Chapter 14

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"I am gonna try to say this in the easiest way possible. Isaiah I didn't want to tell you but I found a lump on my breast and I had to have a biopsy on Chantel's brother wedding day.

I told your sisters but I haven't told no of you that the lump is cancerous and the cancer is in the beginnings of Stage 4 the final stage. I start Chemo in a week or so and a start radiation in 2 weeks."

"I am going to bed goodnight everyone." Isaiah says. I walk everyone to the door and clean up and out everything in the fridge. I lock the doors and set the alarm.

I walk in the bedroom I find him playing black ops. "Can I play with you?" He throws me a remote "Let's play a one-on-one match. We play the match in silence and once it is over I grab Isaiah's head and lay it on my lap and run my hand through his freshly cut hair.

He cries so hard I begin to cry too. I am not going to tell him I knew because he would be mad and I don't want to argue. "I don't know babe what I would do without her. She brought me into this world and she is going to leave this world."

"You know Isaiah, I am about to go a little bit spiritual something my aunts and uncles told me. When someone would die and I would cry they would tell me their time is up. God puts people in our life and when it's time for them to go they will send He will send someone else to come in.

See God knew that it was gonna be time for your mother to leave. So I felt like he sent me and my family. It was meant for us to meet so that I might become something that you may be able to lean on during hard times.

6 months later

The wedding is only 3 days away am I getting nervous and I am ready to be his wife and start a family together. I feel like I have been running around with my head cut off but the time is finally coming.

3 days later

This day two heart became one. We get married and the church is super full. We have the wedding and my train is 12 ft and I love it and I have my bling over where.

The reception is beautiful and intimate and that night we danced most of the night.

We decided not to have a honeymoon in another town. But we took 3 days off and we are gonna have a good time with no distractions.

We leave the reception hall and go back home and immediately when we stepped in the door we couldn't hold ourselves back.

We go and I pull his jacket, bow tie, and dress shirt off. He unzips my dress and I step out of it and I wrap my legs around him as he carries me upstairs. I am scratching his back and pulling his head up and down. Kisses me all down my body and around my neck.

2 months later

Isaiah's P.O.V

Me and Chantel have been married for a about 2 months now. I feel like almost every night we have had sex or something.

I am in love with her all over again. Well my sister is in the last stages of of the cancer. Chantel has been there for me all of the time.

Ring Ring Ring

"Hello" "Babe Lisa just called me she just said that your mom has been rushed to the hospital. I don't know what to do, I don't know where she is at, I am so confused. I just ran home to grab some new plans for some software ideas and your sister called and everything was going so fast." "Chantel slow down tell me where they are going?" "Lisa said they were taking her to Jewish Hospital."

"Chantel do me a favor stay where you are. You are at the house right?" "yes" "Stay there I will be there in 10 minutes."

I hang up the phone and begin to pack my things and put my suit coat on and call in my right hand man Drew.

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