Chapter 16

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2 1/2 months later
I am 8 1/2 months pregnant the doctor put me on bed rest so Isaiah have been at home and every time my feet hit the floor he is always like what are you doing.

I get up to go pee and take a bath. "Chantel why are you up?" He yells from the baby's room. I go in the baby's room where he is. Isaiah put the changing table under the window and the rocking chair over there. Move this crib right quick.

I want to put our handprints under her name and when she comes home we can put her hand print there. I am gonna go and get some water."

"Okay be careful I don't really want you walking downstairs." I walk downstairs and I get me a bottle of water and I head back upstairs and feel some pain. I sit on the step and I slowly go back upstairs and get back in the bed.

I feel something wet hit the sheets and I think my water just broke. "Isaiah, I think it's time to go to the hospital." Isaiah runs in the room and is in shock. "Ahhhh what did you say?" "My water just broke and we need to go to the hospital."

"Ahhhh okay um I have to pack something's." "Isaiah, go in the closet under my things there is a duffel bag with stuff for you and me." "Okay" "Now go in the baby's room closet and look and get the baby bag with her initials on it."

I grab him some clean jeans, polo t-shirt, polo jacket, and his Sperry's. "Chantel c'mon I will help you down the stairs." "I have to grab the camera, IPad, and iphone charger, and my laptop."

"Chantel, I got the car do you need help?" "yes, come and grab the bags." We go and get in the car and Isaiah drives very quickly.

Isaiah runs in and grabs a wheelchair. "Be careful and let me help you out." He runs in and presses the elevator. We go to the maternity ward desk. "My wife is in labor and her name is Chantel Walter and we have the birthing suite."

"Yes, Mr. and Mrs. Walter I will show you the room." We get in the room and Isaiah goes and parks the car and brings all the bags up.

Mrs. Walter are you feeling any pain?" "Yes I have a high tolerance for pain so they are not that strong yet."

A few hours later

Isaiah's P.O.V

"Ahhhhhh, it hurts I hate contractions" "Babe, I know but think about the beautiful joy we are gonna have." The doctor comes in and says "It maybe time to push let me feel and see how dilated you are.

You are exactly 10 cm dilated, so we can push. We are gonna get set up here. Mr. Walter I need you to hold her leg like this and the nurse will count."

They get everything set up. "Mrs. Walter I need you to push in 3...2....1. push." "Babe push push push push." I look down there to see baby's head and how I wish I should have. I think I threw up in my mouth a lot."

"We need you to push one last time babe and we will have our baby girl. A contraction is coming now c'mon push push, push, push."

The baby comes out and I cry and Chantel is crying. "You guys have a small and healthy baby girl. Born at 12:30 p.m on August 11th " "Chantel she is beautiful, I am gonna have to get another gun for her." "Mr. Walter would like to cut the cord?" "Yes, I would live too."

After stitch and clean Bailey and I up

Chantel's P.O.V

"I really don't feel like a mom right now. Are my family out there?" "Yes, they said they will be here tomorrow to see her." "You wanna hold her I am so sore I wanna get some snooze. I love you do much and I wouldn't want to have a child with any other person than you."

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