when I tell you this you have to promise you won't be mad." "Okay" "I signed the papers for them to take you off the ventilator. But hear me out before you say something. I couldn't sit here for another month of you in a vegetative state of you giving me involuntary movements." "You know babe I don't care what happened I am just glad that I am back and I have you and Bailey my 2 favorite women."

"We are almost back to your road of recovery but that involves one thing. Getting this case over with, with David and Summer. They didn't want to move on with the case until you woke up but they did a pre-trial to see whether there was probable cause to move further with the case." I explain to Isaiah

"Okay, I don't want to think about that now I just woke up and I just want to spend time with you, Bailey, and my family." "Okay sweetheart I'm sorry I should've waited, until at least you are about to go home." With that we were interrupted by Doctor Cooper.

"I forgot one thing when you were shot it hit your collarbone and broke it so you have a broken collar bone. You had a severed ligament also so we stitched that up for you. Before you leave we are gonna do an x-ray to make sure everything is healing correctly and in place."

"Okay thanks, I will need a sling?"

"Yeah it's going to be a sling but it's the one with a big pillow in between the fling and your arm. You will need it for probably about 6-7 months at the most but if you do rehabilitation you may only need it for 3-6 months do that almost cuts your healing time in half. We are gonna keep you over night for observation and then we will be release first thing in the morning."

"That's wonderful, I really appreciate all that you have done for my wife, daughter and most of all me."

With that Dr. Cooper left, and went back to his normal routine.

"Okay babe, I am gonna go home and get you some pajamas so you can take a shower and wash your hair because I know them little sponge baths I have you wasn't nothing." "What do you mean you gave me?" "I gave you all those sponge baths twice a day and my hands are wrinkled because of that." "Thats what they have nurses for." "I am not gonna have some nurse coming in and rubbing all over my husband like that, all though he wasn't awake he still was fine as always."

"You are so extra, Bailey Bear give daddy a kiss so mommy can go get my stuff. " I put her in her car seat and grabbed her diaper bag and headed out and before I head out I said something to Isaiah.

"I am gonna bring back your buddy so he can being your things. I love you so much." "Thanks babe, I don't know what I would do without you and I love you more and you too Bailey." She began to smile as she heard her name called."

As I drove home I called everyone excited and was telling them that Isaiah had woken up and is coming home tomorrow.

Isaiah's P.O.V.

I am so glad I am back, I think if I had've made the decision to stay with my parents it would've been the worst decision that I have ever made in my whole entire life. Bailey is just growing to be so beautiful and to think just 4 1/2 months ago we just had her and became a family 👪. I will never take them for granted and I promise to show them how much I love them each and every day.

Chantel's P.O.V.

I went home and packed Isaiah's things like: axe body wash, toothbrush, toothpaste, brush and comb, razors, house slippers, volt green and blue nike elite shorts, white t-shirt, light green polo shirt, fitted jeans, polo jacket, polo beanie, and his Canary LeBron's. He needs a lot of stuff for just one night but it's better just to safe than sorry. I tell him all the time he has a process almost as long as mine.


Whoop whoop he woke up!!!!!! As I am writing this I am thinking how more interesting can I make it. Sorry that's it was just an intimate moment between them so him waking up would be easy and a smooth transition. Yes he does need all that stuff for just one night.

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