Chapter 3

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Chantelle's P.O.V.
After our showers we laid on my bed and watch tv on my Vizio 4K tv. I turned it to Suits and caught up on the recent episodes from the past weeks that I missed because I am busy.
We ordered Chinese take out. It came about 45 minutes later after we got comfortable. He got dessert with it to say sorry about my ankle. Then we just kind of made conversation to get to know each other.
"So who are you?" He asked
"I am Chantelle Brooks, I am 27 years old--" I began to say and Isaiah interrupted me
"No something I do not know about you, or something that is interesting about you" he said
"I love sports, free writing, and I love television" I said he laughed
"That is something that's weird because girls usually do not like sports. Majority of the girls I have dated in the past are air heads and do not really have any substance to them." He explained
"What about you?" I asked
"What about me?" He asked in question
"Stop playing mind games with me, the same thing you asked me" I said
"Well I am different, don't think I am soft because of this. But I write in a journal every morning and every night. The I carry one around me in my car, briefcase, and work desk because when things come to mind I want to write them down. But I golf, coach football, coach basketball, love television also." He explained
Isaiah's P.O.V.
We were laying on the bed eating, hanging out, and getting to know one another better.
"Okay okay I can respect that about your journals. Do you have siblings?" She asked
"I do in fact I have 3 other sisters. One is a lawyer and her names is Isabella and she is 31 year older than me and is the oldest and is entrepreneur. She has a 3 year old daughter. Then Hailey is that is 28 years old she is a lawyer.  Brooklyn she is studying to become a heart surgeon, and is 25 years old." I said
I ran my hands through my overly zealous hair.
"Why do you want to date me?" She asked
"Well first off because you bumped into me, and it was love at first sight. I have loved the past times we have spent time together for the past few days and I know that I am gonna marry you" I said
"Whoa buddy your a little far fetched, we haven't even went on date 2." She replied to me
"I know but just wait, I am gonna go because I have to go to the barbershop." I said
"I can call my sister and she can come over tonight and cut it." She said
"You think she can?" I asked
"Yeah, she is usually just goes to about 6 or 7 and its 5:30 now" she said
"Do you mind if she comes?" I asked
"If I minded why would I ask?" She asked me
"Just being mindful, and I would very much appreciate it." I said
She grabbed her phone off of the charger careful not to drop the cord, but she dialed her sister.
She put the phone on speaker, and told me not to say anything.
"Hello" Angela said
"Hi how's the best little sister in the world." She said with a smile on her face
"What do you want?" Angela asked
"Why do you always have to assume I want something? I just can not call and say your the best little sister and my favorite second to the youngest sister." She said
"What do you want?" She said
"Okay my guy friend needs a haircut and I was kind of wondering could you come over this evening and do it?" She asked and cringed
"Yes" Angela said with ease
"What is wrong with you? You never say yes like that." Chantelle replied
"I have not clients this evening and I am finishing my last one up right now." Angela said
"We will be waiting" she said before hanging up the phone
While we waited for her sister to come, we just continued to talk.
"Favorite Ice cream?" I asked
"Strawberry, favorite movie?" She asked
"I know I am white and all but it's The Players Club." I said
"Really? That is a good movie" she replied
"Favorite football team?" I asked
"Bengals, favorite basketball team?" She asked
"I have 3, Cleveland Cavaliers, Oklahoma City Thunder and most of all the Chicago Bulls." I said
"Oklahoma City is not like my ultimate I love seeing them play. Cleveland and Chicago." She replied
20 minutes later
Chantelle's P.O.V.
It's 6:30 and Angela texted me that she was coming up.
"Isaiah, Angela is coming up can you go and open the door and I will be out there in a second." I said
"Your sure you don't need help?" He asked
"No I can manage, playing sports in high school and college, I've had some major injuries." I said
He left the room and went and waited till Angela came. I got out of the bed and grabbed my crutches, and grabbed my phone and put it in my joggers sweat pants. I crutched my way into the living/kitchen area and saw Angela preparing for Isaiah's haircut.
"Hi Angela" I said going to sit in the counter in the kitchen and put my feet on the counter where Angela was gonna cut his hair.
"Hi Chantelle, but what happened to you?" Angela asked
"Well today Isaiah and I were running and coming down the hill and I sprained my ankle pretty bad." I said
"Oh, so your hurting my sister now. I am the one with the clippers and scissors in my hand." She said
"Don't do me like that, it was complete accident. I took her to the hospital to get checked out and helped her back her and even bought her dinner to apologize." He said turning around in the chair
"Whatever" she said as she finished cleaning her clippers
She took the neck strip and tied it around his neck. Then she took her barber cape that had combs, brushes, scissors, and razors over it and draped it over him. The cape went a little below his kneecaps.
"Angela I am taking your sisters word on this haircut. I am trusting you, I am putting my hair in your hands. I don't just let anyone cut my hair." He said turning around looking at her
"My work is proven, I have cut your type of hair before my dad's hair is just like yours. If I mess up lets just say it's payback for hurting my sister. How do you want your haircut?" She asked
"Not funny again....but do a mid-fade around the sides and back. Then I want a side part like Matt Barnes, and scissors on top. " he said
I watched as my sister took different guards and combs, used to cut his hair.
It was interesting how she could only use certain clippers to do certain things. What took the cake was when she pulled out scissors that was like a scissors on one side and a comb and scissors combined on the other.
A half an hour
Angela finally finished cutting Isaiah's hair. She brushed him off with the hand brush. Then she handed him a mirror to look at it, and he turned his head side to side to see what he looked like.
"I love it, what do you think Chantelle?" He asked
"I like it, it fits you" I said
Angela took the draped and shook all of the hair on the floor.
"You getting that up right?" I asked
"Girl don't bother me, I am gonna clean it up. Cause of your precious mahogany floors." She said mocking me
"Well you don't pay for those floors or this apartment now do you?" I asked
"----" she said nothing
"Well I pay $2500 a month for this place, and as Martin says Respect My House" I said
"Where is the broom?" She asked
"In the laundry closet next to the guest bedroom" I said
"Thanks for cutting my hair you did a great job. My mom has a plaza and she is looking for a barbershop to come in there and I will tell her about you. But how much do I owe you?" He asked
"No it's cool as long as you make my sister happy." says Angela
Although Angela said no payment is necessary, Isaiah took a $50 dollar bill and gave it to her. She packed her things after cleaning and left.
"Okay I have had a wonderful time and would love to stay longer, but I have to get home and feed my hamster." He said
"Okay text me when you get home" I said sliding off the counter giving him a hug
He hugged my back and walked to the door.
"Bye" he said before stepping out of the apartment
It was cool just hanging out and getting to know someone for who they really are.

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