Chapter 20

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Maximus P.O.V.

"I know my sister and brother-in-law would like to press charges on both of them to the full extent." "okay we will need someone who was here to come down to the station and fill out a report and tell what happened." "okay I will I have to get my family situated."

"Alexis I want you to take Bailey and Lily and keep them and I will call you when Chantel wants Bailey. Go get some of her things and I will put Lily and Bailey in their car seats." I tell Alexis "okay" she says before heading upstairs.

"Angelic take mom, dad, Christian, and Lizzie to the hospital. Then Lauren can you come with me and help Alexis take care of the kids." "yeah" "We will leave once y'all leave and we will meet you at the hospital."

Isaiah sisters left with the ambulance, so I didn't need to tell them what to do. I always feel like the one that needs to take control of the situation me being an officer and all.

I go and and help Alexis with Bailey's things and go help her put the things in the car. Before we leave and shut the door I look back on the floor and see Isaiah's blood on the floor and just a few feet away David's blood. I hate my sister even got mix up with a snake like him. He was a wolf in sheep's clothing, glad she didn't marry him.

Chantel's P.O.V.

We get to the hospital and the immediately rush him into the ER room. I am standing around and after a minute I try to get by his side and the force me out of the room and pull the curtain shut.

I am frozen I see people coming in and out of the room I can't move. Everything around me was moving like nascar racing. I couldn't move a muscle. I stayed there until the doctor came out.

"Mrs. Walter?" "Yes"

Isaiah's P.O.V.

I am in this place and there are people standing together and the look so familiar. I feel like I am walking on cotton. I realize it's my mom and dad and they grab me and hug me and sit me down and begin to talk to me.

"Hey mom and dad, I always wanted to meet you dad and I finally have." "Hello son I met you when you were born. Emma raise you right, you are the man I have always wanted you to be and more. You have a beautiful wife and daughter. I see you will do anything to protect them." My dad says

"Yes sir I did"I say "What do you mean by I did?" my mom asks "I mean I am dead dead aren't I?, that's why I am seeing you guys" "Isaiah I know I raised you better than that you are just gonna give up like that. You have a wonderful wife that was there for you when I died and have a beautiful daughter who hasn't even known you for a year and you wanna just leave them."

"Son I usually agree with you but you mother is right you have a long life ahead of you and you have many more kids to have. But we can only tell you, you have to make the decision whether you want to go back or stay here, you know what we think." "Well I think I am gonna......................"

Alexis P.O.V.

Maximus helps us into the house and brings everything in.

"Okay guys I am gonna leave you here. Alexis I mean if anybody comes to the door and it's not me or someone you know ignore it. Close all the blinds and windows. You know where my guns are and know the code to the safe."

"I know, you be safe babe and I love you more than you know." "I love you too, if you need anything call me."

Maximus goes and hops in out Black Cadillac Escalade and drives off heading to the police station.

Chantel's P.O.V.

"Well Mrs. Walter, we are about to take him to surgery and once he leaves surgery he will be on life support and after that it will be just a waiting game. That's all we can say, we will know more once he's out of the woods."

I go out into the waiting room and tell them what is going on. "Angelic where's my baby?" I ask " She's with Alexis and Lauren at Maximus's house." she states "Give me your keys" I command "Chantel , you probably want to wait till Isaiah gets out of surgery before you go anywhere." "I need to see my baby, GIVE ME YOUR KEYS." I say with a stern voice.

I go and get in her cream Cadillace Escalade and head over to Maximus's house.

Maximus's P.O.V.

I head down to the police station to file the report and see if I can get David alone somewhere, where there are no cameras. I have some friends there in some very high places.

"Hey bolt, what's going on?" "Max man what's up, what you down here for?" Bolt asks "Well my sisters ex-boyfriend basically didn't like her new life or her husband and came in and held is hostage and shot my sisters husband and his life is hanging in the balance."

"Wow man I'm sorry, hey is there anything I can do for you?" "Yeah, can you get him roughed up a little just to let him know he doesn't mess with my family." "let me see what I can do but no promises and fill this paper work out and on this piece of paper write out what exactly what happened and I will be back."

I fill out the report and then I write out exactly what happens from beginning to end and take them back up to Bolt.

"Bolt here you go, I gotta go right." "Ah Max, I got what you asked for they said they will do a little more than rough him up." "Thanks Bolt I knew I could count on you." "Hey your sister has to come down in the next couple of days to identify or someone who was there." "okay I will bring someone back down here for some identification." "Bolt you da man" "Thank Max"

Alexis P.O.V.

I was watching tv with Lauren and Lily after we finally got Bailey to sleep and I heard a banging at the door and Bailey began to cry.

I went to the door to find out that it was just Chantel. I opened up the door to a distraught Chantel.

"Chantel, why aren't you at the hospital with Isaiah?" "I need to see Bailey" she's sees her and runs to her and Bailey immediately stops crying.


What will Isaiah choose? , to stay with his parents, or go back and spend his life with Chantel.

Whoaaaa Chantel is she on the verge of a mental break or is this just how she is grieving over Isaiah due to his life hanging in the balance.

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